Man Decides World's Busiest Airport Is A Good Place To Openly Carry A Loaded AR-15

Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

No its just the reality of what ( most likely) would happen.

I'm not against it, I'm just not use to seeing someone openly carry a gun, maybe thats why I think hes kinda wacko. In homes, hunting I'm use to.

I really cant see how it would make us all safer...if everyone carried a gun.

No it's not most likely what would happen. Your Leftists have a view of reality distorted by your racism. In the real world that doesn't follow the Left's twisted narrative, police target behavior, not race, as an indicator that someone is up to no good. They aren't racist like you clearly are.

Ideally police should only target behavior. That's not what always happens. That's the real world.

There was a guy at the mayday festival just like the one in that picture. He was intimidating lots of people. When interviewed he said he was just exercising his right to do it. fine. Then he went on to say he could help police if needed. ...good intentions were there but so was the possibility of greater harm. When things go wrong with guns, they really go wrong.
With rare exception, police observe behavior, not race. You're projecting your own racism onto cops like many Leftists do.
Also Cooley is entirely within his rights to carry the weapon inside the airport. House Bill 60 (the Safe Carry Protection Act), which went into effect on July 1, 2014.

The man is a Constitutional Hero, I know that you Regressives (progressives) hate the road to serfdom being blocked by Patriots with firearms, so this man is double the hero for enraging the Gun Grabbers like yourself.

Btw, anyone actually intending to shoot up an airport isn't going to change their plans because there's a "No guns allowed" sign.

Also, did you forget the story of the Oregon Mall Shooter who was immediately put down by an armed citizen?

Listen, I'm not hating on the NRA, what I'm hating on is that only you NRA white nuts are allowed this luxury, the rest of us are subject to shoot first ask questions later.....and if you've read the story, you'd notice he's in an airport that is manned by negro's.....all the security guards where BLACK.....I rest my case
Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

No its just the reality of what ( most likely) would happen.

I'm not against it, I'm just not use to seeing someone openly carry a gun, maybe thats why I think hes kinda wacko. In homes, hunting I'm use to.

I really cant see how it would make us all safer...if everyone carried a gun.

No it's not most likely what would happen. Your Leftists have a view of reality distorted by your racism. In the real world that doesn't follow the Left's twisted narrative, police target behavior, not race, as an indicator that someone is up to no good. They aren't racist like you clearly are.

Ideally police should only target behavior. That's not what always happens. That's the real world.

There was a guy at the mayday festival just like the one in that picture. He was intimidating lots of people. When interviewed he said he was just exercising his right to do it. fine. Then he went on to say he could help police if needed. ...good intentions were there but so was the possibility of greater harm. When things go wrong with guns, they really go wrong.
With rare exception, police observe behavior, not race. You're projecting your own racism onto cops like many Leftists do.

Put it this way, when we start hearing stories of blonde blue eyed white folk getting bullets to the back, in the eye, across the body, for child support violations, carrying butter knives and selling e-cigs, than we can talk, until then, keep living along the Denile river of BS
It's a class of conversation most people don't have the intellectual acumen to rise to. But here's a little tidbit. God isn't judging American with mass shootings, but his divine protection is being withdrawn at our request and thinks like mass shootings and terrorist attacks are becoming more frequent.

Or maybe it's because we don't really have much of a mental health care system and lots of guns.

I'm particularly relieved to know you don't have one.

Have what?

Is this the kind of gun Jesus would carry, or would he go with a Glock?

Probably something Israeli made.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

No its just the reality of what ( most likely) would happen.

I'm not against it, I'm just not use to seeing someone openly carry a gun, maybe thats why I think hes kinda wacko. In homes, hunting I'm use to.

I really cant see how it would make us all safer...if everyone carried a gun.

No it's not most likely what would happen. Your Leftists have a view of reality distorted by your racism. In the real world that doesn't follow the Left's twisted narrative, police target behavior, not race, as an indicator that someone is up to no good. They aren't racist like you clearly are.

Ideally police should only target behavior. That's not what always happens. That's the real world.

There was a guy at the mayday festival just like the one in that picture. He was intimidating lots of people. When interviewed he said he was just exercising his right to do it. fine. Then he went on to say he could help police if needed. ...good intentions were there but so was the possibility of greater harm. When things go wrong with guns, they really go wrong.
With rare exception, police observe behavior, not race. You're projecting your own racism onto cops like many Leftists do.

Put it this way, when we start hearing stories of blonde blue eyed white folk getting bullets to the back, in the eye, across the body, for child support violations, carrying butter knives and selling e-cigs, than we can talk, until then, keep living along the Denile river of BS
To the racist:

I'm not white or black, but I've never had a negative contact with law enforcement. By sheer coincidence I also obey the law and even if I was arrested, which was never, I wouldn't resist.

So let's get the record straight. Cops aren't racist, you are.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Is there a link that supports this bigots claim?

the one he has goes to aol and doesn't mention this story at all.

fyi; her shirt says something about Chicago on it
:link: please
Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

No its just the reality of what ( most likely) would happen.

I'm not against it, I'm just not use to seeing someone openly carry a gun, maybe thats why I think hes kinda wacko. In homes, hunting I'm use to.

I really cant see how it would make us all safer...if everyone carried a gun.

No it's not most likely what would happen. Your Leftists have a view of reality distorted by your racism. In the real world that doesn't follow the Left's twisted narrative, police target behavior, not race, as an indicator that someone is up to no good. They aren't racist like you clearly are.

Ideally police should only target behavior. That's not what always happens. That's the real world.

