Man viciously attacks woman at Gardena gas station

When whites are attacking whites at 5 times the rate of being attacked by blacks, your cherrypicking videos of the low amount of these attacks to make racist assumptions shows the content of your character
lying racists who claim whites are attacking blacks, show me the videos.....
Everything gets caught on video nowadays, so if the racist attacks that happen everyday in this country are actually really white on black assaults, then you should be able to produce at least some video evidence of it.

But you can't, can you?
Because 99 times out of 100, the only times a white person (or an asian) is involved in a racial attack, it's in the role of victim.

NewsVine_Mariyam , IM2 , MarcATL, Superbadbrutha, you all are always claiming that blacks are being victimized, show me something......

Go ahead, make your case.

Every normal thinking American understands that less than 12% of the population is responsible for more than 60% of the violent crime.

No that is not the case when you look at the UCR that shows whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime annually. And when you actually do the math using the numbers of participants in violent crime as a population, whites commit more than double th violent crime. Violent crome is done by less than 1 percent of the population. But ignorant intellectually lazy whites hang on to a false narrative.
No that is not the case when you look at the UCR that shows whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime annually. And when you actually do the math using the numbers of participants in violent crime as a population, whites commit more than double th violent crime. Violent crome is done by less than 1 percent of the population. But ignorant intellectually lazy whites hang on to a false narrative.
No one is interested in reading your RACIST LIES.

Do not respond to my comments.
lying racists who claim whites are attacking blacks, show me the videos.....
Everything gets caught on video nowadays, so if the racist attacks that happen everyday in this country are actually really white on black assaults, then you should be able to produce at least some video evidence of it.

But you can't, can you?
Because 99 times out of 100, the only times a white person (or an asian) is involved in a racial attack, it's in the role of victim.

NewsVine_Mariyam , IM2 , MarcATL, Superbadbrutha, you all are always claiming that blacks are being victimized, show me something......

Go ahead, make your case.

Everyone knows the truth.

But some people find the truth to be so hurtful that is impossible for them to admit it.

So they invent an excuse in order to make themselves feel better.

Of course, the proof is in the pudding.

Those who excoriate Caucasians usually move to predominately Caucasian neighborhoods as soon as they can.

They deserve one's pity, not anger.
It's terrible but it's America now, and America has it coming.

This is a good example of what the rest of the world should be seeing so as to gain a more thorough understanding of America's corruption and evil.

best wishes from Canada.

(for Americans, it serves to strengthen your racist feelings even more!)
Wow what a nasty vile comment you made !
You clearly are a mentally deranged nut and I hope you experience something very bad
It's terrible but it's America now, and America has it coming.

This is a good example of what the rest of the world should be seeing so as to gain a more thorough understanding of America's corruption and evil.

best wishes from Canada.

(for Americans, it serves to strengthen your racist feelings even more!)
Canada needs a much larger black popution
Canada accepts other people who are non-whites but we shouldn't accept any that have lived in the US for years. Americans of all skin tones are totally perverted with hate and racism that can't be cured.
Canada has had issues between English and French speaking people. Your cities have been sent immigrants of different colors and cultures by globalists for some years. Trouble is starting. Wait a decade or two more. We in America would not have as much issue if people were not stirred by media propaganda. Even with that, most people are not in the streets at this point. But a few per cent can make a racket. The shit stirrers have been around since time began. Judas comes in many flavors.
Love to hear your excuses!
Actually, Canada has the highest quality of life in the entire world and has had for 3 years running.

America never did step back from it's vile racism and so has created a situation for itself that apparently can't be reversed in the foreseeable future. There's no reason for me to not suggest that that is the reason why America is awash with non-white criminals and young ones coming up to uphold and increase the evil.

When the rest of the world accepted the need to reform and begin to accept racial diversity, America dug in it's heels and refused to change. Now the racism is becoming another part of the destruction of your country.

It's an open invitation for a would-be fascist leader. The rasicm is pre-made for Trump to use as an excuse for the reason Americans don't enjoy a quality of life equivalent to the world's leading democracies.

We should talk about it! I'm donating my time for free!

But in the meantime, everybody needs to get themselves well armed! You're all going to need weapons on America's streets.

Tell that to the 215 Native Canadian CHILDREN your country murdered, you feckless piece of dogshit.
That's about the number of black people that were being lynched by you Klanners in each southern state at the time..

Canada stopped it but America is immersed in it to this day and can't find a way out of it. With a bit of work Trump will revive it back to sixties level.

Laughably untrue, but typical for a fascist swine, such as yourself. Carry on demonstrating what a feckless turd you are. It makes me happy.
It's terrible but it's America now, and America has it coming.

