Man Who Was Inside Capitol for 20 Minutes on Jan. 6 Commits Suicide in Jail, No Violent Charges

Prosecutors had filed a motion on Feb. 11 to delay the sentencing from its scheduled date of March 3 while the government conducted an “internal review” in an attempt to “ensure that similarly situated January 6 defendants are treated in the same manner.”

Perna didn’t oppose this request, according to the filing.

The most serious charge to which Perna had pleaded guilty was a federal obstruction charge that carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison, though he likely would have received a far lighter sentence. So far, three Jan. 6 defendants have pleaded guilty to this charge, and all have been sentenced to prison: Paul Hodgkins to 8 months, and Scott Fairlamb and Jacob Chansley, also known as the “QAnon Shaman,” to 41 months each.

Perna was also charged with three misdemeanors, including disorderly conduct and entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds.

Yeah. It seems to me that he was just notthat bright. His claim was he just walked through an open and unguarded door to the US Capitol. I mean, who in their right mind would do that?

And for those bemoaning his fate ... the shmuck was not in jail. He hung himself in his own garage. That from even a site friendly to

But the link incorrectly states what his plea was. He pled guilty to a felony.

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He pled guilty. So he wasn't let in by a cop. And his story at first was he just sort of got swept in by a crowd.

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time. And the stupid Trump shmuck quite possibly would have just got a felony conviction on his employment record and let out for "time served."
Oh, do you have a video of this, or are you just make assumptions based on your politics?
Another sad victim. Blood on the hands of Donald and the Neo-GOP who enables his lies that led to that man taking his own life.
If it doesn't change, we live to return the favor. If the Repubs sit it out again like they seem to do, we will vote in people who will. All Antifa would be Insurrectionists. Most BLM the same. The Insurrectionists for specific agendas like abortions will do the time without due process and be stamped as traitors to the wonderful Socialist Democratic Paradise. Pelosi, Biden and Schumer are just evil.
If it doesn't change, we live to return the favor. If the Repubs sit it out again like they seem to do, we will vote in people who will. All Antifa would be Insurrectionists. Most BLM the same. The Insurrectionists for specific agendas like abortions will do the time without due process and be stamped as traitors to the wonderful Socialist Democratic Paradise. Pelosi, Biden and Schumer are just evil.
Jesus, I only started drinking again last night, and I'm not even over my hangover!
we will vote in people who will. All Antifa would be Insurrectionists. Most BLM the same. The Insurrectionists for specific agendas like abortions will do the time without due process and be stamped as traitors

Of course the Neo-GOP will try, and just like after the election in 2020 the Judges will be the difference. Lying about the due process this fellow received isn't going to sway any more judges the next time they try to steal an election.

Damn it I quit this......
I'm entitled to raise my family in peace.

And any leftie that disrupts that is looking at the business end of a very authoritarian piece of metal.

So yeah. I'm entitled, and I'm authoritarian. I own it
So who are you planning on shooting and why?
What did he do that deserved consequences?
Fucked around and found out. He had the audacity to belong to a cult that had the bright idea to think they could try and invalidate the fair votes of 81 million Americans with their 'shitty insurrection'. Magaturds just don't have that pull, as we found out. Every single one should catch a bullet to their idiot brains.
It happened in Afghanistan or Venezuela or Mexico right? Oh yeah it was Washington D.C. It only took 18 months to turn the U.S. into a 3rd world country.
Peaceful is good. We all like peaceful.

Except for a few of us, who like setting fires.

I don't know what the lefties expected. For eight months they were engaging in violence and blatantly refusing to stop.

The merest hint of the POSSIBILITY of a stolen election, after all that? WTF did they expect?

The law has very obviously turned corrupt, leftist DA's are refusing to prosecute domestic terrorists and cops stand idly by doing nothing while the terrorism is happening.

We're still talking about children, right?

Hey look - I was on to Susan Rosenberg 24 hours after Minnesota, and 6 hours later they pulled her picture and bio off the web site. But I still have it, I have it all. Screen shots, arxiv records, the whole nine yards.

Someone funded those riots, and it sure as hell didn't come from any donations (which only arrived AFTER the riots began).

There's a very VERY ugly story underneath all that, remaining to be told.

Americans are very, very concerned. This is no joke. Not at all. Anyone who thinks this is about Donald Trump has shit for brains
You're one of the biggest jokes.... 😂
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He was waved in. No violent charges. Inside for 20 minutes, mostly taking video. It was Perna who called the FBI to tell him that was him in a picture.

Never even had a parking ticket. America is no more under Brandon.

Coverage on Tucker

Aunt of Perna

View attachment 658422

This would not have happened had he spent Zero Minutes in the Capitol on January 6, 2021...

He chose poorly...


Sic semper proditores...

Thus be it ever to traitors...


Phukk 'im...
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Lady, I give no fucks about the trials and tribulations of traitorous scum. They can all die in there for all I care. Think on that the next time you try making someone feel shame about sedition.

Heil Soros.

Trespassers MUST DIE.

You know, you Nazi fucks keep lying about insurrection - I think it's time you foul vermin get some real insurrection - 300 million guns, not a million peaceful protesters.

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