Zone1 Man Gets Kicked Out Of Cathedral For Advocating The Gospel After LGBT Service

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I sure hope that this isn't considered an unclean OP because it's the truth. If the people who were telling him to get off the property don't repent then you can bet that they're going to Hell. It's that simple.

I sure hope that this isn't considered an unclean OP because it's the truth. If the people who were telling him to get off the property don't repent then you can bet that they're going to Hell. It's that simple.

I do believe that you had posted about this before.

They have nothing to repent. The guy had no business attempting to impose his religious beliefs on people who were in their own safe space and minding their own business.

This is no different from any Christian extremists going to any Synagogue telling Jews that they must repent and this and that.

Christians, mind your own business, believe whatever you wish to believe in, but do NOT invade, impose or demand that others think and believe as you do.
Just so you know that was a different guy and you're full of applesauce. 🙄
Just so you know that was a different guy and you're full of applesauce. 🙄
Different guy or not, this invader of the LGBTQ had no business entering their space in order to show them how "superior" he was for not being LGBTQ.

Your empty answer is again noted.

You will applaud anyone who will disrespect the space of any LGBTQ member and goes and tries to impose their religion and way of thinking.

These nobodies need to go and do something constructive with their lives, like help the homeless, or go to Africa and other parts of the world and help those in need there.

People who learn to be prejudiced towards others will always be prejudiced towards others, as long as they are incapable of learning to be loving and understanding and tolerant of anything which is different from what they learned.

And one of them is you.
I do believe that you had posted about this before.

They have nothing to repent. The guy had no business attempting to impose his religious beliefs on people who were in their own safe space and minding their own business.

This is no different from any Christian extremists going to any Synagogue telling Jews that they must repent and this and that.

Christians, mind your own business, believe whatever you wish to believe in, but do NOT invade, impose or demand that others think and believe as you do.
No building is required for the violent projections of the christian mafia. The xian mafia has no intention of minding its own business. These arrogant bastards and their trollops will blatantly molest college students walking to and from classes during the first week of semester. This year, we've seen intensified projections of their mental illness with the use of amplified audio systems, Trump-loudmouth style. One-book IQs and knowledge envy fuels this proselytizing protection-racket engine. It should be permanently boycotted.

'But by age twelve in the United States, her study found, it's pretty much only children in fundamentalist Christian households who still believe that animals and people were created supernaturally and simultaneously.
The one influential religious figure in Trump's life was Norman Vincent Peale author of The Power of Positive Thinking.....Now that a version of Peale's autohypnotic self-confidence scheme is at the heart of a hot charismatic Christian sector, Trump can almost pass for a prosperity gospel lay preacher.'
(Andersen, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire, pp. 408 & 423)

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