Man Shot At Protest In Denver

This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
Talking about Trump ? Yes he did do that in regards to an individual who was being unruly at a Trump rally (just playing it tough was all). The Democrats have been running it non-stop on YouTube etc.

1st they show him saying it, then it goes to the rest of the attack add.

Their other favorite is of him saying "when you throw that thug in the patty wagon, don't be to nice".

Well Trump figured he was echoing the frustrations of millions of Americans, black, white or any other who were fed up with the leftist bullcrap, and he was right. The left get away with murder almost, but how dare the conservatives vent their frustrations over it.

Oh noooo, the republicans/conservatives are baaaaaad people for calling out the leftist for their bullcrap.

When Trump says things, he's using New York City language, and everyone knows that New York City lingo is just that "tough guy talk", but it's directed at bad people not innocent good people. Anyone offended must have a guilty conscious, because anyone good takes it for what it is, just venting frustration without actually acting on it. Everyone knows this by now.

Trump wants what's best for good American's, and he wants justice to prevail against bad American's or bad people in general period.

I dont see where any of that is INCITING violence,,,
When he made that statement one his the rally goer's hit the guy
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
Talking about Trump ? Yes he did do that in regards to an individual who was being unruly at a Trump rally (just playing it tough was all). The Democrats have been running it non-stop on YouTube etc.

1st they show him saying it, then it goes to the rest of the attack add.

Their other favorite is of him saying "when you throw that thug in the patty wagon, don't be to nice".

Well Trump figured he was echoing the frustrations of millions of Americans, black, white or any other who were fed up with the leftist bullcrap, and he was right. The left get away with murder almost, but how dare the conservatives vent their frustrations over it.

Oh noooo, the republicans/conservatives are baaaaaad people for calling out the leftist for their bullcrap.

When Trump says things, he's using New York City language, and everyone knows that New York City lingo is just that "tough guy talk", but it's directed at bad people not innocent good people. Anyone offended must have a guilty conscious, because anyone good takes it for what it is, just venting frustration without actually acting on it. Everyone knows this by now.

Trump wants what's best for good American's, and he wants justice to prevail against bad American's or bad people in general period.

I dont see where any of that is INCITING violence,,,
When he made that statement one his the rally goer's hit the guy
are you going to provide a link so I can see the context of the events???
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
Talking about Trump ? Yes he did do that in regards to an individual who was being unruly at a Trump rally (just playing it tough was all). The Democrats have been running it non-stop on YouTube etc.

1st they show him saying it, then it goes to the rest of the attack add.

Their other favorite is of him saying "when you throw that thug in the patty wagon, don't be to nice".

Well Trump figured he was echoing the frustrations of millions of Americans, black, white or any other who were fed up with the leftist bullcrap, and he was right. The left get away with murder almost, but how dare the conservatives vent their frustrations over it.

Oh noooo, the republicans/conservatives are baaaaaad people for calling out the leftist for their bullcrap.

When Trump says things, he's using New York City language, and everyone knows that New York City lingo is just that "tough guy talk", but it's directed at bad people not innocent good people. Anyone offended must have a guilty conscious, because anyone good takes it for what it is, just venting frustration without actually acting on it. Everyone knows this by now.

Trump wants what's best for good American's, and he wants justice to prevail against bad American's or bad people in general period.

I dont see where any of that is INCITING violence,,,
When he made that statement one his the rally goer's hit the guy
are you going to provide a link so I can see the context of the events???
link has been provided stop lying
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
dude you just posted two different links and the new one is different from the one youve been posting,,, and again that doesnt have the full context of what he said,,all it is is a few words out of an entire sentence,,,
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
dude you just posted two different links and the new one is different from the one youve been posting,,, and again that doesnt have the full context of what he said,,all it is is a few words out of an entire sentence,,,
the quote I posted came from that link and it is the same quote that you have stated "nowhere in your link is that mentioned" and it was the second time I posted that link dude
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
dude you just posted two different links and the new one is different from the one youve been posting,,, and again that doesnt have the full context of what he said,,all it is is a few words out of an entire sentence,,,
the quote I posted came from that link and it was the second time I posted that link dude
and those quotes are wildly out of context,,,

do you have a full transcript of video so I can see the full context of the comments???

pardon me if I dont trust the MSM or Time,,,
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
dude you just posted two different links and the new one is different from the one youve been posting,,, and again that doesnt have the full context of what he said,,all it is is a few words out of an entire sentence,,,
the quote I posted came from that link and it was the second time I posted that link dude
and those quotes are wildly out of context,,,

do you have a full transcript of video so I can see the full context of the comments???

pardon me if I dont trust the MSM or Time,,,
those quotes? it was one quote repeated several times along with the link at least twice
As I said I watched the rally and saw the what happened when the president said what he did.
Now pick and choose your battles do you really want to do this?
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
dude you just posted two different links and the new one is different from the one youve been posting,,, and again that doesnt have the full context of what he said,,all it is is a few words out of an entire sentence,,,
the quote I posted came from that link and it was the second time I posted that link dude
and those quotes are wildly out of context,,,

do you have a full transcript of video so I can see the full context of the comments???

pardon me if I dont trust the MSM or Time,,,
those quotes? it was one quote repeated several times along with the link at least twice
As I said I watched the rally and saw the what happened when the president said what he did.
Now pick and choose your battles do you really want to do this?
it gives the same quote twice but added more words the second time,,,

sorry but unless I can hear the full context I cant give an opinion on it,,, it wouldnt be fair,,,

so far I've won this battle,,,
has this been posted?

WEIRD: Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver Is a Security Guard But He’s Not Registered In Colorado’s Security Guard Database

What is going on? Do the police have evidence the shooter was a security guard and was not aligned with the radical and violent Antifa?

He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Too Funny;

Videos have surfaced with this gun man harassing and intimidating this man PRIOR to the shooting... He was actively inciting this man to defend himself.. That makes this PREMEDITATED MURDER... And that TV station is culpable as their staff did not defend this man or try to stop this mans actions that they were paying him for.

This is going to end badly for the TV station and this shooter.
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

""3) Story must be linked to at least one Major news outlet, newspaper or periodical. Other secondary links encouraged.""

Two Twitters and Conspiracy site thePostMilennial are NOT "Major New outlets."

has this been posted?

WEIRD: Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver Is a Security Guard But He’s Not Registered In Colorado’s Security Guard Database

What is going on? Do the police have evidence the shooter was a security guard and was not aligned with the radical and violent Antifa?

I don't believe this Leftist was an actual security guard.

He was a Leftist terrorist employed by a Leftist Terrorist Sympathizing News Organization ....

Prove me wrong ....

Anyone ....

Show me a link this Leftist POS terrorist was actually employed by Pinkerton.

He was a Fake News MSM employed Brownshirt !!!

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