Man Rapes Child 500 Times, 7 Abortions Performed That Doctors Never Reported

Started when she was 12.

That’s the abortion industry. All about $$$$

Man raped woman more than 500 times since she was a child, deputies say

Wastes of human skin like this POS should be TORTURED SLOWLY to death, they deserve death and they deserve to SUFFER. Period. No Mercy.

Make him a porcupine with toothpicks.

That'd be really slow.

And deserved.

Yes and NOBODY should defend this filth, it has NO Human Rights OR Civil Rights, when filth like this violate children they forfeit their Human Rights and their Civil Rights and are rendered to ZERO.
What about planned parenthood doing the abortions, without asking questions? A twelve year old girl getting multiple abortions? Seems like they let it happen.
This guy should hang! He gets to flip a coin, if he wins, he hangs by the neck until dead. If he loses, he hangs by the nads until dead.

Yeah yeah, "cruel and unusual" ..:blahblah:

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