Making the case for Desantis.....

You're joking, right? Trump gave Ukraine billions. And made out like he was forced to do so. Who ever forced Trump to do that, obviously had the power, authority or influence enough to get Trump to keep sending out money, supplies and weaponry.

None the less, the end result was it was Trumps decision to get involved. Obviously not at the magnitude that Biden did. But Russia had already invaded Ukraine.
Which I'm totally against any and all involvement of our government in Ukraine. And I wouldn't support Ron, or any potus doing that. But to say Trump wouldn't have, after already do so, is more than a stretch. Trump lies, bro. He's got you thinking he could put a stop to it. He probably had you thinking he was going to "lock her up" too.
Trump did get rolled by the neocon scum in his orbit, of that there is no doubt....The attacks he authorized against Syria, on little to no evidence, were atrocious.

But which new war did he involve the nation in?
Trump did get rolled by the neocon scum in his orbit, of that there is no doubt....The attacks he authorized against Syria, on little to no evidence, were atrocious.

But which new war did he involve the nation in?

We were in a unjustified few wars. Which wars did he get us out of?
Palin has nothing to do with it. Nobody was going to beat Obama, the first black presidential candidate of a major party who was receiving nothing by accolades from the media in a year when the biggest crash since 1929 hit the country with a Republican president in office.
We`ll never really know, will we? Did a Black presidential candidate inspire more racist whites to vote? That can`t be ruled out.
The democrats are terrified of Desantis....he is Trump 2.0...all the fight, none of the they want everyone focused on Trump, and the various indictments will be parceled out to help Trump win the primary....

Here is another columnist making the case for Desantis.......

I like DeSantis because he knows how to govern, focuses on issues that matter, fights Democrats effectively, and fights battles that matter to me. With Trump, I am exhausted by the efforts to defend the man. With DeSantis, I am energized by the effort he makes to do the right thing.

Ron DeSantis has been doing both–attacking Biden for how awful a president he is, and making the case for a better path for America. On the latter, he has the perfect platform: Florida. If you want to know what DeSantis will do you can look at what he has done. If you want to know his principles, you can see how he has governed, and he is open about what matters to him.


One of DeSantis’ key selling points in the Republican primaries will be his unwavering determination to take on the cultural Marxists who are propagandizing kids with alphabet ideology and CRT. Most candidates will answer questions when asked about such issues but shy away from bringing them up and engaging in open warfare.

DeSantis has more room to fight these battles because he has been proven competent at governing, reassuring voters that he won’t sacrifice basic governance for what to many seem secondary if important issues. Few Republicans running for office have created much room to move in this space because they have chosen a lane–social conservatives or fiscal conservatives who focus on governance.

The I-95 in Philadelphia is set to take “some number of MONTHS” to repair. In Florida, when the Pine Island bridge was destroyed by Hurricane Ian, it was rebuilt in three days.

Like Trump, DeSantis is unfit to be president.
I'm not moving the goal posts. We discussing the wars. I'm glad he didn't start any new wars, but FFS, we were already in a few.
Yes you are....Trump didn't get the nation involved in any more idiotic foreign wars...Period.
If someone is making a case for Desantis, who was considering depriving senior citizen of their givens put Desantis on their "grow up" list. I know that sounds harsh, but Desantis is a very good to excellant Human being, but by seniors and people over 45 who will be retiring in 10 to 20 years may not want to suffer old age issues before they retire at Desantis' age 70 instead of 60 to 65. And as such, seniors in general regardless of party may not vote for him out of distrust for their future well-being. Just saying. In all other ways, Desantis would make a good president, provided he never threaten retirement aged people again. Had he proposed pushing back to 60 as a maximum retirement age, that wouldn't have been his downfall. Some senior issues hit some people before age 50 and in particular, those diagnosed with diabetes, which some think is an autoimmune issue of aging, and they might be right on target. Some live to be 80 before senior issues appear, and they're usually nutrition-educated people as well as people who never tolerated gaining half a pound over their pre-greater omentum weight when in their 20s.
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Yes you are....Trump didn't get the nation involved in any more idiotic foreign wars...Period.

No one is denying that. But Trump didn't get us out of any either. That's as much of a fact about Trump and wars as what you stated. No goalpost moving what so ever.
Read what you just wrote.....Trump is toxic to a very large segment of the population (not just "RINOs") and we need every vote available to us to push the dems out of their senate majority, hold the house, and take back the WH.......Your fault, my fault, nobodies fault, simply put that won't happen with a Trump nomination.

