"Man Of Steel" as Messianic metaphor


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Moving this to its' own thread since the "one unforgiveable sin" thing was going off-topic.

If you saw the movie, and think to the slugfest between Superman and the Kyptonian female in the diner, she refers to him as "son of El." In Judaism, 'El' is a name for God. One of many in point of fact. 'Elohim' is more widely known but actually a plural form of 'El.'

So calling Superman "son of El" is the same as saying "son of God." At least to us mere humans. :) In the movie it's explained (curiously that they'd bother to and multiple times,) El is the family's name, Jor-El is his father, Kal-El is the son (Superman.)

The original creators of Superman back in the 30s or whatever it was were Jewish. So I doubt this is an accident. Jews believe our Messiah hasn't yet come. So that two Jews got together and created a superhero and arbitraily named him Kal-El which later invovled referring to him as 'son of El' looks less and less like a coincidence, and more and more like design.

"Jewish Messiah" comics wouldn't have sold, but make it into "Superman" and wha dya know...

And just to make sure I wasn't only seeing what I wanted to see, googling:

"man of steel" jewish messianic metaphor

I'm not the only one who noticed. :)
Was sent to Earth in "Man of Steel" with the codex thing to restart the Kryptonian 'humanity' (albeit not on Earth.)
It actually gets worse for the naysayers:

"Warner Bros. Studios is aggressively marketing "Man of Steel" to Christian pastors, inviting them to early screenings, creating Father’s Day discussion guides and producing special film trailers that focus on the faith-friendly angles of the movie."
Superman: Flying to a church near you ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

June 14, 2013?.....

Evidently written day of release. Googling for the actual release date to US theatres,

June 14, 2013 (USA)
Man of Steel, Release date

Was supposed to have come out previously but got delayed. Might written the article before in anticipation of the prior release dates, put it off to coincide with actual release?

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