Man Shot At Protest In Denver

The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.

So you believe in using lethal self-defense, but only if the defender's race, ideology, etc., aligns with your belief system. That's what I figured, but at least you answered the question and admitted your double-standard. Thanks.

Please quote where I mentioned race in this thread.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?
well, if you were standing there.....
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
He sprayed the murderer after being assaulted by the shooter trying to take his spray, you fucking liar.
progressive shill ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.
So the media claim that it's wrong for the Police to respond to physical attacks with deadly force or even tear gas when left wing anarchists pelt them with frozen water bottles, bricks and explosive devices...but it's acceptable for someone on the left to shoot a right wing protestor dead for spraying them with Mace? Does Channel 9 not grasp how hypocritical this makes them look? Who was it from that station that OK'd sending out armed "security" with zero training to protect their staff and are they now ready to accept responsibility for what their "employee" did?
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.
I believe that Joe Biden walked away after committing bribery of foreign officials, money-laundering, and conspiracy to commit espionage.
I think Hillary is guilty of various political hits against Trump and is guilty of conspiracy to commit the murder of Jeffery Epstein and dozens of potential witnesses. She was also following orders by having a private server set up in her home to allow her to communicate with foreign agents and to handle the arming and training of terrorists in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The Clintons committed various acts of fraud with respect to foreign aide in countries like Haiti and took in millions in federal dollars and donations and used it for personal uses.
Several members of the Obama Administration have been caught red-handed committing crimes that would make the Watergate operatives in the Nixon Administration blush.
Yet all of these people have been allowed to stay out of prison and even get high paying jobs working as political consultants at CNN and MSNBC...but that's the way it works if you're a friend of the left. You get rewarded for committing crimes against the Trump Administration and the American people. Anyone who upsets the left come under attack and end up in court losing everything they have and end up in prison.

And now you say that once Biden is sworn fully intend on going after ME because of my support for Donald J. Trump. Are you joking? Maybe you are now.....but people like you can be easily manipulated just like Hitler manipulated the German people.

All I can say about that is bring it on.

When all else fails call your opponent a communist or Hitler. Looks like all else has failed for you.
Was he plotting to kidnap the governor too or was that someone else? The real question is what kind of security screen doesn’t include basic social media checks?
Great. Now tell me the same info for white supremacists.
Perfect response.

But, I wouldn't look for that one to come back to this thread.
she never comes back to my replies. i piss her off because i don't joy ride around topics and get angry at her appropriate times. instead i ask question and ask for like consideration for all people despite whether you like them or not.

hence, she stopped replying to me long ago.

take into consideration that when trump referenced "good people on both sides" (of the issue) they took it straight to a group that can't be defined either and said trump supported a group that really wasn't a "group" but an ideal.

people like that have no use for the truth, just emotional validation.
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
He sprayed the murderer after being assaulted by the shooter trying to take his spray, you fucking liar.
progressive shill ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

If you ever present any facts, we can find out if you are right, can't we?
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

i don't care about his politics or who he likes and don't likes. he broke the law.

prosecute. fullest extent.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.
I believe that Joe Biden walked away after committing bribery of foreign officials, money-laundering, and conspiracy to commit espionage.
I think Hillary is guilty of various political hits against Trump and is guilty of conspiracy to commit the murder of Jeffery Epstein and dozens of potential witnesses. She was also following orders by having a private server set up in her home to allow her to communicate with foreign agents and to handle the arming and training of terrorists in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The Clintons committed various acts of fraud with respect to foreign aide in countries like Haiti and took in millions in federal dollars and donations and used it for personal uses.
Several members of the Obama Administration have been caught red-handed committing crimes that would make the Watergate operatives in the Nixon Administration blush.
Yet all of these people have been allowed to stay out of prison and even get high paying jobs working as political consultants at CNN and MSNBC...but that's the way it works if you're a friend of the left. You get rewarded for committing crimes against the Trump Administration and the American people. Anyone who upsets the left come under attack and end up in court losing everything they have and end up in prison.

And now you say that once Biden is sworn fully intend on going after ME because of my support for Donald J. Trump. Are you joking? Maybe you are now.....but people like you can be easily manipulated just like Hitler manipulated the German people.

All I can say about that is bring it on.

When all else fails call your opponent a communist or Hitler. Looks like all else has failed for you.
Yet this is what we're dealing with.
Your party is guilty of the same crimes as those committed by other governments in the past.
This is what leads to communism....and has on numerous occasions.
And now you're making threats against me.....just like the threats made against Jews in Germany.
You think this is a joke.
I think idiots like you are a threat to the stability of this country.
We are no threat to you......but you are a threat to us.
That may soon change if you don't wise up.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.

So you believe in using lethal self-defense, but only if the defender's race, ideology, etc., aligns with your belief system. That's what I figured, but at least you answered the question and admitted your double-standard. Thanks.

Please quote where I mentioned race in this thread.

I'm saying that your determination of guilt or innocence is based upon factors unrelated to what actually happened.
This guy was not a security guard.

He was a Leftist Terrorist who was there to murder patriot Americans.

