Man Shot At Protest In Denver

That's leftist don't believe in the death penalty for rapist, thieves, and murderers.....but you do believe that wearing camo and being a Trump supporter is worthy of death.

If it was up to leftist, that security guard wouldn't have had a gun.
Wrong.... Leftist like Hollywood elites, leftist politician's, and other's keep security (with guns), around them all the time. They are the biggest hypocrites in this nation, because they want people like the victim or you and me to be weaponless, while they aren't. Ask the German people how that worked out against Hitler or ask the Jews etc.
Mace is a spice that is a safe food, and an annoying deterrant to someone who is aggressively annoying somebody they dislike extremely. Mace is not a bullet nor a lethal weapon. It's a food substance used to ward off a rapist or a strong-armed bully.

You shouldn't shoot someone who defends herself from your aggravated attempt to harm her.
Some Leftist are simply too Stupid to have any meaningful exchange with.
I know, I was just pointing out that pepper spray will disable you. Some people think it can't.
I think a person could still discharge a weapon even with a direct hit with mace.

I would not be willing to bet my life on that one.
Pepper spray can disable you long enough for someone to do whatever they like to you.
The still photos shots prove that the weapon was out and discharges before the mace was sprayed.

Hence the 1st Degree Murder charge.
I know, I was just pointing out that pepper spray will disable you. Some people think it can't.
It can, but if used in self defence (maybe to try and blind the shooter who is with the gun), then that would have been a good thing, but it didn't work in that situation unfortunately.

Professional security companies, large or small, will generate a paper trail: contracts, mission briefs, e-mails coordinating meet-up times and other scheduling/logistics matters, and after-action reports/memos. /2
We now know that @9NEWS falsely claimed Dolloff was a Pinkerton employee when he was NOT. No record of him at Pinkerton. Unlicensed and operating illegally in Colorado. Both Pinkerton & @9NEWS know the real truth of the contract arrangement, but refuse to divulge.
Is 9News lying? If so why?
Yes 9News is Lying.

The are a pro Marxist outlet who hired an armed Leftist Militant to go to a pro-America Rally.

They are also responsible for this crime.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

Your domestic terrorist ally "security guard" Anqueefa turd buddy should have de escalated the situation, and walked away..

But it's obvious your soy turd buddy wanted to be the aggressor. He is the "security guard"..He is supposed to be the one maintaining composure in this situation..

Anyways.. isn't that the logic the moonbats on the left always use to justify criminals assaulting police?
The Antifa/BLM butt buddy used lethal force against a nonlethal threat. Unless the DA is a Soros Clone, he's getting charged with murder.
If someone tries to pepper spray you, it’s rational to believe they’re attempting to incapacitate you at which point they make take your gun and kill you.
If he can show a jury that the person he killed was using Pepper Spray to mount a felonious attack on him, in which he could reasonably expect to be gravely injured or killed, he might have grounds for an acquittal.

Is that your understanding of what occurred? And why do you think that?
Dead man on video acting aggressive towards others. Dead man approached shooter and slaps him in the face. Shooter pulls firearm. Dead man sprays him with pepper spray and is shot by shooter.

We have evidence that the dead man is the aggressor. That he made the contact with the shooter. The shooter pulled firearm as a result. Dead man pepper sprays him which could incapacitate him allowing shooter to be disarmed and killed.
Nope, the dead man defended himself from your hero attacking him to take his spray, ya lying filth.

Credible link?
I agree.

I wish you'd use one.
Pepper spray can disable you long enough for someone to do whatever they like to you.
The still photos shots prove that the weapon was out and discharges before the mace was sprayed.

Hence the 1st Degree Murder charge.
I know, I was just pointing out that pepper spray will disable you. Some people think it can't.
It can, but if used in self defence (maybe to try and blind the shooter who is with the gun), then that would have been a good thing, but it didn't work in that situation unfortunately.
You know what really would have worked? Not picking a fight in the first place.
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?

Don't forget this one that Obama said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

Even Snopes verified that one...

FACT CHECK: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Yeah. Obama sucked. But Obama's not the President now. Trump is the President, and he continues to egg on white nationalists and militias, continues to stoke anger and violence. He benefits from the conflict politically, and doesn't mind that his election strategy is getting people killed. And, yes, the Democrats are playing the same game, but they aren't in the White House. Trump could inspire people to take the high road, but he does the opposite.

Just how has President Trump incited violence? Has he ever once suggested "bringing a gun" anywhere, as did Obama?
Well to be honest Candidate Trump did tell a guy to punch someone in the face and he would pay for his legal services
that was back when he didnt even expect to win,,

and really,, whos against punching someone in the mouth that has it coming???
I am a stickler for honesty regardless of what the outcome maybe
The assertion was made has Trump ever incited violence and he did regardless if he was president or not
in all honesty I cant find a single time where he told someone to punch someone and he would pay legal fees
do you have a link???
I sure would like to hear some audio or video to put that in context,,,

but in all honesty thats not what you said he said,,,
keep moving the goal post? You asked for a link I provided it now you want a video? Nope not doing your work for you. I remember watching that rally and heard the president say it
But whatever

