Male wins Miss Netherlands beauty pageant….

We're not going to make it, are we?

In the world we live in today, is this even surprising anymore? Especially since a tranny took over ownership of Miss Universe pageant…

This Tweet says it best, if you think this ugly dude who looks like Bill Hader deserves to win this, you are insane…

Radical Leftwing wokism is destroying everything. They especially have to destroy beautiful things.

How long will Western men and women put up with this?

The left HATES women.
No comments from the left. Wish we could just start knocking them out.
In the world we live in today, is this even surprising anymore? Especially since a tranny took over ownership of Miss Universe pageant…

This Tweet says it best, if you think this ugly dude who looks like Bill Hader deserves to win this, you are insane…

Radical Leftwing wokism is destroying everything. They especially have to destroy beautiful things.

How long will Western men and women put up with this?

There should be a separate beauty contest for trans people.

Miss Big Swinging Dick.
It turns out that the Miss Universe organization was bought out, last year, by a wealthy tranny in Thailand. He also now owns “Miss USA” and “Miss Teen USA”.

So, don't be surprised when you see victories in these pageants going to men, instead of to actual women.

The guy who won Miss Netherlands, even if you can force yourself to see him as a “woman”, really isn't a particularly attractive one. You have to know, when actual women, much more beautiful than he could ever dream of being, lose to a freak like that in a “beauty pageant”, that something very fucked-up is going on. I'm guessing that pressure from the freak that now owns the pageant must have a lot to do with it.
What the hell were they thinking? Did you see the freakazoid? A bony skeleton in a swim suit with way too much cosmetic surgery.
What the hell were they thinking? Did you see the freakazoid? A bony skeleton in a swim suit with way too much cosmetic surgery.

American Trannies aren't any less freaky looking. Have you gotten a load of Dylan, the Bud Light "chick"?

This is apparently the kind of guy, that guys like this often go for.
In the world we live in today, is this even surprising anymore? Especially since a tranny took over ownership of Miss Universe pageant…

This Tweet says it best, if you think this ugly dude who looks like Bill Hader deserves to win this, you are insane…

Radical Leftwing wokism is destroying everything. They especially have to destroy beautiful things.

How long will Western men and women put up with this?

The question now is whether the girls will agree to compete with this fellow in the "Miss Universe" pageant?

Losing to a man in a dress in a beauty contest would be a hard pill for any chick to swallow.

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