Good luck in it happening with a DeSantis nomination. To many republicans remember getting burned voting for McCain and Romney. Funny how when they both lost the rino's blamed the base for not showing up, yet when it comes to anyone MAGA losing it's TRUMP's fault.
If people want DeSantis to have a shot you'll need to convince him he needs to denounce people like McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the Bushes, who are far more toxic to the party then TRUMP will ever be.
If they don't vote for desantis if he wins the primary, they are just as dumb as biden voters....the point is to defeat the democrats...that is the only point.

LOL, sorry to be the one to break it to you but the rino's really don't care if DeSantis wins, the point for them is to defeat TRUMP.
Good luck in it happening with a DeSantis nomination. To many republicans remember getting burned voting for McCain and Romney. Funny how when they both lost the rino's blamed the base for not showing up, yet when it comes to anyone MAGA losing it's TRUMP's fault.
If people want DeSantis to have a shot you'll need to convince him he needs to denounce people like McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the Bushes, who are far more toxic to the party then TRUMP will ever be.
Denounce? Isn't that sorta soviet like?......Better he just use them to his own ends. ;)

He did send a shot across The Turtle's bow when he said that he did not need to be provided a list to make judicial nominations.
If Trump is the RNC's nominee, you can bet the Dems will take back the house and keep the Senate.
DeSantis has a record of helping his party gain seats. By 2018, Trump handed the House over to the dems on a silver platter. And the Senate in 2020.

Whats DeSantis record of helping the party gain seats? Most of the people he got around to endorsing were all ready predicted to win.
LOL, sorry to be the one to break it to you but the rino's really don't care if DeSantis wins, the point for them is to defeat TRUMP.

Yeah....I understand is the only reason they are backing Desantis.....because he will do all the things Trump did, but more, and he won't be distracted by tweeting, and he won't have the same drama that Trump had.

Will the left do the same to him as they did to Trump?

Yes....they will attempt to destroy any republican, and now they will even break the law to do it....they will use federal agencies to do it......

But Desantis will not fall into the easy traps, will not make it easier for them to get him....
Good luck in it happening with a DeSantis nomination. To many republicans remember getting burned voting for McCain and Romney. Funny how when they both lost the rino's blamed the base for not showing up, yet when it comes to anyone MAGA losing it's TRUMP's fault.
If people want DeSantis to have a shot you'll need to convince him he needs to denounce people like McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the Bushes, who are far more toxic to the party then TRUMP will ever be.

Desantis isn't mccain or romney.

Desantis, by his behavior has already shown he isn't mcconnel, ryan or the bushes.....he has taken the fight to the left, and hasn't backed down.......
Desantis isn't mccain or romney.

Desantis, by his behavior has already shown he isn't mcconnel, ryan or the bushes.....he has taken the fight to the left, and hasn't backed down.......
Well the Trump Train is moving along at a pretty good clip now but hopefully more folks will hop off when it slows down some.

I'd be very surprised if Trump takes even half the states through Super Tuesday.
If they don't vote for desantis if he wins the primary, they are just as dumb as biden voters....the point is to defeat the democrats...that is the only point.
If the Democrats win another presidential spot, inflation will bury this country, and increasing trouble will follow in the streets to a level we have never seen. :(
With Governor Desantis an unknown, we can't count on world peace and cleaning up the oceans. Those were always President Trump's forte. Trump also benefited working folks, small businesses, and prosperity for all. He encouraged businesses to employ minorities at the same pay as the progeny of the founders of this naiton trying to free itself from monarchial refusal to be represented in the King's court. He flat out refused to have anything to do with colonial issues, when that should have been a loving priority. Who did that king think he was, the high and the mighty in Heaven? If he did, he sure fell short.
If someone is making a case for Desantis, who was considering depriving senior citizen of their givens put Desantis on their "grow up" list. I know that sounds harsh, but Desantis is a very good to excellant Human being, but by seniors and people over 45 who will be retiring in 10 to 20 years may not want to suffer old age issues before they retire at Desantis' age 70 instead of 60 to 65. And as such, seniors in general regardless of party may not vote for him out of distrust for their future well-being. Just saying. In all other ways, Desantis would make a good president, provided he never threaten retirement aged people again. Had he proposed pushing back to 60 as a maximum retirement age, that wouldn't have been his downfall. Some senior issues hit some people before age 50 and in particular, those diagnosed with diabetes, which some think is an autoimmune issue of aging, and they might be right on target. Some live to be 80 before senior issues appear, and they're usually nutrition-educated people as well as people who never tolerated gaining half a pound over their pre-greater omentum weight when in their 20s.

DeSantis isn't supporting raising the retirement age now a days. When he was a jr congressman, he may have been talked into that political charade of a bill.

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