Man Decides World's Busiest Airport Is A Good Place To Openly Carry A Loaded AR-15

There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?

How many attacks on airports have there been and if there were any how would this guy have stopped them?

My opinion, if security guards carry guns then citizens have the same right to carry the same guns, although what this guy is doing is rather stupid and anti the gun rights cause.
It's legal to carry a loaded weapon like that?

How do you know it's loaded?
If you read the thread, you see that it was stated so. I wasn't there. If I had been, I might have taken the gun away from him just to show him how stupid he was.

Well, there are news about this case, but what this man did is not illegal. he's allowed to carry in the airport as long he doesn't attempt to pass through airport security.

I'd like to see you trying to take a gun from him. That would be stupid.
What is stupid is transporting firearms all over the place when one is never sure who will get to use them. The minuscule possibility that the weapon would be 'needed' is outweighed by good sense.
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.
There you go. No real, sane reason to do this...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?
Uhm, no.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

That's been happening a lot. Target, Starbucks Coffee, and other retailers are cracking down on open carry because of people carrying assault rifles in. Nobody cared when it was a small Glock or revolver tastefully worn on the hip, but when the 30 round clips started coming into stores, then corporate headquarters took action and banned ALL open carry. These people are hurting the rest of us by not showing proper self restraint.
Amen. I am not opposed to open carry in most circumstances, but this is ridiculous.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?
And your posts are representative of the idiocy that undermines the Second Amendment right, by contributing to the stereotype that gun owners are reckless, irresponsible, ignorant, ridiculous, and extreme.
What was reckless and irresponsible about his actions? It looks to me like he was carrying it safely. Of course to you gun hating Leftists all carry of guns is "reckless and irresponsible" because you project onto others the incompetence you would have with a gun and how little self control you would exercise. It's probably best that people like you never carry a gun, but that insinuates nothing about competent, lawful, trained gun owners and carriers.

Stop projecting, Leftists!
Walking around in this fashion with the intent to intimidate other people is bad enough. Case closed.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

That's been happening a lot. Target, Starbucks Coffee, and other retailers are cracking down on open carry because of people carrying assault rifles in. Nobody cared when it was a small Glock or revolver tastefully worn on the hip, but when the 30 round clips started coming into stores, then corporate headquarters took action and banned ALL open carry. These people are hurting the rest of us by not showing proper self restraint.

"tastefully worn on the hip"

That made me laugh out loud but what an incredibly bizarre point of view.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

What she said is absolutely true.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo

That fucken piece of shit airport is the worlds busiest airport ?
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

That's been happening a lot. Target, Starbucks Coffee, and other retailers are cracking down on open carry because of people carrying assault rifles in. Nobody cared when it was a small Glock or revolver tastefully worn on the hip, but when the 30 round clips started coming into stores, then corporate headquarters took action and banned ALL open carry. These people are hurting the rest of us by not showing proper self restraint.

"tastefully worn on the hip"

That made me laugh out loud but what an incredibly bizarre point of view.
Didn't ya know? AK-47s are just hip accessories....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's legal to carry a loaded weapon like that?

How do you know it's loaded?
If you read the thread, you see that it was stated so. I wasn't there. If I had been, I might have taken the gun away from him just to show him how stupid he was.

Well, there are news about this case, but what this man did is not illegal. he's allowed to carry in the airport as long he doesn't attempt to pass through airport security.

I'd like to see you trying to take a gun from him. That would be stupid.

Taking a long gun from an idiot is rather simple. All one has to do is take out a concealed .45 cal handgun and place the barrel squarely on his noggin; or, just point it at him from about 5 feet away if you want him to turn his back to you and place the weapon on the ground. IN either case, you now have two guns;his and yours be you a terrorist or a good samaritan who mistakenly thought he posed a threat. BTW does Georgia have a Stand Your Ground law? Hmmmmm. This could get complicated if someone had shot that fool after he had made any kind of action suggesting he was "going for his gun."

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo

Um, the black thugs already walk around with firearms, so putting more guns in the hands of law abiding blacks would be a good idea. So I agree with you.

Big damned difference is that us black folk don't the luxury as you whites do to point out that we're one of the good blacks......hands up, don't shoot shit only works if the cop is having a GOOD Damned day!!!!!!...we all can't be
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?
And your posts are representative of the idiocy that undermines the Second Amendment right, by contributing to the stereotype that gun owners are reckless, irresponsible, ignorant, ridiculous, and extreme.
What was reckless and irresponsible about his actions? It looks to me like he was carrying it safely. Of course to you gun hating Leftists all carry of guns is "reckless and irresponsible" because you project onto others the incompetence you would have with a gun and how little self control you would exercise. It's probably best that people like you never carry a gun, but that insinuates nothing about competent, lawful, trained gun owners and carriers.

Stop projecting, Leftists!
Walking around in this fashion with the intent to intimidate other people is bad enough. Case closed.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
If anyone other than a terrorist is intimidated by lawful activities, that's their own damn problem.
Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

No its just the reality of what ( most likely) would happen.

I'm not against it, I'm just not use to seeing someone openly carry a gun, maybe thats why I think hes kinda wacko. In homes, hunting I'm use to.

I really cant see how it would make us all safer...if everyone carried a gun.

No it's not most likely what would happen. Your Leftists have a view of reality distorted by your racism. In the real world that doesn't follow the Left's twisted narrative, police target behavior, not race, as an indicator that someone is up to no good. They aren't racist like you clearly are.

Ideally police should only target behavior. That's not what always happens. That's the real world.

There was a guy at the mayday festival just like the one in that picture. He was intimidating lots of people. When interviewed he said he was just exercising his right to do it. fine. Then he went on to say he could help police if needed. ...good intentions were there but so was the possibility of greater harm. When things go wrong with guns, they really go wrong.

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