Man Shot At Protest In Denver

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WEIRD: Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver Is a Security Guard But He’s Not Registered In Colorado’s Security Guard Database

What is going on? Do the police have evidence the shooter was a security guard and was not aligned with the radical and violent Antifa?

I don't believe this Leftist was an actual security guard.

He was a Leftist terrorist employed by a Leftist Terrorist Sympathizing News Organization ....

Prove me wrong ....

I agree with you! :thup:
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Too Funny;

Videos have surfaced with this gun man harassing and intimidating this man PRIOR to the shooting... He was actively inciting this man to defend himself.. That makes this PREMEDITATED MURDER... And that TV station is culpable as their staff did not defend this man or try to stop this mans actions that they were paying him for.

This is going to end badly for the TV station and this shooter.

Odd that nobody but you knows about that, don't you think?
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Yeah....he sprayed pepper-spray....that's worth getting killed over.
If he killed him over a non-lethal threat, he's going to be facing murder charges. It's high time these violent lawless lefties did some serious time.
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
Talking about Trump ? Yes he did do that in regards to an individual who was being unruly at a Trump rally (just playing it tough was all). The Democrats have been running it non-stop on YouTube etc.

1st they show him saying it, then it goes to the rest of the attack add.

Their other favorite is of him saying "when you throw that thug in the patty wagon, don't be to nice".

Well Trump figured he was echoing the frustrations of millions of Americans, black, white or any other who were fed up with the leftist bullcrap, and he was right. The left get away with murder almost, but how dare the conservatives vent their frustrations over it.

Oh noooo, the republicans/conservatives are baaaaaad people for calling out the leftist for their bullcrap.

When Trump says things, he's using New York City language, and everyone knows that New York City lingo is just that "tough guy talk", but it's directed at bad people not innocent good people. Anyone offended must have a guilty conscious, because anyone good takes it for what it is, just venting frustration without actually acting on it. Everyone knows this by now.

Trump wants what's best for good American's, and he wants justice to prevail against bad American's or bad people in general period.

I dont see where any of that is INCITING violence,,,
It's just NYC lingo, so of course Trump isn't actually inciting violence just like Robert Denero wasn't actually inciting violence when he said that he'd like to take Trump out back or something to that affect. It means nothing, and anyone who knows NYC lingo knows that it means nothing unless you are truly a bad person in life. It's just tough guy or wise guy talk is all it is, and what it's suppose to mean is -

"hey I'm serious, when it comes to you hurting the innocent, then don't be surprised if you get hurt back by the justice system".

The nation is tired of the left twisting everything into pretzels.

Hanging on every word of Trump or any politician is really desperate on the leftist part, but they don't have any policies worth a dam, so trash Trump is all they have. If people fall for the dumb bullcrap suggesting that Trump isn't any good or is worse than Biden, then I feel sorry for them.
has this been posted?

WEIRD: Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver Is a Security Guard But He’s Not Registered In Colorado’s Security Guard Database

What is going on? Do the police have evidence the shooter was a security guard and was not aligned with the radical and violent Antifa?

I don't believe this Leftist was an actual security guard.

He was a Leftist terrorist employed by a Leftist Terrorist Sympathizing News Organization ....

Prove me wrong ....

Anyone ....

Show me a link this Leftist POS terrorist was actually employed by Pinkerton.

He was a Fake News MSM employed Brownshirt !!!
Employed or deployed ? Sounds like he was deployed.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

Your domestic terrorist ally "security guard" Anqueefa turd buddy should have de escalated the situation, and walked away..

But it's obvious your soy turd buddy wanted to be the aggressor. He is the "security guard"..He is supposed to be the one maintaining composure in this situation..

Anyways.. isn't that the logic the moonbats on the left always use to justify criminals assaulting police?
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Yeah....he sprayed pepper-spray....that's worth getting killed over.

He probably should have considered that before he decided to play Rambo in his silly camo outfit.
That's leftist don't believe in the death penalty for rapist, thieves, and murderers.....but you do believe that wearing camo and being a Trump supporter is worthy of death.

Does this mean we can search out and find Biden supporters and kill them now?

Apparently it's open season on us.
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

In other words, NBC was caught lying again.

You can forget that. It is a local affiliate, not a flagship station of NBC.

Look, it's not shit, it's a bullcrap.
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

You said it yourself... they were hecklers.

It's not exactly inciting violence, it's proper way of dealing with hecklers.
violence is violence whether or not it's deserved you two need to pick and choose your battles

So does heckler. The way I see it, he was there to incite violence, he got what he deserved.
has this been posted?

WEIRD: Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver Is a Security Guard But He’s Not Registered In Colorado’s Security Guard Database

What is going on? Do the police have evidence the shooter was a security guard and was not aligned with the radical and violent Antifa?

The "security guard" narrative was planted from the left to justify the shooting. Since he's not a "security guard" they'll look for some other insane excuse.
So news crews now need armed security? Did I miss something? Are news crews being assaulted by right wing demonstrators? This guy doesn't have a permit to carry a weapon as a security guard in Denver...yet the news station is hiring him? Can you say MAJOR law suit coming?
well he was charged with 1st degree murder,,, what more could we ask for??
I think you miss my point

Most cops who shoot black knuckleheads are attacked night and day, day after day by the media in a successful campaign to poison to publics mind

Our side has to find better ways to respond
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Yep, and now the prosecutor will have to get 12 member jury favorable to Trump cock suckers.
The libs only need one juror to vote not guilty

but I think the game is to drag out the proceedings as quietly as possible because PR is their ultimate goal

even if they convict the shooter to life in prison if the liberal news media ignores it with little coverage in lib la la land it will be as if it never happened
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Getting baited into a bad reaction is exactly what the leftist want, so it's not a question of manhood, but more of a be the better man than what they are. Ever heard of give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves ??
If you mean the debacle in Colorado Springs it was Michelle Maulkin who barely escape lynching

the left walked away with what they wanted and suffered almost no repercussions.

the organizers should have anticipated trouble and been prepared for it
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?
In order to work as a security guard in Denver you need to be licensed. This man was not! In order to carry a firearm as a security guard in Denver you need to receive additional training beyond the training you're required to have as an unarmed security guard. This man had no training at all. Channel 9 News and the Pinkerton Agency are about to get hit with HUGE lawsuits. What were they thinking?
well he was charged with 1st degree murder,,, what more could we ask for??
I think you miss my point

Most cops who shoot black knuckleheads are attacked night and day, day after day by the media in a successful campaign to poison to publics mind

Our side has to find better ways to respond
when you try to compare separate events by the same standard you will always be disappointed and wrong,,,

the only logical thing is to take each event on a case by case basis,,,
well he was charged with 1st degree murder,,, what more could we ask for??
I think you miss my point

Most cops who shoot black knuckleheads are attacked night and day, day after day by the media in a successful campaign to poison to publics mind

Our side has to find better ways to respond
Black and white knuckle heads, but yes they can be set up easily if it's a white cop dealing with a black person in a situation. Not sure how that will ever be resolved in post Barack Obama America now. One things for sure, the blacks in Chicago and other big city crime area's, don't want to see law enforcement shut down, defunded or other, so maybe the nation can figure out a way to have blacks policing blacks as far as these hotbeds or no go area's are concerned.

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