The impact of global warming policies.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
So, global warming, it seems to be happening, the debate is whether it's man made or not.

Either way, governments are putting in policies in order to try and deal with "man made global warming" whether it's a thing or not.

Here's the British government forcing landlords to have an efficiency rating for their homes of "C or above".

The impact is that thousands of landlords prefer to sell these houses rather than spend loads of money to make these homes better.

The result could be that house prices fall, which is something that's in desperate need in the UK, it could also result in poor people not having to spend so much heating their rented homes, potentially saving them money in the long term.

I don't agree that we should be fighting "man made global warming", I do believe that we should be trying to be as efficient as possible, to live with as small a footprint on this planet as possible, because the planet is our home and people tend to want to keep their homes clean and livable.
So, global warming, it seems to be happening, the debate is whether it's man made or not.

Either way, governments are putting in policies in order to try and deal with "man made global warming" whether it's a thing or not.

Here's the British government forcing landlords to have an efficiency rating for their homes of "C or above".

The impact is that thousands of landlords prefer to sell these houses rather than spend loads of money to make these homes better.

The result could be that house prices fall, which is something that's in desperate need in the UK, it could also result in poor people not having to spend so much heating their rented homes, potentially saving them money in the long term.

I don't agree that we should be fighting "man made global warming", I do believe that we should be trying to be as efficient as possible, to live with as small a footprint on this planet as possible, because the planet is our home and people tend to want to keep their homes clean and livable.
So you’ve flooded the market and lowered home prices. Which means how many home owners are now underwater because they have loans larger than the value of the home. You’ve also removed thousands of rentals from the market so the only people that can find a home to live in must be buyers with down payments and credit scores that are good enough to make that purchase. Where do the ones that don’t have that go now? They are homeless. But you’re saving the planet with these new laws so let’s see how that works out. First of all anyone able to scrape together the down payment to buy is probably not sitting on a bunch of extra cash to upgrade the home like you wanted. So it’s not going to get done. No gain there.

Let’s see what was gained here. 65,000 homes are removed from the rental market. Those without down payments are now homeless. None, or very few of those homes will be upgraded to the new standards. Who now owns those 65,000 homes? Just the rich who could front down payments for their kids or relatives. Those homes are never coming back on the market. The option you are left with is housing project style high rise apartments for the old renters. We know how well those worked out in the big cities.

In the end you’ve made nothing better. It’s all worse.
Um, nope, nothing...

Seems to be NOT HAPPENING....

Co2 does nothing according to highly correlated satellite and balloon data.

Firstly, read what my post is about, it's not about whether global warming is happening or not. It's about the POLICIES governments are putting in place. It's not difficult to read that, is it?
Secondly, global warming is happening, higher temperatures are a thing.

Here, check out the rising temperatures.

Thirdly, your comment about CO2 seems to be you deciding what this topic is about, and then going off and talking about the topic without realizing that A) it's not about CO2, and B) it's still not fucking about CO2.

So you’ve flooded the market and lowered home prices. Which means how many home owners are now underwater because they have loans larger than the value of the home. You’ve also removed thousands of rentals from the market so the only people that can find a home to live in must be buyers with down payments and credit scores that are good enough to make that purchase. Where do the ones that don’t have that go now? They are homeless. But you’re saving the planet with these new laws so let’s see how that works out. First of all anyone able to scrape together the down payment to buy is probably not sitting on a bunch of extra cash to upgrade the home like you wanted. So it’s not going to get done. No gain there.

Let’s see what was gained here. 65,000 homes are removed from the rental market. Those without down payments are now homeless. None, or very few of those homes will be upgraded to the new standards. Who now owns those 65,000 homes? Just the rich who could front down payments for their kids or relatives. Those homes are never coming back on the market. The option you are left with is housing project style high rise apartments for the old renters. We know how well those worked out in the big cities.

In the end you’ve made nothing better. It’s all worse.

In the UK it takes people forever to get a mortgage, so they have to rent, making other people richer while you're spending $2000 a month on rent payment instead of spending it on a mortgage.
Remember, the US is 4/5ths the size if Idaho with a population 1/5th the size of the whole USA. 65 million people in a place smaller than Idaho... there's a problem. Also another problem with mass immigration, the Tories got in, left the EU because of immigration but still left the flood gates from Africa open.

