Man blamed Trump travel ban for his mom's death

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I've lived my whole life by truth so I don't understand lying whatsoever. Not at all. And here we have a classic case of lying to make a political point. Crying wolf.

I want to give a shout out to this Imam for coming forward and getting this story "right". Bravo sir! Well done.

Fake News: Man Who Claimed Mom Died Due to Trump ‘Ban’ Lied
From the article and it's worth the read...

But the story was a lie, concocted to feed opposition against Trump’s executive order, which suspends most travel from terror-prone countries previously identified as problematic by the Obama administration.

Fox 2 set the record straight in a new story:
The leader of a mosque in Dearborn has confirmed to FOX 2 that a man who claimed his mother died in Iraq after being barred from returning to the United States under a ban instituted by President Trump this weekend, lied to FOX 2 about when her death occurred.

Imam Husham Al-Hussainy, leader of the Karbalaa Islamic Educational Center in Dearborn, says Mike Hager’s mom did not pass away this weekend after being barred from traveling to the United States. The Imam confirms that Hager’s mother died before the ban was put in place.

After the story aired on FOX 2 and was posted on, we received many questions about the validity of Hager’s claims that his mother died waiting to be approved to come home. FOX 2 has confirmed that his mother died five days earlier.

The story is now only the latest hoax in a string of “fake news” stories through which the left and the media have attempted to undermine Trump’s November victory and his new administration.

Fake News: Man Who Claimed Mom Died Due to Trump 'Ban' Lied
And the fed judge reinstalled the ban of the ban so no one will die because of the ban.
I really don't trust Breitbart, so I did a Google search to see if there were other news agencies that had this as well, and there are.

Personally? I think that this man should do a month in jail for lying like this. There is already enough confusion going on without adding to it.

Better yet, if he's only a green card holder, revoke it and send him back home.

Yeah............I know, you conservatives on here who think I'm a liberal are probably shocked, because it's probably the last thing you would think I'd say.

However..............I have a very dim view of those that lie, especially when they do it to the national news as a way to get their little 15 min of fame.

I say that if it can be proven you generated fake news as a way to further your own agenda, it should be punished by 30 days in the county jail, and considered a misdemeanor, no matter who does it, left, right or center.
To be fair though, you 2 wouldn't have given af if it were true. Same to you tinydancer, getting my posts deleted n' shit

And neither do you.
And so you finally did.

It's really funny how I caught your post before you edited, you big whinging hypocrite.

If you cared about dying mothers in the Middle East, you would have protested Obabble's Drone Them All program.
Lol you dumb cuck. What did I edit hmm?
I wish people left or right or in the middle didn't lie to further a political cause because by crying wolf the liars absolutely hurt who they think they are helping.
Iraq war vet lied about mom's death after Trump's travel ban
A war contractor who claimed President Trump’s controversial travel ban caused his mother to die in Iraq lied about the circumstance.

Imam Husham Al-Hussainy, head of the Karbalaa Islamic Educational Center in Dearborn, Mich. told WJBK-TV that Mike Hager's mother died five days before Trump issued the executive order.
I have NO respect(or R-S-P-E-C-T as Obama gaffed it) for a liberal, because all they do is LIE, LIE, LIE.
Yes, it was Fake News. I rated the ridiculous story 'Funny' when one of the astroturfers here duly ran forth from the Hive and posted it in Current Events.. Only a matter of time, usually days and hours, when the real facts are reported, yet these gimps still mindlessly post their drivel anyway, like they have cred or something. Definitely sick people, they are.
When bed wetters talk they're either lying willfully, or they're repeating lies they found elsewhere.

I pay little attention to them.


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