Makers vs Takers? Nope. How about "Contributors" vs "Non-Contributors"

What was that pretty name Nance Pelosi called people who didn't want to buy insurance from ObamaCare and all the left agreed and started calling them that also?

I think it was, FREELOADERS... just because they didn't want to be FORCED to buy something

so bucky, you can give it a REST..

I think she was referring to people who dont have insurance, then show up to the ER for dumb shit like a common cold, knowing they'll get treatment, then leave with no intention on paying their bill. Then, the doctors and ER's raise their prices through the roof, causing ALL of our premiums to go up, becuase they recover that loss through people like you and I who DO have insurance.

So yeah, she was right about that. Many people freeload off the ER. And you and I pay for it. Im tired of the free ride, aren't you? Lets FORCE the freeloaders to own up to their own care, and get their own damn insurance.

That would work IF someone without insurance were simply turned away from the emergency room. Just send them home. But we don't do that. Someone without insurance will still be treated at the emergency rooms just as they always have.

ER's do that because it is the law. And the reason it is the law is that it was hard to put nurses working the ER's in the position of turning away a fellow human who was in the ER with an injury or life threatening illness. They stabilize a person, thats all the law requires. BUT, with the scumbag lawyers filing suit everytime a person was told they dont have a life threatening condition, the ER's got into the practice of just admitting everyone, stabilizing whatever condition they may have, and then having an unpaid bill.

Thats the problem the Republicans pointed to with illegal immigrants flooding the ER's with minor conditions because they knew it meant free healthcare. The GOP never had an answer for that problem- and Im not knocking them for that, because thats a very tough situation to find an answer for.

Forcing everyone to carry health insurance sucks. Its one of the worst possible solutions to the problem. But, all the other solutions have not worked. Eventually, we just have to do it, or, let the problem keep getting worse.
yea....and anybody now who doesn't agree with you is now a "righty"....which is what die hards do on both either.... were never a Republican.....always were a Democrat..... have gone from being a Staunch Rep. to a staunch Dem.....which i doubt happens to often.....
3....your just full of shit.....
like i said earlier Buc.......your bullshit is as about as convincing as Dean and Dudlys is....

Why shouldnt I? The radical right wing movement and its members are disgusting to me. Not the people, like me, who still tend to hold a lot of right of center views but also told the GOP to fuck off. But the people who still worship Glenn Beck, the GOP, and the rest of the bullshit that the Republicans have fed people for the last 20 years.

So yeah, if a person is still ignorant enough to remain a staunch Republican supporter, then I'm gonna talk shit to them.

everybody is a radical to you if they are a Republican..stop blowing smoke our asses, nobody cares about the shit you talk about others

Not just to me. Seems a lot of people view the GOP that way. And can you blame them? Look at the public image of the GOP lately. That party is radicalizing quicker and quicker.

Keep denying it. I promise the liberals are more than happy to slowly keep winning more elections until the GOP will be extinct.
Why shouldnt I? The radical right wing movement and its members are disgusting to me. Not the people, like me, who still tend to hold a lot of right of center views but also told the GOP to fuck off. But the people who still worship Glenn Beck, the GOP, and the rest of the bullshit that the Republicans have fed people for the last 20 years.

So yeah, if a person is still ignorant enough to remain a staunch Republican supporter, then I'm gonna talk shit to them.

What "right of center" views do you hold? I haven't noticed any in your posts.
Why shouldnt I? The radical right wing movement and its members are disgusting to me. Not the people, like me, who still tend to hold a lot of right of center views but also told the GOP to fuck off. But the people who still worship Glenn Beck, the GOP, and the rest of the bullshit that the Republicans have fed people for the last 20 years.

So yeah, if a person is still ignorant enough to remain a staunch Republican supporter, then I'm gonna talk shit to them.

everybody is a radical to you if they are a Republican..stop blowing smoke our asses, nobody cares about the shit you talk about others

Not just to me. Seems a lot of people view the GOP that way. And can you blame them? Look at the public image of the GOP lately. That party is radicalizing quicker and quicker.

Keep denying it. I promise the liberals are more than happy to slowly keep winning more elections until the GOP will be extinct.

You mistake your small coterie of left-wing friends for "the public." Republicans hold 30 out of 50 governorships and a majority in the House.
just so we're clear on this, day-traders are parasitically skimming off our retirement savings, so they would literally be takers.

Bullshit. "Taking" requires the use of force. Day traders don't force anyone to sell them stocks or buy stocks from them. Taking by one private citizen from another is against the law. We call it theft, robbery or fraud. Only the government can take, so the only takers are people who use the government to do their bidding.