This is a good example of what the rest of the world should be seeing so as to gain a more thorough understanding of America's corruption and evil.

best wishes from Canada.

(for Americans, it serves to strengthen your racist feelings even more!)
Canada needs a much larger black popution
Canada accepts other people who are non-whites but we shouldn't accept any that have lived in the US for years. Americans of all skin tones are totally perverted with hate and racism that can't be cured.
Canada has had issues between English and French speaking people. Your cities have been sent immigrants of different colors and cultures by globalists for some years. Trouble is starting. Wait a decade or two more. We in America would not have as much issue if people were not stirred by media propaganda. Even with that, most people are not in the streets at this point. But a few per cent can make a racket. The shit stirrers have been around since time began. Judas comes in many flavors.
Love to hear your excuses!
Actually, Canada has the highest quality of life in the entire world and has had for 3 years running.

America never did step back from it's vile racism and so has created a situation for itself that apparently can't be reversed in the foreseeable future. There's no reason for me to not suggest that that is the reason why America is awash with non-white criminals and young ones coming up to uphold and increase the evil.

When the rest of the world accepted the need to reform and begin to accept racial diversity, America dug in it's heels and refused to change. Now the racism is becoming another part of the destruction of your country.

It's an open invitation for a would-be fascist leader. The rasicm is pre-made for Trump to use as an excuse for the reason Americans don't enjoy a quality of life equivalent to the world's leading democracies.

We should talk about it! I'm donating my time for free!

But in the meantime, everybody needs to get themselves well armed! You're all going to need weapons on America's streets.

Tell that to the 215 Native Canadian CHILDREN your country murdered, you feckless piece of dogshit.
That's about the number of black people that were being lynched by you Klanners in each southern state at the time..

Canada stopped it but America is immersed in it to this day and can't find a way out of it. With a bit of work Trump will revive it back to sixties level.
When whites are attacking whites at 5 times the rate of being attacked by blacks, your cherrypicking videos of the low amount of these attacks to make racist assumptions shows the content of your character
lying racists who claim whites are attacking blacks, show me the videos.....
Everything gets caught on video nowadays, so if the racist attacks that happen everyday in this country are actually really white on black assaults, then you should be able to produce at least some video evidence of it.

But you can't, can you?
Because 99 times out of 100, the only times a white person (or an asian) is involved in a racial attack, it's in the role of victim.

NewsVine_Mariyam , IM2 , MarcATL, Superbadbrutha, you all are always claiming that blacks are being victimized, show me something......

Go ahead, make your case.

Every normal thinking American understands that less than 12% of the population is responsible for more than 60% of the violent crime.

No that is not the case when you look at the UCR that shows whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime annually. And when you actually do the math using the numbers of participants in violent crime as a population, whites commit more than double th violent crime. Violent crome is done by less than 1 percent of the population. But ignorant intellectually lazy whites hang on to a false narrative.

What does your comment say about your character
You big Canuck schmuck
When whites are attacking whites at 5 times the rate of being attacked by blacks, your cherrypicking videos of the low amount of these attacks to make racist assumptions shows the content of your character
5 times the rate but you can't come up with any video evidence, huh?
But we can't get through a day without another video of a black on white, or black on asian assault.

Weak, racist, piece of shit fucking liar....... that's what you are, IM2 .

Go fuck yourself.
Here's some white on black violent crime;

Oh wait...... no it isn't.

Where are you IM2 ?

Don't you want to tell us all how what we are seeing, isn't what's really happening, you lying racist fuck?
lying racists who claim whites are attacking blacks, show me the videos.....
Everything gets caught on video nowadays, so if the racist attacks that happen everyday in this country are actually really white on black assaults, then you should be able to produce at least some video evidence of it.

But you can't, can you?
Because 99 times out of 100, the only times a white person (or an asian) is involved in a racial attack, it's in the role of victim.

NewsVine_Mariyam , IM2 , MarcATL, Superbadbrutha, you all are always claiming that blacks are being victimized, show me something......

Go ahead, make your case.

Every normal thinking American understands that less than 12% of the population is responsible for more than 60% of the violent crime.

No that is not the case when you look at the UCR that shows whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime annually. And when you actually do the math using the numbers of participants in violent crime as a population, whites commit more than double th violent crime. Violent crome is done by less than 1 percent of the population. But ignorant intellectually lazy whites hang on to a false narrative.

u so hilarious
In the video the woman is a Spanish speaking ethnic Hispanic. The assailant is well known in the neighborhood for attacking Spanish speakers.

It was on the news last night. He has already been caught.
I support negroes beating the asses of illegal wetbacks...How can I donate to the jungles savages gofundme?

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