Man Shot At Protest In Denver

You can only post bail after charges and arraignment. Therefore, cops aren’t arrested, they’re given polite interviews with their buddies and union representatives after they have a few days of vacation to gather their thoughts.
That is not I said check into it before you pop off.....I know that's what you clowns tell each other but its bullshit....
WP are liars just like you.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

Your domestic terrorist ally "security guard" Anqueefa turd buddy should have de escalated the situation, and walked away..

But it's obvious your soy turd buddy wanted to be the aggressor. He is the "security guard"..He is supposed to be the one maintaining composure in this situation..

Anyways.. isn't that the logic the moonbats on the left always use to justify criminals assaulting police?
The Antifa/BLM butt buddy used lethal force against a nonlethal threat. Unless the DA is a Soros Clone, he's getting charged with murder.
If someone tries to pepper spray you, it’s rational to believe they’re attempting to incapacitate you at which point they make take your gun and kill you.
If he can show a jury that the person he killed was using Pepper Spray to mount a felonious attack on him, in which he could reasonably expect to be gravely injured or killed, he might have grounds for an acquittal.

Is that your understanding of what occurred? And why do you think that?
Dead man on video acting aggressive towards others. Dead man approached shooter and slaps him in the face. Shooter pulls firearm. Dead man sprays him with pepper spray and is shot by shooter.

We have evidence that the dead man is the aggressor. That he made the contact with the shooter. The shooter pulled firearm as a result. Dead man pepper sprays him which could incapacitate him allowing shooter to be disarmed and killed.
That strikes me as similar to the defense the police are using in a recent case where they shot and killed a suspect that wrestled a taser away from an officer. We'll have to see the fact pattern that develops.
That cop will get off on the charges too. Not a doubt in my mind.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

Your domestic terrorist ally "security guard" Anqueefa turd buddy should have de escalated the situation, and walked away..

But it's obvious your soy turd buddy wanted to be the aggressor. He is the "security guard"..He is supposed to be the one maintaining composure in this situation..

Anyways.. isn't that the logic the moonbats on the left always use to justify criminals assaulting police?
The Antifa/BLM butt buddy used lethal force against a nonlethal threat. Unless the DA is a Soros Clone, he's getting charged with murder.
If someone tries to pepper spray you, it’s rational to believe they’re attempting to incapacitate you at which point they make take your gun and kill you.
That's true, but you have been told several times now this is not what happened, but like all leftist pieces of shit you keep lying. The murderer tried to take the guys spray and the guy resisted his assault. That's when your hero murdered him.
The photos from the event do not show any such thing. There was zero evidence to support him trying to take his little can of pepper spray.
Yeah, liar, you vermin don't accept facts, but I've seen the photos and read the eyewitness reports. He's innocent and that's why he's in jail charged with murder.
He’s not charged.
Please provide any eyewitness account. I haven’t seen any yet and would love to read them.
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

He was hired by a local telvison station to accompany broadcasters on location and when exactley did he say he hated Trump..all I got is 'it was revealed'.
You can only post bail after charges and arraignment. Therefore, cops aren’t arrested, they’re given polite interviews with their buddies and union representatives after they have a few days of vacation to gather their thoughts.
That is not I said check into it before you pop off.....I know that's what you clowns tell each other but its bullshit....
We all know who DEFENDS the Police and who wants to DEFUND the police. Which also happens to be the same folks that want to disarm law abiding Americans because on the Police and military should have fire arms.

What they want, is us defenseless against their lawless BLM/ANTIFA mobs, who are the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party, much as the KKK was in the past.

Democrats ALWAYS want to rule by force. They are always reaching for the whip. Peace loving Americans are loving and tolerant, and we trust that the forces of law and order will stand against Democrat lawlessness.

If that is true, the why are so many crazy right wingers having wet dreams about a civil war?
We aren't liar, we are just prepared for you murdering son of bitches and plan to defend ourselves from you. You filth have started all of this.

