Make no mistake, Republicans raised the debt ceiling. Biden and Schumer are refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

I already pointed that out. Too bad for the OP he thinks that's a shit poll.

Any poll that asks who is to blame for the debt ceiling crisis and leaves out “Democrats” as an option is a joke, like you Simp.
They acted alright....holding the country hostage. Just abhorrent practices by Dems but that's what we're dealing with now.
So cut remaining COVID spending (costing jobs) cut Snap benefits, making kids go hungry … and lots more bullshit YOU. Fuckers had no problem with when YOU raised the debt ceiling numerous times.

Republicans have done all that is needed to raise the debt ceiling and avoid defaulting in our debt and wrecking the economy.

Why are Schumer and Biden driving the country off a cliff?

Ahh, No it didn't...

Europe, Asia... All of them generally took there senior medical advice and had lockdowns...
Brazil was an exception and look how that faired out..

It is simple... You don't care how many Americans had to die, you don't give a fuck about them...
Then you will tell us how you are a patriot...
No, you assholes didn’t give a fuck about the elderly when your heroes Cuomo and Whitmer murdered tens of thousands of them by forcing nursing homes to take Covid positive people. Then denying their relatives even seeing them on their deathbeds (relatives should have just slapped the shit out of you peons and seen their loved ones before their deaths). Another case of projection from you.
So cut remaining COVID spending (costing jobs) cut Snap benefits, making kids go hungry … and lots more bullshit YOU. Fuckers had no problem with when YOU raised the debt ceiling numerous times.

Nothing but lies from you. Not a surprise.
So cut remaining COVID spending (costing jobs) cut Snap benefits, making kids go hungry … and lots more bullshit YOU. Fuckers had no problem with when YOU raised the debt ceiling numerous times.


I had a problem with it. I complained all the time. Same for now. Neither party has any business running the country.
We can do both

Biden wants more spending when common sense tells us we need less
Common Sense means you spend on things you need...

Tell us how a tax cut to mainly rich people was something that was needed...

Investing in Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure... is common sense...
So cut remaining COVID spending (costing jobs) cut Snap benefits, making kids go hungry … and lots more bullshit YOU. Fuckers had no problem with when YOU raised the debt ceiling numerous times.

wait, we shouldn't cut the emergency spending we put in place for Covid...even though the pandemic is over, because it could cost jobs and other benefits, such as expanded SNAP? Really?

The extra spending was never met to be forever, it was for the unique issue of the pandemic. By your logic we should never cut military spending from war time levels, because it could cost jobs and benefits....that's silly.
Common Sense means you spend on things you need...

Tell us how a tax cut to mainly rich people was something that was needed...

Investing in Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure... is common sense...
when did we have a tax cut for "mainly rich people"?

I don't disagree with your last point, I invest my money in those fields.
And they lower ssi to 2022 levels which are too fucking low as it is to even live on. This isn't ok or right. This also lowers food aid for disabled and people in need to the lowest level since early 2020 more or less.

It is evil and wrong.
Most people I know on SSI are idiots that are too lazy to work,,,,they proclaim " I dont have Life Skills". SSI is SUPPLEMENTAL !! its not intended to live off of.
Most people I know on SSI are idiots that are too lazy to work,,,,they proclaim " I dont have Life Skills". SSI is SUPPLEMENTAL !! its not intended to live off of.
one of the key ways to reform Social Security is reforming SSI. I know there are many people that are completely disabled and cant work, I get it.....but there are folks on it, I've met, able body men, that are getting it and "living off it" because they have ADHD, or have shine splints and can't stand long...really?
Tell us how a tax cut to mainly rich people was something that was needed...
When you try to soak the rich it usually backfires

Which clinton learned while he was president with the luxury yacht tax that was quickly repealed
We've got to repeal the tax cuts and go back to 1950's level taxes on the top 10%. We also have to make damn sure that these cheats can't cheat the system! Once this is done our debt will go down as we will get enough revenue to pay it down.
No one paid those top tax rates. Tell you what, put those rates back in place and bring back the same loopholes and deductions. It would be great to deduct credit card interest again.
Common Sense means you spend on things you need...

Tell us how a tax cut to mainly rich people was something that was needed...

Investing in Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure... is common sense...
The evil top 1% paid more in income taxes after the Trump across the board tax cuts. Same with Reagan's across the board tax cuts.

Try not to let your handlers tell you what to think all of the time, Simp.

Democrats claim the Trump tax cut bill of 2017 was a giveaway to the “rich,” but this episode of What’s Ahead shows that it had the opposite impact on high-income earners. In 2018 the top 1% ended up paying $16 billion more in federal individual income taxes than they did in 2017, while 99% paid a total of $80 billion less.

The proportion of taxes paid by the highest 1% of income earners went from around 37% in 2017 to 40% in 2018.


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