Manchild "Environmentalist" Black Jimmy Puts Golden Eagles to Death

I think you mistake something that was a threat to a species, as DDT was, with something that was a threat to a few individuals.

By the 1950's DDT reduced the Bald Eagle population down to less than 500 nesting pairs.

Today the population is back up to about 115,000.

A few of the dumber ones who fly into windmills aren't going to make that much of a difference.

Geezus, arguing science with a wingnut is tedious... they still don't understand it.
A few dumber ones? We need windmills on the ground, we could eliminate people like yourelf.

Naw, man, that would be the Wingnuts walking into "ground windmills", because they think Jesus will protect them.
I think i'll keep my faith in Jesus, and you can stick to your religion of global warming.
A few dumber ones? We need windmills on the ground, we could eliminate people like yourelf.

Naw, man, that would be the Wingnuts walking into "ground windmills", because they think Jesus will protect them.
I think i'll keep my faith in Jesus, and you can stick to your religion of global warming.

You mean the one that is actually based on scientific observation and fact?

Okay, gee, which is more believable...

That a gas that is known to trap heat within an atmosphere can cause rising temperatures if more of it is introduced...


The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Global cooling, global warming, or climate change take your pick. Whatever you call it your worshipping what my God created.
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A few dumber ones? We need windmills on the ground, we could eliminate people like yourelf.

Naw, man, that would be the Wingnuts walking into "ground windmills", because they think Jesus will protect them.
I think i'll keep my faith in Jesus, and you can stick to your religion of global warming.

Jesus is a made up story to keep you in line. Its not good for any life to be killed but when you think about what oil and chemicals do to the environment its a trade off until we can find something better.
The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.


Thats some funny shit right there! :lol:
Naw, man, that would be the Wingnuts walking into "ground windmills", because they think Jesus will protect them.
I think i'll keep my faith in Jesus, and you can stick to your religion of global warming.

Jesus is a made up story to keep you in line. Its not good for any life to be killed but when you think about what oil and chemicals do to the environment its a trade off until we can find something better.

Sadly when you die, you will realize your wrong. Then it's to late.
I think i'll keep my faith in Jesus, and you can stick to your religion of global warming.

Jesus is a made up story to keep you in line. Its not good for any life to be killed but when you think about what oil and chemicals do to the environment its a trade off until we can find something better.

Sadly when you die, you will realize your wrong. Then it's to late.

Honestly. how do you know this to be true? Have you died before?
Jesus is a made up story to keep you in line. Its not good for any life to be killed but when you think about what oil and chemicals do to the environment its a trade off until we can find something better.

Sadly when you die, you will realize your wrong. Then it's to late.

Honestly. how do you know this to be true? Have you died before?

I honestly know it to be true. I'm blessed everyday. You won't understand until you believe.
Sadly when you die, you will realize your wrong. Then it's to late.

Honestly. how do you know this to be true? Have you died before?

I honestly know it to be true. I'm blessed everyday. You won't understand until you believe.

I'm blessed as well but thats not the point. How do you honestly know it to be true unless you have died before? What you are saying is that you have faith which is fine. Not everyone has faith in a book written by other men who put their pants on just like all men do.
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Have you lived in a city all your life?

b/c if what you said was based on first hand knowledge you wouldn't have said that since we still animals that got hit by cars on the side of the road.

No, I haven't. I've spent about a quarter of my life living in rural areas...

Has nothing to do with what I pointed out- that the very few animals that get hit by cars or fly into windmills- you know, the stupid ones- isn't as devastating to a species as something like DDT, which wiped out entire ecosystems.


good one

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