Man throws son- cactus.


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Man throws son in cactus.
Anchor Babies love their children.
More Good Family Values:

Carlos Augusto Rico 22 has been charged with attempted capital murder and charged with endangering a child and held on a $500,000 bond. He is accused of attempting to strangle and throw his four-year-old son Angle Flores out of the car into a cactus patch at 3:00 a.m. along a busy interstate highway.

Carlo Rico maintains that God told him to strangle his son and throw him on the side of the road. When Carlos Rico got to his destination he said God gave him a sign "He saw a bird on the grill of his truck and it told him his son wasn't dead.” When Rico arrived home without the boy family members alerted authorities.

“He then “threw the boy out of the car like a bag of garbage,” said Sweetwater Police Chief Jim Kelley.” Carlos was coming from Lubbock and going to Saginaw, Texas.

Al Hunt a Sweetwater High School coach and his son found the little boy on the side of the road at approximately 6:00 a.m. He spotted what he thought was a road post. "Then by the time I got on it, I turned and said ‘now that's a little kid.” "How fragile a little kid's life is at that age, he didn't have a clue what was going on,” Hunt said.

Authorities said the child was on the side of the road for about three hours. The child had cactus needles stuck in his head down to his feet. The child had to be sedated when they removed some 500 cactus needles from his little body. The child also had bruises around his neck where his dad tried to strangle him. The nurses adopted him while he was at the hospital.

Angel is currently in the care of Child Protective Services. Authorities are deciding whether to find him a new home or let him go back with Isabel Serna, 18, his stepmother


UPDATED: Lubbock man accused of leaving son on I-20 charged with attempted capital murder

Father Charged With Attempted Capital Murder After Abandoning 4-year-old on Highway,0,1770762.story?track=rss
Mexicans are mean-spirited hateful childish weirdos. Oh yeah, let's encourage these weasels to immigrate here. The only people that like illegal aliens are either Hispanic, or are Anglos that exploit the poor Mexicans for profit. What a dirty vicious cycle that is. The wealthy Anglos don't mingle with their little pets, they wouldn't socialize or have any contact with Mexicans off the job site. So they don’t have to suffer the consequences. These wealthy assholes characterize their involvement here as humanitarian. The rich control the media, so characterizing wetbacks as an underdog makes them bulletproof. Left out of the loop here, is truth, and middle and lower class Americans that have been adversely affected. Somehow, its all OUR FAULT . We are characterized by the elitist media propaganda machine, as lazy, racist indolent layabouts addicted to entitlements. Entitlements like retirement & health plans , or safe work environment and fair pay. Oh, now WE are the bad guys here, not the illegals. That is how perverted this issue has become. Now it’s the status quo, acceptance of the illegal alien. Good lord, I am ashamed to be an American anymore, it's disgusting.
Why does God tell us to do such things?

Maybe God is a dick?

After all, he didn't lift a celestial finger to help his son, did he?

Always shifting the blame the illegal alien’s supporters will never take responsibility for their actions or face the consequences of breaking the laws it's always someone else's fault.
I live with Mexicans, and that isn't a joke. I have to beg them to stop violating my personal rights. I know, Liberals get their feathers ruffled and out of joint, Mexicans really don't like "fags", (Their words, not mine) Anglos are all FAGS, as far as mexicans are concerned. Like that? Me neither. Try living with em. All of you, try living with that sh*t for a day, stop posting here and see what assholes these Mexicans are. There won't be ANY support for them.
Man, there's a lot of stupidity around. From the man who threw his kid out, to the idiots responding to the OP. In fact, this post is the only rational one in the thread so far.
Cali girl, Mexicans don't hold ANYTHING to be self-evident. Well, other than tequila gets ya drunk, and whatever else they can get away with, THAT is the general rule here. Here in da barrio, that is. Where do YOU come from? Peace out girlfriend. They don’t want YOU here in da Hispanic Hood’ in a zillion billion years. And me neither, I am afraid. BUT I DO still live with em’.
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I am so much more for American child youth work programs and such than immigrants, however situations like this why aren't they automatically deported? Especially IF civil rights are so in question. :confused:

Carlos Augusto Rico is charged with Attempted Capital Murder of a person under six years of age.

Lubbock father facing attempted capital murder charges for leaving son on interstate

Sweetwater Police Officer Robert Clark said the child was very hot and scared when he was first found.

But he has been doing better this week.

“He’s in great shape,” Clark said on Thursday, adding the child was laughing and playing with deputies and hospital staff while still in the hospital earlier this week. “He’s been adopted by the hospital staff and the city.”

The boy has since been released from the hospital and is in custody of Children’s Protective Services. Clark said even the police department didn’t know where CPS had placed the little boy.
When I worked at the Adult Probation Office I was horrified at the case files we had stock piled with detailed accounts of things that NEVER make the news. It is so difficult to understand why some things make headlines while other things are not even acknowledged.

Cases cannot be discussed, obviously, but one case in particular the father had beat his two year old son numerous times with the mother in the home but also a victim. The boy finally died one night after what the mother had said was 'a playful and active weekend'. The boy's body revealed old wounds and broken bones and such... he was, again, two years old. These were also immigrants that had been here for several years.

It isn't something exclusively for immigrant families, for sure, though. Americans are just as capable it seems of the same kind of brutality toward children.
someone needs to take that little greaser and rip his nut sack off.
Well this is the first and last time I'm going to the immigration section, people use a sad story as an excuse to rationalize their racism.

Boy abandoned on interstate remains in foster care

Rico’s bail has been set at $500,000 for the attempted murder charge. However, jail officials said he couldn’t bond out of jail because he was on an immigration hold.

Rico is a Mexican citizen who is in the U.S. illegally, according to jail records. :evil:

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