The Left's War against America rages on.

9News reported that one of their employees and a contractor for the television station were taken into custody. It later confirmed the guard was contracted through Pinkerton...


Police initially said two people were taken into custody but later said one of them was not involved in the incident. They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.
I believe that Joe Biden walked away after committing bribery of foreign officials, money-laundering, and conspiracy to commit espionage.
I think Hillary is guilty of various political hits against Trump and is guilty of conspiracy to commit the murder of Jeffery Epstein and dozens of potential witnesses. She was also following orders by having a private server set up in her home to allow her to communicate with foreign agents and to handle the arming and training of terrorists in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The Clintons committed various acts of fraud with respect to foreign aide in countries like Haiti and took in millions in federal dollars and donations and used it for personal uses.
Several members of the Obama Administration have been caught red-handed committing crimes that would make the Watergate operatives in the Nixon Administration blush.
Yet all of these people have been allowed to stay out of prison and even get high paying jobs working as political consultants at CNN and MSNBC...but that's the way it works if you're a friend of the left. You get rewarded for committing crimes against the Trump Administration and the American people. Anyone who upsets the left come under attack and end up in court losing everything they have and end up in prison.

And now you say that once Biden is sworn fully intend on going after ME because of my support for Donald J. Trump. Are you joking? Maybe you are now.....but people like you can be easily manipulated just like Hitler manipulated the German people.

All I can say about that is bring it on.

When all else fails call your opponent a communist or Hitler. Looks like all else has failed for you.
Yet this is what we're dealing with.
Your party is guilty of the same crimes as those committed by other governments in the past.
This is what leads to communism....and has on numerous occasions.
And now you're making threats against me.....just like the threats made against Jews in Germany.
You think this is a joke.
I think idiots like you are a threat to the stability of this country.
We are no threat to you......but you are a threat to us.
That may soon change if you don't wise up.

Do you check under your bed for monsters every night?
So you've got Tweets and 'The Post Millennial' as "backing" right ASSHOLE?

"Breaking News" Rules state you need "MAJOR News Outlet"

The Post Millennial is a conservative Canadian online news magazine started in 2017. It publishes national and local news and has a large amount of opinion content. It has been criticized for releasing misinformation and articles written by Fake personas,[1] for past employment of an editor with ties to White supremacist-platforming and pro-Kremlin media outlets,[2] and for opaque funding and political connections.[3][4]

A man was killed amid competing rallies in Denver
Details are unclear, but police confirmed a private security guard shot and killed a right-wing demonstrator.​
By Katelyn Burns Updated Oct 11, 2020​
A person was shot and killed amid rallies between groups with opposing political views on Saturday in Denver, Colorado. The exact circumstances of the shooting remain unclear, but Denver police indicated Saturday evening that the shooter was a local on-duty security guard.​
The rallies were part of the ongoing anti-racist and far-right demonstrations that have occurred throughout the country in recent months. After far-right activists organized a “Patriot Rally” for Saturday afternoon, left-leaning activists organized a counterprotest called a “BLM-Antifa soup drive,” an ironic nod to the accusation that antifa groups throw cans of soup at political enemies.​
Early reports suggest that the shooting victim, who has not yet been identified, was attending the Patriot Rally. He was transported to a local hospital where he later died, Joe Montoya, chief of the Denver police department’s investigations division, said at a news conference Saturday evening. Both the shooter and victim were white men, according to Montoya.​
The shooter, identified as Matthew Dolloff by police, was a Pinkerton contractor hired by local NBC affiliate 9News to provide private security to its journalists as they reported on the protests. The station said it has been hiring private security for station personnel covering protests since mid-summer, during which journalists were sometimes targeted by law enforcement.​
The video shows a man in a “Black Guns Matter” shirt arguing with a group of men. A member of that group, wearing a vest and an American flag mask, moves out of the frame. The photographs show some of what happens next: the man in the flag mask can be seen hitting the shooter in the face, and was captured spraying him with mace. The series of pictures, like the video, concludes with the man with the American flag mask on the ground.​
Amid the confusion following the shooting, a number of Rumors, boosted by a small group of Far-Right Social Media influencers, spread that the shooter was an Antifa supporter. The Denver Police Department, however, has said these rumors are FALSE, and that the shooter has No affiliation with the antifa cause.


**** This place and this whole section/board which uses Conspiracy links.
Starting threads here we have INFOWARS, NO LINKS, NaturalNews (another Conspiracy website) etc, etc




I don't know what you're talking about.....because this is being covered on every news outlet.....except the usual suspects.

The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

So you agree that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin, who was on top of George, beating the shit out of him, right?


How about it?

I believe Zimmey got off for murder, but if that's the way it works now, that's the way it has to work for everybody.

So you believe in using lethal self-defense, but only if the defender's race, ideology, etc., aligns with your belief system. That's what I figured, but at least you answered the question and admitted your double-standard. Thanks.

Please quote where I mentioned race in this thread.

I'm saying that your determination of guilt or innocence is based upon factors unrelated to what actually happened.

My determination of guilt doesn't figure into it. just my insistence that standards be set the same for everybody.

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