Make no mistake, Harris-Biden will pack the courts

Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.

I have come not to rely on your powers of observation as they are often biased. It is safe to say that the trajectory of the campaign has not changed.

It is the Republicans who have changed the rules. They changed them in 2016 and in 2020. It was all in their quest for power. If the court veers off to the far right then it will be justified.

I stated an opinion. I did not present it as fact as so many Leftists here on USMB tend to do. Are you aware that opinions are biased?

Your opinions tend to favor Trump so they are meaningless. My opinion is nobody hurt themselves. I voted for Biden but I can be a honest observer.

You are full of shit if you think you are in a position to be an "honest observer" calling other peoples' opinions meaningless. You state you "can" be an honest observer; how or why is that the case? As for me, here are my opinions of Trump: He was not my first choice in 2016. He's crass, he's too petty engaging in any and all fights, and, he spends too much. Trump also pursues international and economic policies that hold accountable our allies and enemies alike and Trump favors the individual taxpayer and small businesses which is why I vote for him.

Let's be honest.
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.
Kumala got destroyed last night. In an election between the two oldest white men ever running for POTUS, one with obvious dementia onsetting and the other just recovering from covid19, Pence appeared measured and presidential while Harris comported herself like a silly high school drama queen. The fear of toilet paper was classic. One of these two could very likely end up as POTUS, and Harris is obviously above her pay grade. The more she and Biden dodge key questions about the SCOTUS/GND, the more they are exposed as duplicitous politicians, willing to do anything for power. Not a good look.

The toilet paper panic was pathetic. The real panic was waiting for Stimulus I wondering how you would buy groceries and why Pelosi and Schumer held it up over mail in voting, bailout of the postal service, and new curtains for the Kennedy Center.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Repubs see their ideas are not popular. Now they are trying to rule through appointed judges. Lie, cheat, steal, the republican way.

Accusing the opposition of what your side does regularly. Increasing the size of the court to protect your ideas is a major game-changer. That idea is not Republican.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.
There is no way for knowing how the American people will feel about this topic in 2021.

The voters won’t care
They didn’t care that Republicans held a Supreme Court Vacancy open for a year in 2016, they wont care if Democrats add a few more seats.

Most voters don’t know how may justices there are now, they certainly will have other things to worry about by 2024
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.
[/QUOT] Changing the rules??.. like nominating a judge right before an election instead of waiting until after the election like they did in 2016. Expanding the court to eleven judges and limiting their terms to say 10-15 years instead of life sounds good. And doing away with an outdated Electoral College sounds good too.
Magic thinking AGAIN? It was said that Dems Could pack the court, not that they would, in our country winning has become more important than doing the right thing.
Packing the Courts is purely hypothetical right now

IF Biden wins the election
IF Democrats take the Senate
IF Democrats hold the House
IF Republicans lose Bigly at all levels
IF Republicans fill the vacancy as a Lame Duck that the public soundly defeated after claiming the voters need to decide
IF a Democratic Congress gets rid of the filibuster
IF that Congress decides to pack the courts

THEN it would be up to Biden to fill those vacancies

Too Hypothetical......I would just answer... We’ll see

What is not hypothetical is that Liberals NEED the Courts more than they do winning the hearts and minds of American voters.
You couldn’t be more wrong.

Republicans NEED the Courts. Demographics show that they are losing their ability to win Congress and the White House. There are just more Democrats than Republicans

That is why McConnell has spent the last six years stocking the courts at all levels with young Conservatives. Overturning Democratic initiatives in the Courts is the only alternative Republicans will have over the next few decades.

Just like they had few alternatives other than the Courts in the 1930s
Elections have consequences Democrat scum.

Glad you said that
Dems win the election, they can pack the court
They can, doesn't mean it's a smart political move. Just like denying Obama a hearing on his last pick for the court was legal and unstoppable, but not necessarily smart. Just like Reid going nuclear was possible, but ill-advised. And consider this, how many judges who normally see the SC as the highest honor they can achieve, would want it after it was obvious they were picked solely to be an extension of the democrat party? You would probably see some deliberately giving the democrats a thumb in the eye for doing it.
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.
[/QUOT] Changing the rules??.. like nominating a judge right before an election instead of waiting until after the election like they did in 2016. Expanding the court to eleven judges and limiting their terms to say 10-15 years instead of life sounds good. And doing away with an outdated Electoral College sounds good too.

