Man Who Was Inside Capitol for 20 Minutes on Jan. 6 Commits Suicide in Jail, No Violent Charges

You have to live with your own rotten soul. Think on that. Whatever decrepit body you have is just hosting your ghoulish, rotting soul.
Lady, I give no fucks about the trials and tribulations of traitorous scum. They can all die in there for all I care. Think on that the next time you try making someone feel shame about sedition.
That well is running dry.
True, but we have a new gusher...Pedo Joe...

"Lying" and walking to the capitol arent crimes. Im pretty sure that being isolated in a jail cell for over a year without a court hearing is what caused his suicide. Any suggestion otherwise would be dishonest and a complete waste of everyones time.
Wow. Defend the Big lie at all cost. He had plead guilty and was going to be sentenced a few weeks, before his death. How did that happen without a court hearing? He probably would have gotten off with time served.
Lady, I give no fucks about the trials and tribulations of traitorous scum. They can all die in there for all I care. Think on that the next time you try making someone feel shame about sedition.

I'm warning you about the state of your soul. You're too far gone to listen.

Dust, feet, wiped.
where you illegally altered election laws to facilitate massive fraud.
That would have been the easiest to prove in court.

But what you did was ruled unconstitutional in Pennsylvania,

During oral arguments for the lawsuit in March, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Kevin Dougherty gave voice to the skepticism that voting rights advocates have about this case.

"Let's be candid," Dougherty said. "What it really looks like is that maybe some legislators are concerned because the no-excuse balloting, at least recently, shows that maybe one party votes overwhelmingly by mail-in ballot as opposed to another. So maybe this is an attack for supremacy at the ballot. I don't know."

That's where you're wrong.

It's ALL about the children.

Read the first sentence of our Constitution. What does it say?

That is my position about why this adult traveled to DC that day and why he entered the Capitol building that day.

The Constitution prescribes a peaceful transfer of power between administrations, which I think is one of the greatest gifts the founder gave us and I hope we can get past this disruption in that admired tradition, and continue it, for the children of course.
I'm entitled to raise my family in peace.

And any leftie that disrupts that is looking at the business end of a very authoritarian piece of metal.

So yeah. I'm entitled, and I'm authoritarian. I own it
Try to put a boot on my neck, authoritarian, and I'll break it right the fuck off.

Leave families out of it.
I'm entitled to raise my family in peace.

And any leftie that disrupts that is looking at the business end of a very authoritarian piece of metal.

So yeah. I'm entitled, and I'm authoritarian. I own it
Yes of course. However I should point out that I bet you wouldn't stop to check credentials before you acted to protect your family would you? Who would? Nor would you take a vote......sounds normal to me.
That is my position about why this adult traveled to DC that day and why he entered the Capitol building that day.

The Constitution prescribes a peaceful transfer of power between administrations, which I think is one of the greatest gifts the founder gave us and I hope we can get past this disruption in that admired tradition, and continue it, for the children of course.
Peaceful is good. We all like peaceful.

Except for a few of us, who like setting fires.

I don't know what the lefties expected. For eight months they were engaging in violence and blatantly refusing to stop.

The merest hint of the POSSIBILITY of a stolen election, after all that? WTF did they expect?

The law has very obviously turned corrupt, leftist DA's are refusing to prosecute domestic terrorists and cops stand idly by doing nothing while the terrorism is happening.

We're still talking about children, right?

Hey look - I was on to Susan Rosenberg 24 hours after Minnesota, and 6 hours later they pulled her picture and bio off the web site. But I still have it, I have it all. Screen shots, arxiv records, the whole nine yards.

Someone funded those riots, and it sure as hell didn't come from any donations (which only arrived AFTER the riots began).

There's a very VERY ugly story underneath all that, remaining to be told.

Americans are very, very concerned. This is no joke. Not at all. Anyone who thinks this is about Donald Trump has shit for brains
Year and a half in the Gulag with no charges, no chance of ever having justice - a political prisoner of the Reich.

This is what the Nazis do to those caught by them.

You know, the fucking Nazi democrats keep lying about an insurrection, maybe it's about damned time the vermin get one - Chaz style - not unarmed protesters.

He'd been waiting for sentencing since Dec.

I feel for his family. He was 37, so obviously they had no role in "watching out for him," but seriously anyone who entered the capital (and he filmed himself so he wasn't just innocently 'swept in by a crowd') was not right in the head. He's no damn patriot and fuck the OP for saying he was. He may not be a traitor and simply some dumb shit with mental health issues who was bamboozeled by the Orange Fraud.
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Wow. Defend the Big lie at all cost. He had plead guilty and was going to be sentenced a few weeks, before his death. How did that happen without a court hearing? He probably would have gotten off with time served.
He shouldnt have served ANY time you fucking dolt. He shouldnt have been charged with a crime for being let into a building by a cop.
He shouldnt have served ANY time you fucking dolt. He shouldnt have been charged with a crime for being let into a building by a cop.
He pled guilty. So he wasn't let in by a cop. And his story at first was he just sort of got swept in by a crowd.

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time. And the stupid Trump shmuck quite possibly would have just got a felony conviction on his employment record and let out for "time served."

He'd been waiting for sentencing since Dec.

I feel for his family. He was 37, so obviously they had no role in "watching out for him," but seriously anyone who entered the capital (and he filmed himself so he wasn't just innocently 'swept in by a crowd' was not right in the head. He's no damn patriot and fuck the OP for saying he was. He may not be a traitor and simply some dumb shit with mental health issues who was bamboozeled by the Orange Fraud.

Prosecutors had filed a motion on Feb. 11 to delay the sentencing from its scheduled date of March 3 while the government conducted an “internal review” in an attempt to “ensure that similarly situated January 6 defendants are treated in the same manner.”

Perna didn’t oppose this request, according to the filing.

The most serious charge to which Perna had pleaded guilty was a federal obstruction charge that carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison, though he likely would have received a far lighter sentence. So far, three Jan. 6 defendants have pleaded guilty to this charge, and all have been sentenced to prison: Paul Hodgkins to 8 months, and Scott Fairlamb and Jacob Chansley, also known as the “QAnon Shaman,” to 41 months each.

Perna was also charged with three misdemeanors, including disorderly conduct and entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds.


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