Manbij: The war parties have left the building


Nov 14, 2012
Not long after the terrorist Erdogan puppet forces deployed to the Manbij region, their friends of the HTS (Nusra) attacked their enclaves in Aleppo. Now, they are re-deploying to western Aleppo to fend off the other terrorist forces.
The Kurds left Manbij, too. In the result, only Syrian and American regular forces are in town.
“Due to the invading Turkish state’s threats to invade northern Syria and displace its people similarly to al-Bab, Jarablus and Afrin, we as the People’s Protection Units, following the withdrawal of our forces from Manbij before, announce that our forces will be focusing on the fight against ISIS on all the fronts in the east of the Euphrates.

In conjunction with this, we invite the Syrian government forces which are obliged to protect the same country, nation and borders, to assert control over the areas our forces have withdrawn from, in particularly Manbij, and to protect these areas against a Turkish invasion.”
YPG calls on Syrian government to stand against Turkish invasion

"The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) has withdrawn all of its forces from the frontline with the northern city of Manbij, which is held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on January 2."
Turkish-Backed Militants Complete Withdrawal From Frontline With SDF Near Manbij

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