Under your logic.....

A Navy SEAL is a "taker", since he creates 0 jobs, and lives off government pay.

A strip club owner is a "maker", since he creates jobs and doesnt live off government pay.

So, Navy SEAL's are less valuable to society than strip club owners under your makers vs takers ideal. Right?

Folks agree government is a necessary evil.

Seals are government workers.

Pussy is a natural gift.

Do the math.
Why shouldnt I? The radical right wing movement and its members are disgusting to me. Not the people, like me, who still tend to hold a lot of right of center views but also told the GOP to fuck off. But the people who still worship Glenn Beck, the GOP, and the rest of the bullshit that the Republicans have fed people for the last 20 years.

So yeah, if a person is still ignorant enough to remain a staunch Republican supporter, then I'm gonna talk shit to them.

What "right of center" views do you hold? I haven't noticed any in your posts.

You havent read all my posts then, especially the pre-2012 ones.

My views:

Extremely pro military
Extremely pro police (yes, thats a traditional right of center stance)
Extremely pro 2nd amendement- although Im ok with requiring training for safety
I believe weed should be legal. Never smoked it, but you know, fewer laws right? And, we waste a lot of taxpayer money enforcing it. Stop wasting it.
I believe our borders should be much more secure.
I despise people who refuse to work and voluntarily live off welfare and crime.

I could go on. But, the Republican Party and the right wing as a whole has changed. Not me. They changed so much I could no longer associate with those lunatics.
everybody is a radical to you if they are a Republican..stop blowing smoke our asses, nobody cares about the shit you talk about others

Not just to me. Seems a lot of people view the GOP that way. And can you blame them? Look at the public image of the GOP lately. That party is radicalizing quicker and quicker.

Keep denying it. I promise the liberals are more than happy to slowly keep winning more elections until the GOP will be extinct.

You mistake your small coterie of left-wing friends for "the public." Republicans hold 30 out of 50 governorships and a majority in the House.

He's so ate up with hate for others, he doesn't see the real world around him..
too bad for him really
just so we're clear on this, day-traders are parasitically skimming off our retirement savings, so they would literally be takers.

Bullshit. "Taking" requires the use of force. Day traders don't force anyone to sell them stocks or buy stocks from them. Taking by one private citizen from another is against the law. We call it theft, robbery or fraud. Only the government can take, so the only takers are people who use the government to do their bidding.

Under your logic.....

A Navy SEAL is a "taker", since he creates 0 jobs, and lives off government pay.

A strip club owner is a "maker", since he creates jobs and doesnt live off government pay.

So, Navy SEAL's are less valuable to society than strip club owners under your makers vs takers ideal. Right?

Navy seals perform a legitimate Constitutionally mandated government function. They don't sponge off the taxpayers. A strip club owner is in fact a "maker." He provides a service that a lot of people want. The fact that some people don't like the service he provides is irrelevant. I don't like cigarettes, but I don't object to people buying them or corporations selling them.

However, when it comes to most other government employees, they produce nothing of value to me. The department of Education, for instance, is staffed entirely by useless parasites.
and notice he whines about this 47% and name calling..

yet made a excuse for the Democrat POLITICAN calling the people she represents, FREELOADERS..

BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Day in and day out..:cuckoo:
Bullshit. "Taking" requires the use of force. Day traders don't force anyone to sell them stocks or buy stocks from them. Taking by one private citizen from another is against the law. We call it theft, robbery or fraud. Only the government can take, so the only takers are people who use the government to do their bidding.

Under your logic.....

A Navy SEAL is a "taker", since he creates 0 jobs, and lives off government pay.

A strip club owner is a "maker", since he creates jobs and doesnt live off government pay.

So, Navy SEAL's are less valuable to society than strip club owners under your makers vs takers ideal. Right?

Navy seals perform a legitimate Constitutionally mandated government function. They don't sponge off the taxpayers. A strip club owner is in fact a "maker." He provides a service that a lot of people want. The fact that some people don't like the service he provides is irrelevant. I don't like cigarettes, but I don't object to people buying them or corporations selling them.

However, when it comes to most other government employees, they produce nothing of value to me. The department of Education, for instance, is staffed entirely by useless parasites.

The Dept of Education is one of the checks and balances of government. So a batshit crazy state like...say, Mississippi, cant do bad shit to black kids in that state's school system. And LOTS of government employees provide "a legitimate, Constitutionally mandated government function". Some of those are by STATE Constitutions. Wow, see how that works? You cant pick and choose which government employees are "takers" and which aren't. Either government work is or isnt "taking". Which is it?

