Making America Great Again: President Trump Ends Obama Extortion of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson represents the idea of freedom and American nostalgia, something Obama despises.

No . They were a bunch of criminals who purposely broke the law. A lot like what voltzwagon did.

Shame on them. Shame on you celebrating scofflaws . Especially a company that does so much business with the government.
Fuck environmentalism, it's all about fraud…fact
Then why don't you go to Flint and have a nice glass of water?
Environmentalism is fraud, you can't trust the motherfuckers…
Yeah, you can only put your faith in the people who are doing the polluting.Coal is clean. Car exhaust is too! The Shell answer man says so.
I'm guessing you either ride a bicycle or walk to work? And just how do you stay warm during cold weather? Enquiring minds want to know. I use wood, coal, or propane to keep my place warm.
Remember the bald eagle being on the endangered list ? Because of pollution.

Would you have our national symbol go exstinct ?
I wouldn't have anything go "exstinct". I'm not sure what "exstinct" is, but it might not be pleasant, it caused my eyes to bleed, just reading the word.
Remember as recent and the 70s our air was highly polluted

Are you blaming pollution on this?


In the '70s, motorcycles averaged under 200cc.
Remember the bald eagle being on the endangered list ? Because of pollution.

Would you have our national symbol go exstinct ?
The left would love for us not to have a national symbol since it represents Nationalism.
Anyone remember the smog warnings in LA during the 70's? The air was so thick and brown that it could be distinguished from the cleaner air above it. Do you want to go back to days of that and acid rain? I don't.

Especially since the brook trout population is starting to come back strong. For a while, they were going the way of the dodo because of acid rain.
HD was purposely violating the law! Oh that's right, laws are for the little people. Not big biz !
Quit falling down the well...
every decision obama made was only for those who supported the asswipe that is obama... :fu:
Harley Davidson represents the idea of freedom and American nostalgia, something Obama despises.

No . They were a bunch of criminals who purposely broke the law. A lot like what voltzwagon did.

Shame on them. Shame on you celebrating scofflaws . Especially a company that does so much business with the government.
Fuck environmentalism, it's all about fraud…fact
Fraud? That's not what the Pentagon believes. Who has a better chance of being right, you or them?
The "emissions" from a motorcycle are next to nothing compared to a car, truck, SUV, or the private jets that Al Gore and his ilk travel in.

At any rate, Harley settled and is paying the original $12 million fine. Trump knocked off the added $3 million to fund a study about the impact of cow farts or some other inane bullshit.

Under the original settlement with Harley-Davidson, it would have paid $12 million in civil penalties and funded a $3 million project administered by the American Lung Association of the Northeast to upgrade wood-burning stoves. A new consent decree, proposed Thursday in federal court, keeps the $12 million penalty but scraps the $3 million in project funding.

Harley-Davidson declined to discuss those changes. “By settling this matter, we can focus our attention on new products rather than on a legal battle,” the company wrote by email.

U.S. Reopens Harley Settlement, Cutting Funds for Pollution Reduction Plan

Sessions has more to worry about than letting executives flout American law. He will be gone soon for lying about working with the Russians to throw the presidential election in Trump's favor.
Sessions has more to worry about than letting executives flout American law. He will be gone soon for lying about working with the Russians to throw the presidential election in Trump's favor.
Please, bet the farm on that!
The Trumpenfuhrer has made another winning victory in his glorious efforts to make America great again. This is the latest patriotic move from our nationalist president, removing Obama's extortion of an iconic American product.

POTUS TRUMP Ends Obama Extortion of Harley Davidson
Emission controls on vehicles, including Union Made motorcycles manufactured by Harley Davidson are required by law. It was illegal for the executives of the motorcycle company to make or sell devices that created more pollution.

Breaking American laws is a criminal offense. As is normal with such breaches, manufacturers which aim to circumvent anti-pollution law, an arrangement can be made between the Dept. of Justice and the Environmental Protection for fines to be paid. This was the case with Harley Davidson who agreed last year not to sell any more illegal devices and ro buy back those they already sold. Harley-Davidson also had to pay a $12 million civil penalty and spend $3 million to mitigate air pollution through a project to replace conventional woodstoves with cleaner-burning stoves in local communities.

