Man buries treasure in New Mexico, dares you to find it......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
If you've got some time to kill, enjoy puzzles and following clues, there's a lot of money waiting for you in a bronze box in NM if you can find it.................

Multimillionaire Forrest Fenn, 82, of New Mexico, has come up with a novel way to get Americans outside and enjoying the natural splendor of the mountains north of Santa Fe. He has buried a real, bronze treasure chest brimming with gold, diamonds and emeralds and has provided clues as to its whereabouts in a cryptic poem (see below). Diagnosed with cancer, he knew he couldn't take his millions with him and he hoped the bounty would inspire folks to get their kids "away from their little handheld machines." Fenn buried the chest three years ago but as far as he's aware, no one has found it yet. He's now cancer-free but, rather wonderfully, has not reneged on the deal. You're still reading?! Get out there! [Source]

According to Forrest Fenn, this poem provides the nine clues you need to unearth millions in treasure. It's from his self-published memoir, "The Thrill of the Chase."

As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.

From there it’s no place for the meek,
The end is drawing ever nigh;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.

Forrest Fenn has buried treasure in New Mexico

Hmmmm................mebbe it's time to take a couple of weeks to go running around the mountains of New Mexico....................
I could probably figure that out of I knew anything about the area.

And the verse is in iambic pentameter. :)
The clue reminds me of this...

Ex Keraptis Cum Amore
3 were taken, 3 I'll keep
From the fiend who rules the north;
Stolen far and hidden deep
In lands where fire issues forth.

Seek ye out the melted fane
Standing west of fiery stack;
'Neath the god of blood and pain
Bravely step and don't look back.

The gem is held with stony eyes
By the beast in the burning pit;
The wand beyond hot geysers lies
Left where the undead sit.

The magic stone you've yet to find
In tripled-double pyramid;
All the fixed, and you are mine
To serve or perish, as I bid.

I care not, mortal king or fool
What men you deign to send;
As slaves they'll heed my darkest rule
Or meet their fiery end.
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I the people of USMB think they can crack the code?

If so, I volunteer to travel to the place designated, and split the winnings evenly with everyone that helps on this thread.

But then again..........................maybe someone will read this and get it for themselves, and not sharing with anyone.

However, how cool would it be to figure this out?
Been done before. There has been one out there for years. No one has ever been smart enough to find it.
I'm sure an illegal alien will stumble across it by accident.
Considering how many there are it's bound to happen.
I the people of USMB think they can crack the code?

If so, I volunteer to travel to the place designated, and split the winnings evenly with everyone that helps on this thread.

But then again..........................maybe someone will read this and get it for themselves, and not sharing with anyone.

However, how cool would it be to figure this out?

Assuming it's all real, here's you a place to start:

"Begin where warm waters halt": There are several hot springs in the mountains north of Santa Fe, which would seem to be indicated here. Most of the hot springs are either easily assessable or have been developed.

Black Rock and Stagecoach (Manby) Springs have not been developed and are not easy to get to. They are a 5-20 minute walk off a dirt road west of the town of Arroyo Hondo. Asking locals for directions is suggested. The hot springs are on opposite banks of the Rio Grande River in the beginnings of the Rio Grande Gorge. And, so far as I know, both springs have pools which trap the hot water, which could be identified as "where warm waters halt."

From there, I would assume a boat trip down the Rio Grande is called for:

And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.

"Put in" is a boating term.

Assuming one can find the "home of Brown," which might refer to a living person or a person from history, it seems to me the next thing to look for is an arroyo or dry creek bed which flows into the Rio Grande and head up it.

From there it’s no place for the meek,
The end is drawing ever nigh;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

See? "There'll be no paddle up your creek." A paddle won't be necessary if it's dry, will it? "water high" might be a reference to the water level during storms, when rushes of water tend to fill arroyos in that region suddenly.

"If you’ve been wise and found the blaze," Blaze...a mark made on a tree or perhaps a rock or structure of some kind. In any case, since he used the word "blaze," I'd expect to see something made with a cutting instrument of some kind, probably an axe.

There ya go. How's that for starters?
Nobody interested in finding the treasure?
I'm interested in following the Treasure Hunting Thread that you start here, update often then suddenly stop.

No one will hear from you for months or years untill some hikers find your skeleton wedged between some rocks or down an old well.

But hey, enough of my Negativity. Tell ya' what, I'll rep you if you find it! :up:
Nobody interested in finding the treasure?
I'm interested in following the Treasure Hunting Thread that you start here, update often then suddenly stop.

No one will hear from you for months or years untill some hikers find your skeleton wedged between some rocks or down an old well.

But hey, enough of my Negativity. Tell ya' what, I'll rep you if you find it! :up:

Naw. I was just throwing out ideas to Abikersailor, who offered to do the leg work for half the cash. I'm too old for a new crusade. I'm adventured out.
Nobody interested in finding the treasure?
I'm interested in following the Treasure Hunting Thread that you start here, update often then suddenly stop.

No one will hear from you for months or years untill some hikers find your skeleton wedged between some rocks or down an old well.

But hey, enough of my Negativity. Tell ya' what, I'll rep you if you find it! :up:

Naw. I was just throwing out ideas to Abikersailor, who offered to do the leg work for half the cash. I'm too old for a new crusade. I'm adventured out.

Actually, I've been talking to my room mate and they've got a pretty good idea where it's at.

You bankroll the trip, we'll go find it, and I'll split it with you 50/50.
I wonder if a lot of people are searching for it and he succeeded in dragging young people away from their handheld devices? I guess the irony is that whoever finds the treasure will probably spend the contents on iPads and the like...
Don't forget about osama, he's gonna want his cut now that you will be one of the one percent............ isn't it something like 75%? It would be worth it to see him steal it back from his true believers..:razz::razz::razz:
Don't forget about osama, he's gonna want his cut now that you will be one of the one percent............ isn't it something like 75%? It would be worth it to see him steal it back from his true believers..:razz::razz::razz:

Hey.....................Shit Arrow........................Obama only would charge you 39 percent, and if you're as good as Mittens (Romney) at hiding money and placing investments, you could get it down to as low as 13 percent.

I'd really like to be at 13 percent, but I don't have enough money to hide in offshore accounts, I live off of a military pension.

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