As for the strip club and cigarette owner, you say both provide a service or product that, while you and many may not like it, they are free to do it so you have no problem with it. So I assume you are ok with abortion being legal right? And in states where gay marriage is legal, I assume you are ok with some churches providing that service....even if you dont like it. Right?

Thats right. I've always agreed with that. When I told the GOP to fuck off, everyone assumed I became (or always was) a raging liberal. Not so. The GOP just got to whacky and radical for me, and I now enjoy mocking them and watching that party crash and burn.

The GOP today is kinda like a football team who got beat, and the opposing coach ran up the score, like the great college coach Steve Spurrier did at Florida. They would bitch and whine about him running up the score, when in reality, they should've just stopped his teams.

The GOP bitches about what the left is doing. When in fact, they should've just not gotten so radical as to scare off half the country. The GOP is where it is because of themselves. Not because of Democrats or "takers".

yea....and anybody now who doesn't agree with you is now a "righty"....which is what die hards do on both either.... were never a Republican.....always were a Democrat..... have gone from being a Staunch Rep. to a staunch Dem.....which i doubt happens to often.....
3....your just full of shit.....
like i said earlier Buc.......your bullshit is as about as convincing as Dean and Dudlys is....

Why shouldnt I? The radical right wing movement and its members are disgusting to me. Not the people, like me, who still tend to hold a lot of right of center views but also told the GOP to fuck off. But the people who still worship Glenn Beck, the GOP, and the rest of the bullshit that the Republicans have fed people for the last 20 years.

So yeah, if a person is still ignorant enough to remain a staunch Republican supporter, then I'm gonna talk shit to them.
and yet you still called posters who are not hard core righties and have exhibited this before....."right wingers" for disagreeing with did this a few days ago.....i asked why? just ignored the post......if you are like you say you are in your would not do that......only the Far Right and Left do that type of unless you stop doing that type of shit.....i sure as hell wont be convinced of what you said here....
Under your logic.....

A Navy SEAL is a "taker", since he creates 0 jobs, and lives off government pay.

A strip club owner is a "maker", since he creates jobs and doesnt live off government pay.

So, Navy SEAL's are less valuable to society than strip club owners under your makers vs takers ideal. Right?

Navy seals perform a legitimate Constitutionally mandated government function. They don't sponge off the taxpayers. A strip club owner is in fact a "maker." He provides a service that a lot of people want. The fact that some people don't like the service he provides is irrelevant. I don't like cigarettes, but I don't object to people buying them or corporations selling them.

However, when it comes to most other government employees, they produce nothing of value to me. The department of Education, for instance, is staffed entirely by useless parasites.

The Dept of Education is one of the checks and balances of government. So a batshit crazy state like...say, Mississippi, cant do bad shit to black kids in that state's school system. And LOTS of government employees provide "a legitimate, Constitutionally mandated government function". Some of those are by STATE Constitutions. Wow, see how that works? You cant pick and choose which government employees are "takers" and which aren't. Either government work is or isnt "taking". Which is it?

As for the strip club and cigarette owner, you say both provide a service or product that, while you and many may not like it, they are free to do it so you have no problem with it. So I assume you are ok with abortion being legal right? And in states where gay marriage is legal, I assume you are ok with some churches providing that service....even if you dont like it. Right?

You are one ignorant SOB. The Dept of Ed is not a check and balance in government. The Dept didnt exist until 1979. I guess there were no checks or balances on gov't prior to that.
Navy seals perform a legitimate Constitutionally mandated government function. They don't sponge off the taxpayers. A strip club owner is in fact a "maker." He provides a service that a lot of people want. The fact that some people don't like the service he provides is irrelevant. I don't like cigarettes, but I don't object to people buying them or corporations selling them.

However, when it comes to most other government employees, they produce nothing of value to me. The department of Education, for instance, is staffed entirely by useless parasites.

The Dept of Education is one of the checks and balances of government. So a batshit crazy state like...say, Mississippi, cant do bad shit to black kids in that state's school system. And LOTS of government employees provide "a legitimate, Constitutionally mandated government function". Some of those are by STATE Constitutions. Wow, see how that works? You cant pick and choose which government employees are "takers" and which aren't. Either government work is or isnt "taking". Which is it?

As for the strip club and cigarette owner, you say both provide a service or product that, while you and many may not like it, they are free to do it so you have no problem with it. So I assume you are ok with abortion being legal right? And in states where gay marriage is legal, I assume you are ok with some churches providing that service....even if you dont like it. Right?

You are one ignorant SOB. The Dept of Ed is not a check and balance in government. The Dept didnt exist until 1979. I guess there were no checks or balances on gov't prior to that.

he knows all

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