The Trump Administration is showing contempt for a longstanding program of having illegal polluters pay a price.
You and your Prius will be fine. When is the last time you even saw a wood burning stove?
Could you imagine Barry Hussein riding a Hog? It just wasn't in the image of the guy who claimed "Dreams of My Father" when his father was a African nationalist who hated America. Barry's partner in crime, Bill Ayers, might have even bombed Harley Davidson corporation headquarters in his long career as a domestic terrorist.
No . They were a bunch of criminals who purposely broke the law. A lot like what voltzwagon did.

Shame on them. Shame on you celebrating scofflaws . Especially a company that does so much business with the government.
Fuck environmentalism, it's all about fraud…fact
Then why don't you go to Flint and have a nice glass of water?
Environmentalism is fraud, you can't trust the motherfuckers…
Yeah, you can only put your faith in the people who are doing the polluting.Coal is clean. Car exhaust is too! The Shell answer man says so.
I'm guessing you either ride a bicycle or walk to work? And just how do you stay warm during cold weather? Enquiring minds want to know. I use wood, coal, or propane to keep my place warm.
I drive to work in a well maintained car that is equipped with smog controls and has to pass emission testing before it can be licensed. As far as I know, the manufacturer hasn't tried to circumvent the emission controls ala Volkswagen or Harley Davidson.I heat my house with electricity. The power is primarily from hydroelectric dams and wind turbines.
The Trumpenfuhrer has made another winning victory in his glorious efforts to make America great again. This is the latest patriotic move from our nationalist president, removing Obama's extortion of an iconic American product.

POTUS TRUMP Ends Obama Extortion of Harley Davidson
Emission controls on vehicles, including Union Made motorcycles manufactured by Harley Davidson are required by law. It was illegal for the executives of the motorcycle company to make or sell devices that created more pollution.

Breaking American laws is a criminal offense. As is normal with such breaches, manufacturers which aim to circumvent anti-pollution law, an arrangement can be made between the Dept. of Justice and the Environmental Protection for fines to be paid. This was the case with Harley Davidson who agreed last year not to sell any more illegal devices and ro buy back those they already sold. Harley-Davidson also had to pay a $12 million civil penalty and spend $3 million to mitigate air pollution through a project to replace conventional woodstoves with cleaner-burning stoves in local communities.

The Trump Administration is showing contempt for a longstanding program of having illegal polluters pay a price.
You and your Prius will be fine. When is the last time you even saw a wood burning stove?
As one who heats with wood, I will tell you that I have downsized from a house over 2500 sf to a home less than 1000 sf (two stories, three bedrooms). Rule of thumb, lay up enough firewood to fill the house, that will be sufficient for an average winter. If it gets colder, I'll be splitting wood for Christmas! Good thing I have 200 acres of forest to my name! I also cook with wood using cast iron cookware, imagine that! No microwave! Where do city-dwellers think their electricity comes from? Coal? Natural gas? Elves? Fairies?
Could you imagine Barry Hussein riding a Hog? It just wasn't in the image of the guy who claimed "Dreams of My Father" when his father was a African nationalist who hated America. Barry's partner in crime, Bill Ayers, might have even bombed Harley Davidson corporation headquarters in his long career as a domestic terrorist.
Are you telling me he didn't ride a hog, not even to engender his offspring?
Fuck environmentalism, it's all about fraud…fact
Then why don't you go to Flint and have a nice glass of water?
Environmentalism is fraud, you can't trust the motherfuckers…
Yeah, you can only put your faith in the people who are doing the polluting.Coal is clean. Car exhaust is too! The Shell answer man says so.
I'm guessing you either ride a bicycle or walk to work? And just how do you stay warm during cold weather? Enquiring minds want to know. I use wood, coal, or propane to keep my place warm.
I drive to work in a well maintained car that is equipped with smog controls and has to pass emission testing before it can be licensed. As far as I know, the manufacturer hasn't tried to circumvent the emission controls ala Volkswagen or Harley Davidson.I heat my house with electricity. The power is primarily from hydroelectric dams and wind turbines.
Good for you! You are still part of the problem. Hydroelectric interrupts natural migration routes for fish and other aquatic animals. Wind turbines are even worse, murdering birds en masse. Any carbon-based fuel consuming vehicle contributes to greenhouse warming. Do you eat meat? Do you consume vegetable-based foods and products? Guess what, your consumption contributes to the destruction of the environment. The only honest, viable means of eliminating your personal impact on the global environment is to completely eliminate...YOU!
Lead the way, show your commitment.
I will be waiting to follow your example.
The Trumpenfuhrer has made another winning victory in his glorious efforts to make America great again. This is the latest patriotic move from our nationalist president, removing Obama's extortion of an iconic American product.

