Man behind of Unholy war ! "Patriarch" Kirill l A Former KGB Spy & Spiritual Guru Is The Driving Force Behind Putin’s Ukraine War


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Just imagine how the devil can make use of his various deceptions..​

Man behind of Unholy war ! "Patriarch" Kirill l A Former KGB Spy & Spiritual Guru Is The Driving Force Behind Putin’s Ukraine War​

The former KGB spy Kyrill - private property about $4 billion US-$ - is just simple a shame for the orthodox church. And Victor Orban - who made impossible the EU sanctions against Kyrill (Vladimir Mikailowitsh Gundjajew; Владимир Михайлович Гундяев) - is a shame for the political Europe.

Here an anti-war song from his former diocese Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad = Königsberg = capital city of Prussia).

(original Prussian text: "Ostseestrand" (Baltic Sea strand) and not "Memelstrand")
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