Make Trump Reveal his Financials and Conflicts of Interests


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Sarah Silverman ‏@SarahKSilverman 30m30 minutes ago
Sarah Silverman Retweeted Patton Oswalt

Call 202-225-5074 &say I'm ___ & I'm a US citizen. I'm calling 4 a bipartisan review of Trump's financials & conflicts of interest goodDAY

Sarah Silverman added,

Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt
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Silverman is a turd.

I'll give a shit about Trump's finances after they audit the Clintons.

Serious question. If you or I go to apply for a Federal government job, they are going to do a credit check, and a background investigation, so why should Trump, who is going to be the President, not have to show his tax returns and his business interests that could be a conflict of interest?
Serious question. If you or I go to apply for a Federal government job, they are going to do a credit check, and a background investigation, so why should Trump, who is going to be the President, not have to show his tax returns and his business interests that could be a conflict of interest?

I'm pretty sure he has to disclose it to the feds, not to the public, but I'm guessing.
Serious question. If you or I go to apply for a Federal government job, they are going to do a credit check, and a background investigation, so why should Trump, who is going to be the President, not have to show his tax returns and his business interests that could be a conflict of interest?

I'm pretty sure he has to disclose it to the feds, not to the public, but I'm guessing.

My only question is the why. Of course he doesn't have to release anything. Chances are nothing in those records are illegal. I suspect that what they are is embarrassing to his image, and that's all Trump seems to care about.
My only question is the why. Of course he doesn't have to release anything. Chances are nothing in those records are illegal. I suspect that what they are is embarrassing to his image, and that's all Trump seems to care about.

I'm sure that's the bottom line. I doubt the empire overlooks investigating anyone who runs for president without making sure they can get a clearance.
Serious question. If you or I go to apply for a Federal government job, they are going to do a credit check, and a background investigation, so why should Trump, who is going to be the President, not have to show his tax returns and his business interests that could be a conflict of interest?

Because there is no law.
These same folks that want Trumps financials released to the public somehow didn't seem all that concerned about seeing Obama's long form, school records, social security, etc. . . . makes you wonder if following the law is only convenient when it suits a partisan agenda. . .
Serious question. If you or I go to apply for a Federal government job, they are going to do a credit check, and a background investigation, so why should Trump, who is going to be the President, not have to show his tax returns and his business interests that could be a conflict of interest?

Because there is no law.

So you're saying only peons have to disclose their information? Got it.
My only question is the why. Of course he doesn't have to release anything. Chances are nothing in those records are illegal. I suspect that what they are is embarrassing to his image, and that's all Trump seems to care about.

I'm sure that's the bottom line. I doubt the empire overlooks investigating anyone who runs for president without making sure they can get a clearance.

Even if what he has done was illegal we see where Hillary is. It certainly isn't a jail cell. The empire overlooks certain things when you have money and power. I see nothing changing under Trump's administration.
These same folks that want Trumps financials released to the public somehow didn't seem all that concerned about seeing Obama's long form, school records, social security, etc. . . . makes you wonder if following the law is only convenient when it suits a partisan agenda. . .

So... most presidential candidates only have to release their tax records, but only Obama has to release that and EVERYTHING ELSE or it's somehow unfair?
These same folks that want Trumps financials released to the public somehow didn't seem all that concerned about seeing Obama's long form, school records, social security, etc. . . . makes you wonder if following the law is only convenient when it suits a partisan agenda. . .

So... most presidential candidates only have to release their tax records, but only Obama has to release that and EVERYTHING ELSE or it's somehow unfair?

Yeah Obama should have had to do one of those DNA tests too to make sure he wasn't a Reptilian.
What a bunch of whiny, butt-hurt bonzos. Trump should be investigated by whistle-blowers and Wikileaks ..... just like everybody else. Do you Hillary losers have a problem with that?
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What a bunch of whiny, butt-hurt bonzos. Trump should be investigated by whistle-blowers and Wikileaks ..... just everybody else. Do you Hillary losers have a problem with that?

This has NOTHING to do with political parties. It's about holding other people accountable. At one point in my life I went for a job for a company that got contract jobs from the U.S. government to field calls and fill out the paperwork to do visas. I passed the background check and all the other required tests including a typing test. Then on the credit check it came back that at the time I was in default on my federal student loans... so they said that I couldn't get a job despite passing all the tests. So... again, why should Trump get a free pass?

BTW I worked and paid to get my student loans out of default so that I could go back to college and finish my degree.
So... most presidential candidates only have to release their tax records, but only Obama has to release that and EVERYTHING ELSE or it's somehow unfair?
1). What do you mean by "everything else"?
2). What do mean by "has to"?

Give us an example of one of these "everything else" that he "had to" release.
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No laws prohibit Trump from involving himself in his private company, the Trump Organization, while serving in the highest public office.
Trump’s conflicts of interest are without precedent in American presidential history

True. And no one cared that people had to go through the Clinton Foundation to meet with Sec of State Hillary.

And no one ever demanded to know which politicians and appointees were going back and forth between Washington and Wall Street. The real 1%ers went to Washington to help shape laws that they would benefit from when they went back to Wall Street.

No laws prohibit Trump from involving himself in his private company, the Trump Organization, while serving in the highest public office.
Trump’s conflicts of interest are without precedent in American presidential history

True. And no one cared that people had to go through the Clinton Foundation to meet with Sec of State Hillary.

And no one ever demanded to know which politicians and appointees were going back and forth between Washington and Wall Street. The real 1%ers went to Washington to help shape laws that they would benefit from when they went back to Wall Street.

And this is supposed to be a new Presidency... that "drains the swamp." You would think President-elect Trump would lead the way and show some transparency. Obviously not.

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