Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.

Nah, I doubt it. Sane people know the difference between this and Charlottesville.
Come to think of it.....they're planning another Charlottesville this weekend.
Maybe they can use a Semi to drive thru the Antifa assholes this time.

But whites aren't racists at all.

Nothing racist about hating Antifa. THey are marxist thugs, and mostly white, from what I've seen.

Actually almost exclusively white, from what I've seen.

But, you have to cry racist.

Come to think of it.....they're planning another Charlottesville this weekend.
Maybe they can use a Semi to drive thru the Antifa assholes this time.

Yeah, all that effort for only one was pretty pathetic.

But whites are not racists oh no way.
Heather Heyer was white.

And she was ran over by a white racist.

Too bad the cops were told to stand down, huh?
It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.

Nah, I doubt it. Sane people know the difference between this and Charlottesville.

So what are the odds that the moron with the Nazi flag at Charlottesville was in fact a leftist plant? 1000 to 1 in favor?

Here is some light reading for you, Comrade.


What is Comrade, the thousands of fake hate crimes perpetrated by you Stalinists to further the treason you are engaged in?

It is indeed lunacy, you will not prevail in the civil war you have started.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:
they graduate at lower levels and commit murder/rape/crime at much higher levels
--and you think it's not bad parenting----IT'S WHITEY"S FAULT
jesus christ
higher crime levels--- lower graduation! not all blacks...but the significantly higher numbers clearly show a problem and difference than whites
it's obviously the culture/parenting

It's the culture all right. The American culture of white racism.

If that is the culture, then why do you Communists have to make up lies? Virtually every case of "hate crime" (thought crime) is a lie perpetrated by you Stalinists.



Charlotte NC

A black man has been charged with leaving a threatening letter outside a Nepali/Indian store claiming to come from "White America".

Police charge man in connection with arson, hate crime of E. Charlotte business
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:
they graduate at lower levels and commit murder/rape/crime at much higher levels
--and you think it's not bad parenting----IT'S WHITEY"S FAULT
jesus christ
higher crime levels--- lower graduation! not all blacks...but the significantly higher numbers clearly show a problem and difference than whites
it's obviously the culture/parenting

It's the culture all right. The American culture of white racism.

If that is the culture, then why do you Communists have to make up lies? Virtually every case of "hate crime" (thought crime) is a lie perpetrated by you Stalinists.



Charlotte NC

A black man has been charged with leaving a threatening letter outside a Nepali/Indian store claiming to come from "White America".

Police charge man in connection with arson, hate crime of E. Charlotte business

All hate crimes are not manufactured by blacks. But hey of you lived 150 years ago you'd be trying tot ell me how blacks trying to escape slavery had drapetomania.

Virtually all recent ones are, as I have well documented.

You Stalinists are perpetrating fraud in the promotion of your treason.
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.
More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.

In his post he clearly stated his opinion that black are genetically equal to whites.

And you call him a racist for believing that another race is inferior?

Are you bat shit crazy? I ask you as an INDIVIDUAL, not as a representative of your race., Just to be clear, so you don't think I am saying that your race is inferior.

Not that you lefties really believe the shit you say.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.

In his post he clearly stated his opinion that black are genetically equal to whites.

And you call him a racist for believing that another race is inferior?

Are you bat shit crazy? I ask you as an INDIVIDUAL, not as a representative of your race., Just to be clear, so you don't think I am saying that your race is inferior.

Not that you lefties really believe the shit you say.
I said semi racist just discriminate against them a little vote Republican like an idiot... Do you know how expensive colleges loans are, just to save the super rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share, which is more duh.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.

Black babies actually sit up, and walk earlier.

But, then again so do most Animals in general.
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.


First off, the democrats are a Stalinist party, that is fact. You know it, I know it, the average person in Iowa knows it. You and your party are engaged in a civil war to put an end to civil rights, particularly the bill of rights, followed by the Constitution. Simple fact.

Now, the ones who think black people are inferior are those who demand that black people are too stupid or lazy to be able to get ID, or cannot earn SAT scores sufficient for college and hence must be given preference with lower scores. The racists are you Stalinists, always have been. You know it as well as I.
More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.
the ''racists'' word again
I'll have to start a new thread to address that
I said semi racist just discriminate against them a little vote Republican like an idiot... Do you know how expensive colleges loans are, just to save the super rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share, which is more duh.

What do college loans have to do with your blatant racism, franco hater dupe bot?
More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.

Black babies actually sit up, and walk earlier.

But, then again so do most Animals in general.

I've seen no peer reviewed studies making such a claim.

Do you have one you would like to cite?
More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

A black baby will develop the same intellectual level as a white baby, PROVIDED they are properly nourished, that the parents - YES, there need to be TWO, engage them from the time they are born, reading, talking, singing, playing, from infancy.

There is nothing inferior about blacks from a genetic standpoint, but black culture is fucked up, a disaster. Black Americans have been manipulated by sociopathic Oligarchs of the left to slit their own throats and sacrifice their own children to providing power to the fucking scum democrat/Communists.

Black babies actually sit up, and walk earlier.

But, then again so do most Animals in general.
Link to black babies walking earlier? Blacks are discriminated against in the United States proven many times...same for the middle class working class and the poor in this new b******* GOP Reagan this mess. See signature. Great job greedy assholes and silly dupes!
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.


First off, the democrats are a Stalinist party, that is fact. You know it, I know it, the average person in Iowa knows it. You and your party are engaged in a civil war to put an end to civil rights, particularly the bill of rights, followed by the Constitution. Simple fact.

Now, the ones who think black people are inferior are those who demand that black people are too stupid or lazy to be able to get ID, or cannot earn SAT scores sufficient for college and hence must be given preference with lower scores. The racists are you Stalinists, always have been. You know it as well as I.
Now that seriously did not make any sense... By the way still in this believe in a vicious totalitarian communist state, and Democrats show no evidence of that. The racists are almost all in the Republican Party as well as all the brainwashed functional morons voting against their own interests... Well at least you're in the white party congratulations!
Maybe you semi racist Republicans should stop screwing with them then.... Racism is believing another race is inferior and discriminating against them. Your new b*******GOP definition of black racist is ridiculous- not liking people is not racism especially when they are deplorable... Calling Democrats communists and stalinist proves you're brainwashed functional idiot... I just can't imagine where you get it that is real hate propaganda.


First off, the democrats are a Stalinist party, that is fact. You know it, I know it, the average person in Iowa knows it. You and your party are engaged in a civil war to put an end to civil rights, particularly the bill of rights, followed by the Constitution. Simple fact.

Now, the ones who think black people are inferior are those who demand that black people are too stupid or lazy to be able to get ID, or cannot earn SAT scores sufficient for college and hence must be given preference with lower scores. The racists are you Stalinists, always have been. You know it as well as I.
Now that seriously did not make any sense... By the way still in this believe in a vicious totalitarian communist state, and Democrats show no evidence of that. The racists are almost all in the Republican Party as well as all the brainwashed functional morons voting against their own interests... Well at least you're in the white party congratulations!

It made no sense to you simply because you truly are stupid.
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