There was a guy at the mayday festival just like the one in that picture. He was intimidating lots of people. When interviewed he said he was just exercising his right to do it. fine. Then he went on to say he could help police if needed. ...good intentions were there but so was the possibility of greater harm. When things go wrong with guns, they really go wrong.
With rare exception, police observe behavior, not race. You're projecting your own racism onto cops like many Leftists do.

you are el wrongo.
Ive always been treated fairly.
Not everyone has the same experiences with cops and sometimes its a combination of things... but a bad experience with a cop can mean your life.
its just not something to shrug off. that's all Im trying to say.:eusa_dance:
There is another trend also and that is an increase in violent shootings involving multiple victims.

1980's - 8
1990's - 22
2000's - 19
2010's up to 2013 there are already 16 and it's not even halfway through the decade.

You are far more likely to die from an accidental shooting than to die in one of those.
And there are less then 500 accidental shooting deaths a year. So that means there are even LESS from mass shootings. In other words while spectacular as a news item they are hardly a threat to anyone in general.

Yes so since your more likely to be accidently shot and killed these idiots really don't need to run around carring guns.
The chance of accidentally being killed is so minute as to be zero. Do the math, 500 out of 320 MILLION. Lets see .0000015 percent chance of it happening.

And you have a better chance of being accidently shot than killed by a mass shooter. Really shows how silly and paranoid some of these gun people are. Thanks.
Which means NEITHER of those events are meaningful as far as any realistic chance people have to fear them. They happen so seldom as to be negligible they happen so little as to be meaningless except to the family involved, yet people like you make a mountain out of them. Remind me how often you complain about drownings, they happen a lot more often? How about car accidents? Those happen a HELL of lot more often, Perhaps you would care to comment on the fact that doctors kill over 100000 people a year accidentally. Those events are news worthy but seldom come up, why is that?cause of stupidity and agenda.
Also Cooley is entirely within his rights to carry the weapon inside the airport. House Bill 60 (the Safe Carry Protection Act), which went into effect on July 1, 2014.

The man is a Constitutional Hero, I know that you Regressives (progressives) hate the road to serfdom being blocked by Patriots with firearms, so this man is double the hero for enraging the Gun Grabbers like yourself.

Btw, anyone actually intending to shoot up an airport isn't going to change their plans because there's a "No guns allowed" sign.

Also, did you forget the story of the Oregon Mall Shooter who was immediately put down by an armed citizen?

Listen, I'm not hating on the NRA, what I'm hating on is that only you NRA white nuts are allowed this luxury, the rest of us are subject to shoot first ask questions later.....and if you've read the story, you'd notice he's in an airport that is manned by negro's.....all the security guards where BLACK.....I rest my case
So you are saying that black cops are racist against other blacks? I mean YOU are saying if he was black those black cops would have shot him.
Also Cooley is entirely within his rights to carry the weapon inside the airport. House Bill 60 (the Safe Carry Protection Act), which went into effect on July 1, 2014.

The man is a Constitutional Hero, I know that you Regressives (progressives) hate the road to serfdom being blocked by Patriots with firearms, so this man is double the hero for enraging the Gun Grabbers like yourself.

Btw, anyone actually intending to shoot up an airport isn't going to change their plans because there's a "No guns allowed" sign.

Also, did you forget the story of the Oregon Mall Shooter who was immediately put down by an armed citizen?

Listen, I'm not hating on the NRA, what I'm hating on is that only you NRA white nuts are allowed this luxury, the rest of us are subject to shoot first ask questions later.....and if you've read the story, you'd notice he's in an airport that is manned by negro's.....all the security guards where BLACK.....I rest my case
So you are saying that black cops are racist against other blacks? I mean YOU are saying if he was black those black cops would have shot him.

Let me tell you something about blacks with power positions......they are the WORST against black people, the worst. Especially cops. They're indifferent, removed and are the first to side with blue. All the shit that's been going on around the country, the protest, the wrongful deaths, etc....can you name one time, when a black cop has ever spoke out publicly in defense of whats happening against their own race? And its not just with cops, black supervisors, bosse's, etc....they all treat blacks like shit. They spend their world trying to emulate white culture and in doing so, remove themselves from the issues that face their black communities.
You are far more likely to die from an accidental shooting than to die in one of those.
And there are less then 500 accidental shooting deaths a year. So that means there are even LESS from mass shootings. In other words while spectacular as a news item they are hardly a threat to anyone in general.

Yes so since your more likely to be accidently shot and killed these idiots really don't need to run around carring guns.
The chance of accidentally being killed is so minute as to be zero. Do the math, 500 out of 320 MILLION. Lets see .0000015 percent chance of it happening.

And you have a better chance of being accidently shot than killed by a mass shooter. Really shows how silly and paranoid some of these gun people are. Thanks.
Which means NEITHER of those events are meaningful as far as any realistic chance people have to fear them. They happen so seldom as to be negligible they happen so little as to be meaningless except to the family involved, yet people like you make a mountain out of them. Remind me how often you complain about drownings, they happen a lot more often? How about car accidents? Those happen a HELL of lot more often, Perhaps you would care to comment on the fact that doctors kill over 100000 people a year accidentally. Those events are news worthy but seldom come up, why is that?cause of stupidity and agenda.

We do a lot of things to prevent those other accidental deaths.
Also Cooley is entirely within his rights to carry the weapon inside the airport. House Bill 60 (the Safe Carry Protection Act), which went into effect on July 1, 2014.
Note that the cowardly Republican Georgia politicians exempted government buildings.

I hear banning guns around politicians protects them from determined assassins, is that true?
The funny thing is, in the case of Gabriella Giffords, the gathering was not a gun free zone. I can only guess that in a crowd of Democrats it really doesn't matter.

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