Man faces 95 years for giving 15 year old HIV

Wow. To think people have the nerve to say "we should not punish people for transferring HIV/AIDS to other people knowingly because it's discrimination" is just mind-boggling to say the least. There's a point where rights do not apply, and in acts of malice, they surely do not apply.

Although, at least some are seeking the opposite, which is a good sign.

American Independent said:
Last year, Del. C.T. Wilson (D-Charles County) introduced a bill that would have increased the penalty from a misdemeanor to a felony, punishable by up to 25 years in prison
The man should most definitely be sitting in that jail cell, but considering the fact that he was man enough to admit what it is that he is guilty of, 95 years sounds a bit much in my opinion especially when we all know that no one would be able to carry out such a sentence.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


P.S. How old is the guy right now?
Justice was served, and the bill proposed by the MD lawmaker was unsuccessful. So, was there a point to this thread, aside from an attempt to bash liberals?
Lets just force-test every human in America for HIV and AIDS every six months, and slaughter the humans that are infected. Its the best way to "cure" ourselves of the epidemic, and future generations would be far less likely to become infected with it.
Justice was served, and the bill proposed by the MD lawmaker was unsuccessful. So, was there a point to this thread, aside from an attempt to bash liberals?

Doesn't appear as if there is any other point, no. And, of course, diabetes was once thought to be caused by masturbation, carried quite a stigma then.
Lets just force-test every human in America for HIV and AIDS every six months, and slaughter the humans that are infected. Its the best way to "cure" ourselves of the epidemic, and future generations would be far less likely to become infected with it.

Or maybe just the environmentally unsound........excessive height, we can wipe it out in a few generations.......:eusa_angel:

The person who wrote the article behind Steve's link. said:
Maryland Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (D-Baltimore County) decided last week to withdraw a short-lived bill that would have repealed a state law that makes it a misdemeanor crime – punishable by a fine of up to $2,500 and/or three years in prison – for a person who has HIV to “knowingly transfer or attempt to transfer” the virus to another person.

Nathan-Pulliam said she withdrew the bill after hearing from HIV advocates who feared a straight repeal of the state law might do more harm than good.

This one gets a tip o' the hat to the Left for being reasonable.

It would be nice if more of us, especially the politicians among us, would LISTEN to what the opposition has to say once in a while.
Lets just force-test every human in America for HIV and AIDS every six months, and slaughter the humans that are infected. Its the best way to "cure" ourselves of the epidemic, and future generations would be far less likely to become infected with it.

Or maybe just the environmentally unsound........excessive height, we can wipe it out in a few generations.......:eusa_angel:

:eek: Careful!

The AIDS eradication bill is easy to sell on fear, but if the Too Big Fo' Yo' Britches Bill gets any traction, you know that some power-hungry a-hole is going to target the ugly....
If that happens, we're ALL vulnerable. :eusa_shifty:
Lets just force-test every human in America for HIV and AIDS every six months, and slaughter the humans that are infected. Its the best way to "cure" ourselves of the epidemic, and future generations would be far less likely to become infected with it.

Or maybe just the environmentally unsound........excessive height, we can wipe it out in a few generations.......:eusa_angel:

:eek: Careful!

The AIDS eradication bill is easy to sell on fear, but if the Too Big Fo' Yo' Britches Bill gets any traction, you know that some power-hungry a-hole is going to target the ugly....
If that happens, we're ALL vulnerable. :eusa_shifty:

So? As long as petite, blue eyed people are not targeted why should I ca :eek:

(Famous last words)
SMH.... In my opinion, this man should get no money from his inmate job in the joint. All he earns should go to the victim. No zoom zooms & wam wams for you!
Lets just force-test every human in America for HIV and AIDS every six months, and slaughter the humans that are infected. Its the best way to "cure" ourselves of the epidemic, and future generations would be far less likely to become infected with it.

ok. :eusa_clap:
SMH.... In my opinion, this man should get no money from his inmate job in the joint. All he earns should go to the victim. No zoom zooms & wam wams for you!

Certainly, but the years are not for HIV alone. The victim was below the age of consent, he could have gotten multiple 15 & 30 terms in Florida. 15 for each "sexual contact", 30 for each act of intercourse. Add to that "KNOWINGLY" transmitting HIV, beyond life.
Or maybe just the environmentally unsound........excessive height, we can wipe it out in a few generations.......:eusa_angel:

:eek: Careful!

The AIDS eradication bill is easy to sell on fear, but if the Too Big Fo' Yo' Britches Bill gets any traction, you know that some power-hungry a-hole is going to target the ugly....
If that happens, we're ALL vulnerable. :eusa_shifty:

So? As long as petite, blue eyed people are not targeted why should I ca :eek:

(Famous last words)

Even the pretty get old.

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