If you say so Mikey. Check your pocket to make sure that bullet is still there.
This has gotten to be a stupid thread. Started with a right wing thing of NBC hiring somebody that shot somebody. It was an affiliate, not NBC. They pay NBC for their national news feeds and programing, not the other way around and are responsible locally for the dumb ass local producers, hiring practices and supervision of personnel on their local productions and local news coverage. How many of you on the left or right would send your camera men and local onsite reporters to what could and often lately has turned into a riot without providing security? Nobody with a clue, because you would be responsible for sending your people in harms way and risking lawsuit. Ever hire an employee that cost you money or caused liability to your company? I have, and you wonder when it happens, "What was I thinking" even if others were in on the decision. Antifa, Militia, two sides of the same wild eyed activist BS being used to screw up the country even more than before. Both are activist groups. Both lack uniform discipline. Both generally not financially liable when their BS leads to damage or death as they lack legal structure. This is an Independent position. Both groups are full of $hit and the country would be better off without either one.
The "tolerant" left has become so's disgusting.

On a different note..why do all these soy boy Antifa turds always look the same?

So what would you have done in the same situation? He is macing you, and doesn't seem ready to stop. You have a gun. what is your next move tough guy?

Your domestic terrorist ally "security guard" Anqueefa turd buddy should have de escalated the situation, and walked away..

But it's obvious your soy turd buddy wanted to be the aggressor. He is the "security guard"..He is supposed to be the one maintaining composure in this situation..

Anyways.. isn't that the logic the moonbats on the left always use to justify criminals assaulting police?
The Antifa/BLM butt buddy used lethal force against a nonlethal threat. Unless the DA is a Soros Clone, he's getting charged with murder.
If someone tries to pepper spray you, it’s rational to believe they’re attempting to incapacitate you at which point they make take your gun and kill you.
That's true, but you have been told several times now this is not what happened, but like all leftist pieces of shit you keep lying. The murderer tried to take the guys spray and the guy resisted his assault. That's when your hero murdered him.
The photos from the event do not show any such thing. There was zero evidence to support him trying to take his little can of pepper spray.
Yeah, liar, you vermin don't accept facts, but I've seen the photos and read the eyewitness reports. He's innocent and that's why he's in jail charged with murder.
He’s not charged.
Please provide any eyewitness account. I haven’t seen any yet and would love to read them.

Don't expect much from Mikey. I'm sure he did see all that stuff he claims he saw, but with him, he usually just sees it in his mind. Hard to post a link to his imagination.
He probably shouldn't have sprayed the guy with a gun with mace. Just another stupid militia type.
Yeah....he sprayed pepper-spray....that's worth getting killed over.

He probably should have considered that before he decided to play Rambo in his silly camo outfit.
That's leftist don't believe in the death penalty for rapist, thieves, and murderers.....but you do believe that wearing camo and being a Trump supporter is worthy of death.

Does this mean we can search out and find Biden supporters and kill them now?

Apparently it's open season on us.

No. It's not open season on you silly. That won't happen until after the inauguration.

Oh? I hope you are in the vanguard of that effort. Of course you won't be, coward that you are.
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

He was hired by a local telvison station to accompany broadcasters on location and when exactley did he say he hated Trump..all I got is 'it was revealed'. we have social media that is being used to destroy people's lives.....and this guy has posts on his social media that shows his absolute hatred for Trump.....but he has to announce to the entire world that he hates Trump while shooting a Trump Supporter in the face?

Your pretty stupid.

You can never admit when everything we've been saying for years turns out to be absolutely true.
So you lie about it or you rationalize everything.
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

He was hired by a local telvison station to accompany broadcasters on location and when exactley did he say he hated Trump..all I got is 'it was revealed'. we have social media that is being used to destroy people's lives.....and this guy has posts on his social media that shows his absolute hatred for Trump.....but he has to announce to the entire world that he hates Trump while shooting a Trump Supporter in the face?