How and why is the Electoral College “outdated”? Why, because of a population shift?
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.
[/QUOT] Changing the rules??.. like nominating a judge right before an election instead of waiting until after the election like they did in 2016. Expanding the court to eleven judges and limiting their terms to say 10-15 years instead of life sounds good. And doing away with an outdated Electoral College sounds good too.

How and why is the Electoral College “outdated”? Why, because of a population shift?
It goes against the one man/one vote premise.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Packing the courts is not "evening the score". It is completely destroying one of our 3 branches of government.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.
There is no way for knowing how the American people will feel about this topic in 2021.

The voters won’t care
They didn’t care that Republicans held a Supreme Court Vacancy open for a year in 2016, they wont care if Democrats add a few more seats.

Most voters don’t know how may justices there are now, they certainly will have other things to worry about by 2024

You got this part right. Voters are ignorant, particularly Democratic voters. Democrats rely on this ignorance every election cycle. Those of you that vote for Democrats AND have more than a nat brain should not welcome the destruction of one of our 3 branches of government.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.
There is no way for knowing how the American people will feel about this topic in 2021.

The voters won’t care
They didn’t care that Republicans held a Supreme Court Vacancy open for a year in 2016, they wont care if Democrats add a few more seats.

Most voters don’t know how may justices there are now, they certainly will have other things to worry about by 2024

You got this part right. Voters are ignorant, particularly Democratic voters. Democrats rely on this ignorance every election cycle. Those of you that vote for Democrats AND have more than a nat brain should not welcome the destruction of one of our 3 branches of government.
I always find it interesting how strict Constitutionalists change their minds when the Constitution doesn't support their position. Folks we call our founders left a door open for a time when someone might abuse the court system they designed. Adding justices and the size of courts is the remedy they chose.
Elections have consequences Democrat scum.

Glad you said that
Dems win the election, they can pack the court
They can, doesn't mean it's a smart political move. Just like denying Obama a hearing on his last pick for the court was legal and unstoppable, but not necessarily smart. Just like Reid going nuclear was possible, but ill-advised. And consider this, how many judges who normally see the SC as the highest honor they can achieve, would want it after it was obvious they were picked solely to be an extension of the democrat party? You would probably see some deliberately giving the democrats a thumb in the eye for doing it.
Voters did not punish Republicans for refusing to fill a seat for a year
They will not care if Dems pack the courts
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.
There is no way for knowing how the American people will feel about this topic in 2021.

The voters won’t care
They didn’t care that Republicans held a Supreme Court Vacancy open for a year in 2016, they wont care if Democrats add a few more seats.

Most voters don’t know how may justices there are now, they certainly will have other things to worry about by 2024

You got this part right. Voters are ignorant, particularly Democratic voters. Democrats rely on this ignorance every election cycle. Those of you that vote for Democrats AND have more than a nat brain should not welcome the destruction of one of our 3 branches of government.

Republicans elected Trump

You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.
There is no way for knowing how the American people will feel about this topic in 2021.

The voters won’t care
They didn’t care that Republicans held a Supreme Court Vacancy open for a year in 2016, they wont care if Democrats add a few more seats.

Most voters don’t know how may justices there are now, they certainly will have other things to worry about by 2024

You got this part right. Voters are ignorant, particularly Democratic voters. Democrats rely on this ignorance every election cycle. Those of you that vote for Democrats AND have more than a nat brain should not welcome the destruction of one of our 3 branches of government.
I always find it interesting how strict Constitutionalists change their minds when the Constitution doesn't support their position. Folks we call our founders left a door open for a time when someone might abuse the court system they designed. Adding justices and the size of courts is the remedy they chose.

What abuse is this you speak of? Trump was elected for a 4 year term starting in 2016. His term is not over until the end of 2020. The Senate was elected with a Republican majority from 2018 until the end of 2020. The voters have spoken and it is the President and Senate's jobs to appoint justices during his 4 year term, not for 3 years and 10 months.

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