Whatever you do, it's going to screw someone over, but if house prices keep rising it's going to cause rioting.
So, global warming, it seems to be happening, the debate is whether it's man made or not.

Either way, governments are putting in policies in order to try and deal with "man made global warming" whether it's a thing or not.

Here's the British government forcing landlords to have an efficiency rating for their homes of "C or above".

The impact is that thousands of landlords prefer to sell these houses rather than spend loads of money to make these homes better.

The result could be that house prices fall, which is something that's in desperate need in the UK, it could also result in poor people not having to spend so much heating their rented homes, potentially saving them money in the long term.

I don't agree that we should be fighting "man made global warming", I do believe that we should be trying to be as efficient as possible, to live with as small a footprint on this planet as possible, because the planet is our home and people tend to want to keep their homes clean and livable.
Great, so you want to kill off the whales in order to save the polar bears.
They had to fill the potholes along the Coronation Route WITH SAND but at least they have a low carbon footprint
In the UK it takes people forever to get a mortgage, so they have to rent, making other people richer while you're spending $2000 a month on rent payment instead of spending it on a mortgage.
Remember, the US is 4/5ths the size if Idaho with a population 1/5th the size of the whole USA. 65 million people in a place smaller than Idaho... there's a problem. Also another problem with mass immigration, the Tories got in, left the EU because of immigration but still left the flood gates from Africa open.

Whatever you do, it's going to screw someone over, but if house prices keep rising it's going to cause rioting.
I think you meant to say that it's the UK, not the US, which is 4/5ths the size of Idaho.
It's likely many of those landlords don't have the money to do the improvements being required, so selling is their only option.
I think you meant to say that it's the UK, not the US, which is 4/5ths the size of Idaho.
It's likely many of those landlords don't have the money to do the improvements being required, so selling is their only option.

Yes, the UK is 4/5th smaller.
Sure, these landlords don't have the money, or don't see the point of spending money it'll take them ages to recoup the money back.

However it might lead to lower house prices and make it easier for some people to get homes.
They had to fill the potholes along the Coronation Route WITH SAND but at least they have a low carbon footprint

The reason for the potholes is simple, the Tory government. The right prefers to give that money to their friends, rather than spend it on essential things like healthcare, infrastructure, education...
So, global warming, it seems to be happening, the debate is whether it's man made or not.

Either way, governments are putting in policies in order to try and deal with "man made global warming" whether it's a thing or not.

Here's the British government forcing landlords to have an efficiency rating for their homes of "C or above".

The impact is that thousands of landlords prefer to sell these houses rather than spend loads of money to make these homes better.

The result could be that house prices fall, which is something that's in desperate need in the UK, it could also result in poor people not having to spend so much heating their rented homes, potentially saving them money in the long term.

I don't agree that we should be fighting "man made global warming", I do believe that we should be trying to be as efficient as possible, to live with as small a footprint on this planet as possible, because the planet is our home and people tend to want to keep their homes clean and livable.
Your reasoning is a bit confused

You start off ok by saying that we should not be fighting man-made global warming since its not the cause of rising temps

But then you say we should do it anyway just for the heck of it
Not the topic of conversation, do keep up
WTF are you kidding me????
Thread title: The Impact of Global warming policies.
"GLOBAL WARMING" is THE topic of this thread!!!!
The pseudo-religious belief that Humans are RESPONSIBLE for ANY climate change is a giant CROCK OF BULLSHIT!!!!!
It is unprovable FAITH BASED supposition.
It is a HUGE fucking SCAM started in 1988 but Michael Mann and AL Gore, Et AL!
How fucking primitive! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!
Might as well go FULL AZTEC and offer Human sacrifice to appease the weather gods!
The reason for the potholes is simple, the Tory government. The right prefers to give that money to their friends, rather than spend it on essential things like healthcare, infrastructure, education...
Sunak is a Tory? I thought he worked for the WEF
Not the topic of conversation, do keep up
We must conquer nature. And then work with it. Massive building of structures on barrier islands and flood zones are made to look like global warming to the general population. Some cities have built structures to the ocean to get every view a person can get. Moving structures back at least a block on barrier islands is common sense if the ocean is slowly encroaching. Instead, we are still building on every square inch we can.

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