Your pretty stupid.

You can never admit when everything we've been saying for years turns out to be absolutely true.
So you lie about it or you rationalize everything.

'when exactly did he say he hated Trump..all I got is 'it was revealed'...that's all I asked. You stated he said it on social media. Okay, if true than question answered, that should be it but you have go on a tirade calling people stupid. What is it with you Trumptards and your obsession with insults.
NBC has some splaining to do here:

The man who shot and killed veteran and Trump supporter Lee Keltner at a Denver "Patriot Rally" has been revealed to be a long-time leftist who believes that Trump supporters are racist.
The conservative demonstrator was shot and killed by a man hired by NBC affiliate 9News as a security guard. Although the Denver Post originally identified the shooter as a Black Lives Matter supporter, the police later insisted that suspect Matthew Doloff was simply a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

But now NBC claims they have no record of hiring the guy.....

He was hired by a local telvison station to accompany broadcasters on location and when exactley did he say he hated Trump..all I got is 'it was revealed'. we have social media that is being used to destroy people's lives.....and this guy has posts on his social media that shows his absolute hatred for Trump.....but he has to announce to the entire world that he hates Trump while shooting a Trump Supporter in the face?

Your pretty stupid.

You can never admit when everything we've been saying for years turns out to be absolutely true.
So you lie about it or you rationalize everything.

'when exactly did he say he hated Trump..all I got is 'it was revealed'...that's all I asked. You stated he said it on social media. Okay, if true than question answered, that should be it but you have go on a tirade calling people stupid. What is it with you Trumptards and your obsession with insults.

Apparently alot gets by you.
Try doing your own research so you won't end up looking like a fool the next time you decide to defend a murderer.
Any unjustified killing is deplorable!
Let’s see the details come out on how this idiot got hired and what actually happened in the confrontation.
Perhaps he wasn't hired---but a buddy of the nbc producer who was using his/hers/it (I suspect trans/gay male btw) to get this guy into places where he could cause trouble and attack others.....
Producer initially lied his/her/its azz off to the cops when the shooting occured.
If someone other than the shooting perpetrator is partly responsible, they should be prosecuted too.
We've seen this happen before, but it's usually the other way around.

If a dude hits you, do you support shooting him?
Nope..... Be a dam man and learn to take a hit. The only time you use excessive force is if you are threatened with excessive force. Who knows why the guy slapped the guy open handedly, but it drove the slapped guy off his rocker undoubtedly. Thought he was supposed to be a big bad security gaurd ? Where was his taser if he was a security gaurd ?? Why didn't he take points from his idle Biden, you know just shoot him in the leg man ? The question is whether or not the guy wanted to kill a right winger, and the preponderance of evidence should bare that out.
We've seen this happen before, but it's usually the other way around.

If a dude hits you, do you support shooting him?
Nope..... Be a dam man and learn to take a hit. The only time you use excessive force is if you are threatened with excessive force. Who knows why the guy slapped the guy open handedly, but it drove the slapped guy off his rocker undoubtedly. Thought he was supposed to be a big bad security gaurd ? Where was his taser if he was a security gaurd ?? Why didn't he take points from his idle Biden, you know just shoot him in the leg man ? The question is whether or not the guy wanted to kill a right winger, and the preponderance of evidence should bare that out.
This is Trump’s America. That means carry a gun, and if anyone messes with you, it’s over.
Both the victim and killer are idiots. Don’t pull mase on someone if you know they have a gun. It’s almost like bringing a knife to a gun fight

Ridiculous how people will defend anybody that is on the same political side.

That said DemonRats can still go fuck themselves

9News reported that one of their employees and a contractor for the television station were taken into custody. It later confirmed the guard was contracted through Pinkerton...
Police initially said two people were taken into custody but later said one of them was not involved in the incident. They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.
Fake News Sheeple USEFUL IDIOT !!!!

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