POTUS TRUMP Ends Obama Extortion of Harley Davidson
Emission controls on vehicles, including Union Made motorcycles manufactured by Harley Davidson are required by law. It was illegal for the executives of the motorcycle company to make or sell devices that created more pollution.

Breaking American laws is a criminal offense. As is normal with such breaches, manufacturers which aim to circumvent anti-pollution law, an arrangement can be made between the Dept. of Justice and the Environmental Protection for fines to be paid. This was the case with Harley Davidson who agreed last year not to sell any more illegal devices and ro buy back those they already sold. Harley-Davidson also had to pay a $12 million civil penalty and spend $3 million to mitigate air pollution through a project to replace conventional woodstoves with cleaner-burning stoves in local communities.

The Trump Administration is showing contempt for a longstanding program of having illegal polluters pay a price.
You and your Prius will be fine. When is the last time you even saw a wood burning stove?
As one who heats with wood, I will tell you that I have downsized from a house over 2500 sf to a home less than 1000 sf (two stories, three bedrooms). Rule of thumb, lay up enough firewood to fill the house, that will be sufficient for an average winter. If it gets colder, I'll be splitting wood for Christmas! Good thing I have 200 acres of forest to my name! I also cook with wood using cast iron cookware, imagine that! No microwave! Where do city-dwellers think their electricity comes from? Coal? Natural gas? Elves? Fairies?
I'm going to go with fairies. They don't think we need coal mines while charging their IPhones on coal power. So it must just magically appear!
Then why don't you go to Flint and have a nice glass of water?
Environmentalism is fraud, you can't trust the motherfuckers…
Yeah, you can only put your faith in the people who are doing the polluting.Coal is clean. Car exhaust is too! The Shell answer man says so.
I'm guessing you either ride a bicycle or walk to work? And just how do you stay warm during cold weather? Enquiring minds want to know. I use wood, coal, or propane to keep my place warm.
I drive to work in a well maintained car that is equipped with smog controls and has to pass emission testing before it can be licensed. As far as I know, the manufacturer hasn't tried to circumvent the emission controls ala Volkswagen or Harley Davidson.I heat my house with electricity. The power is primarily from hydroelectric dams and wind turbines.
Good for you! You are still part of the problem. Hydroelectric interrupts natural migration routes for fish and other aquatic animals. Wind turbines are even worse, murdering birds en masse. Any carbon-based fuel consuming vehicle contributes to greenhouse warming. Do you eat meat? Do you consume vegetable-based foods and products? Guess what, your consumption contributes to the destruction of the environment. The only honest, viable means of eliminating your personal impact on the global environment is to completely eliminate...YOU!
Lead the way, show your commitment.
I will be waiting to follow your example.
The left are the only people I know that are so stupid as to want to go back to horse and buggy days but don't want the horse because it farts.
HD was purposely violating the law! Oh that's right, laws are for the little people. Not big biz !
Quit falling down the well...
every decision obama made was only for those who supported the asswipe that is obama... :fu:
Harley Davidson represents the idea of freedom and American nostalgia, something Obama despises.

No . They were a bunch of criminals who purposely broke the law. A lot like what voltzwagon did.

Shame on them. Shame on you celebrating scofflaws . Especially a company that does so much business with the government.
Fuck environmentalism, it's all about fraud…fact
Then why don't you go to Flint and have a nice glass of water?
You'd be fine as long as you didn't get that water from someone's home.

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