Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate flag hat

Aug 3, 2015
The story sounds like the man was assaulted for saying the confederate flag is not racist.

Whether that's true, it's a hard statement to defend seeing it is the flag of the army of a government based on the inferiority of the black man.

But I guess it could be a fair statement if it is equally true the Nazi flag is not anti-Semitic.
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
The story sounds like the man was assaulted for saying the confederate flag is not racist.

Whether that's true, it's a hard statement to defend seeing it is the flag of the army of a government based on the inferiority of the black man.

But I guess it could be a fair statement if it is equally true the Nazi flag is not anti-Semitic.
…so the assault was warranted, you are saying?
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
I'm an athiest but joined Islam just to even things up. Allah Akbar.
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
b.jpg black-confederates.jpg
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
I'm an athiest but joined Islam just to even things up. Allah Akbar.
A jew atheist? Noting is strange about that, really.. it is fact
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
I'm an athiest but joined Islam just to even things up. Allah Akbar.

Did you have your mutilation done? :terror:
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.

What it sounds like is that 8-10 guys jumped on one man because he didn't agree with them. The man is still alive.

No one was killed.

I wonder what his niece did with the hat?
No surprise here.

The PC Police are getting what they want, and it ain't a healing of race relations.

If this happened the way it says then it is wrong...

I will expect the apologies for all the racist hate crimes done by guys holding a confederate flag....

I can understand when people experienced violence by people wearing this flag that they want to meet that violence head on... It is wrong but I think you would get the same reception with a Nazi flag in brooklyn NY.

I am just wondering is the OP just as horrified at this:
Anti-Muslim hate crimes are still five times more common today than before 9 11 - The Washington Post

You are horrified at a man getting roughed up but ignore murder of three people.
If this happened the way it says then it is wrong...

I will expect the apologies for all the racist hate crimes done by guys holding a confederate flag....

I can understand when people experienced violence by people wearing this flag that they want to meet that violence head on... It is wrong but I think you would get the same reception with a Nazi flag in brooklyn NY.

I am just wondering is the OP just as horrified at this:
Anti-Muslim hate crimes are still five times more common today than before 9 11 - The Washington Post

You are horrified at a man getting roughed up but ignore murder of three people.

you are an idiot

where are people abusing Muslims?

nothing like an brokeback "cowboy" living in ireland to embarrass himself with spoon-fed stupidity
If the report is accurate then the assailants broke the law and should be prosecuted accordingly.
…so the assault was warranted, you are saying?

No, I don't think it was warranted.

I think it was invited by mocking guys' education like that. Especially as it seems they were well educated in the history of the Confederate flag...

The man defended his niece, and told the men to educate themselves about the history of the Confederate flag because he said it was not racist.
You have a lot of 'Rights' in the country, but you do NOT have the Right:
- NOT to be offended.
- To TOUCH ME if you don't like something I am doing or saying. This is an easy example - the guy who perpetrated the assault should be arrested and charged with a 'Hate' Crime along with assault.

If the person is wearing a confederate flag cap and believes it to be part of their heritage, 'YOU' do not have the right to walk up, TELL THEM what it 'really' means (to you), and then assault someone when they don't agree with 'you'! In such a case it would be 'you', the attacker' introducing racism / hate into an equation where it was not (in the mind of the person wearing the hat) there before. The law also does not recognize 'YOUR' ability to read other people's minds and what's in their heart, so don't even trying the argument that they REALLY believe it is a racist item, too.

Go to jail...go directly to not pass 'Go' not collect $200...and don't drop the soap in the shower in jail...
If the person is wearing a confederate flag cap and believes it to be part of their heritage, 'YOU' do not have the right to walk up, TELL THEM what it 'really' means (to you), and then assault someone when they don't agree with 'you'!
Only one out of three, shirley?
If this happened the way it says then it is wrong...

I will expect the apologies for all the racist hate crimes done by guys holding a confederate flag....

I can understand when people experienced violence by people wearing this flag that they want to meet that violence head on... It is wrong but I think you would get the same reception with a Nazi flag in brooklyn NY.

I am just wondering is the OP just as horrified at this:
Anti-Muslim hate crimes are still five times more common today than before 9 11 - The Washington Post

You are horrified at a man getting roughed up but ignore murder of three people.

you are an idiot

where are people abusing Muslims?

nothing like an brokeback "cowboy" living in ireland to embarrass himself with spoon-fed stupidity

You really should refrain from calling other people stupid. For one thing, your grammar and punctuation are sorely lacking. While I realize that isn't an indication of intelligence, the content of your posts isn't much better than the punctuation.

Of course people are "abusing Muslims". They are 2nd only to Jews in the incidents of anti religious hate crimes.

America Facing Anti Muslim Bigotry

Hate crimes against Muslims in US have skyrocketed during ‘war on terror’
If the person is wearing a confederate flag cap and believes it to be part of their heritage, 'YOU' do not have the right to walk up, TELL THEM what it 'really' means (to you), and then assault someone when they don't agree with 'you'!
Only one out of three, shirley?

Please clarify - only one what?
- The only one who thinks the Confederate Flag has to do with out heritage? Absolutely NOT! It IS part of our heritage! Did you know that a law was passed years ago making Confederat Soldiers US MILITARY VETERANS? By that law these men have the same rights as all veterans. The law also protects their headstones, monuments, AND statues! Unfortunately a lot of people - politicians - around the country are not honoring that law and are allowing real ignorant racists to remove statues. monbuments, and in one case even digging up the body of a Confederate soldier and his wife to remove them from a state cemetary.

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