I asked for a link to back up what you said,,where he told someone to punch another person and he would pay for legal costs,,,

all I am asking is for a little honesty,, as you put it,,,
omg the link I provide he said knock the crap out of him
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'

you want the actual words punch him in the mouth?
next time the least you could do is be honest,,,
and I was did candidate trump incite violence yes or no?
I've seen nothing where he incited it,,,
he did say a good healthy response to it is OK with him,,,
now you're openly lying
I gave an opinion,,, how can that be a lie,,,
your lack of comprehension lead you to give an opinion that was incorrect and when you have been shown what happened you lied
what I've been given is your incorrect quote of what he said and a few out of context quotes,,,

the things I did watch cause I went and looked he NEVER incited he only expressed his acceptance of such acts,,,

IN ALL HONESTY after all,,,
Now did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
that link doesnt have what you claim he said,,,

as I said before I havent seen where hes incited violence,,,

OF COURSE I could see how some of his words would seem that way to a weak minded person looking for guidance in life,, but thats not me,,,
did trump incite violence yes or no
"Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'
nowhere in your link is that mentioned,,,

as I said I havent seen anywhere where hes incited violence,,,
That came from the link liar.


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

AS I said pick and choose your battles is this worth a fight?
as I said your link doesnt contain those words let alone the context of them,,,
Yes those words I quoted came directly from the link stop lying


FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
dude you just posted two different links and the new one is different from the one youve been posting,,, and again that doesnt have the full context of what he said,,all it is is a few words out of an entire sentence,,,
the quote I posted came from that link and it was the second time I posted that link dude
and those quotes are wildly out of context,,,

do you have a full transcript of video so I can see the full context of the comments???

pardon me if I dont trust the MSM or Time,,,
those quotes? it was one quote repeated several times along with the link at least twice
As I said I watched the rally and saw the what happened when the president said what he did.
Now pick and choose your battles do you really want to do this?
it gives the same quote twice but added more words the second time,,,

sorry but unless I can hear the full context I cant give an opinion on it,,, it wouldnt be fair,,,

so far I've won this battle,,,
OK shit stain the quote didn't change you lied You haven't made an argument to win anything that's two lies Do you want to go further with this? I will say the president since he's been president has not made any further comment that has incited any violence
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Yeah....he sprayed pepper-spray....that's worth getting killed over.
Pepper spray can disable you long enough for someone to do whatever they like to you.
Here's the math
i) Pepper spray = non-lethal force
ii) Fire arm = lethal force
iii) Using lethal force against a non-lethal threat is felony.
iv) The commission of a felony that results in death is generally grounds for a murder charge.
v) Your felonious dirtbag Antifa/BLM scum is likely facing a murder charge.
vi) Now that polling has turned against the rioters, Kamala is no longer fundraising bail money for Antifa/BLM scum murderers.
Being pepper sprayed can incapacitate you long enough for a criminal to injure you or kill you.
Yeah but most criminals aren't packing pepper spray. That is usually being packed by women, cops, and people who are weary of criminals that might attack them. It is a non-lethal weapon used mainly to thwart an attack by a criminal upon your person.
Pepper spray can disable you long enough for someone to do whatever they like to you.
The still photos shots prove that the weapon was out and discharges before the mace was sprayed.

Hence the 1st Degree Murder charge.
I know, I was just pointing out that pepper spray will disable you. Some people think it can't.
It can, but if used in self defence (maybe to try and blind the shooter who is with the gun), then that would have been a good thing, but it didn't work in that situation unfortunately.
You know what really would have worked? Not picking a fight in the first place.
You got knowledge that this was the case or you making crap up in defence of the shooter ?? Give us a link to your claim.
You can only post bail after charges and arraignment. Therefore, cops aren’t arrested, they’re given polite interviews with their buddies and union representatives after they have a few days of vacation to gather their thoughts.
That is not I said check into it before you pop off.....I know that's what you clowns tell each other but its bullshit....
We all know who DEFENDS the Police and who wants to DEFUND the police. Which also happens to be the same folks that want to disarm law abiding Americans because on the Police and military should have fire arms.

What they want, is us defenseless against their lawless BLM/ANTIFA mobs, who are the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party, much as the KKK was in the past.

Democrats ALWAYS want to rule by force. They are always reaching for the whip. Peace loving Americans are loving and tolerant, and we trust that the forces of law and order will stand against Democrat lawlessness.

If that is true, the why are so many crazy right wingers having wet dreams about a civil war?
Oh you mean like spike lee ?
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Yeah....he sprayed pepper-spray....that's worth getting killed over.
Pepper spray can disable you long enough for someone to do whatever they like to you.
Here's the math
i) Pepper spray = non-lethal force
ii) Fire arm = lethal force
iii) Using lethal force against a non-lethal threat is felony.
iv) The commission of a felony that results in death is generally grounds for a murder charge.
v) Your felonious dirtbag Antifa/BLM scum is likely facing a murder charge.
vi) Now that polling has turned against the rioters, Kamala is no longer fundraising bail money for Antifa/BLM scum murderers.
Being pepper sprayed can incapacitate you long enough for a criminal to injure you or kill you.
Yeah but most criminals aren't packing pepper spray. That is usually being packed by women, cops, and people who are weary of criminals that might attack them. It is a non-lethal weapon used mainly to thwart an attack by a criminal upon your person.

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