Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.

Nah, I doubt it. Sane people know the difference between this and Charlottesville.
Come to think of it.....they're planning another Charlottesville this weekend.
Maybe they can use a Semi to drive thru the Antifa assholes this time.

But whites aren't racists at all.
Everybody already knows that. People who think that white people are racists have been lied to their entire lives.
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:
they graduate at lower levels and commit murder/rape/crime at much higher levels
--and you think it's not bad parenting----IT'S WHITEY"S FAULT
jesus christ
higher crime levels--- lower graduation! not all blacks...but the significantly higher numbers clearly show a problem and difference than whites
it's obviously the culture/parenting

It's the culture all right. The American culture of white racism.

If that is the culture, then why do you Communists have to make up lies? Virtually every case of "hate crime" (thought crime) is a lie perpetrated by you Stalinists.



Charlotte NC

A black man has been charged with leaving a threatening letter outside a Nepali/Indian store claiming to come from "White America".

Police charge man in connection with arson, hate crime of E. Charlotte business
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:
they graduate at lower levels and commit murder/rape/crime at much higher levels
--and you think it's not bad parenting----IT'S WHITEY"S FAULT
jesus christ
higher crime levels--- lower graduation! not all blacks...but the significantly higher numbers clearly show a problem and difference than whites
it's obviously the culture/parenting

It's the culture all right. The American culture of white racism.

If that is the culture, then why do you Communists have to make up lies? Virtually every case of "hate crime" (thought crime) is a lie perpetrated by you Stalinists.



Charlotte NC

A black man has been charged with leaving a threatening letter outside a Nepali/Indian store claiming to come from "White America".

Police charge man in connection with arson, hate crime of E. Charlotte business

All hate crimes are not manufactured by blacks. But hey of you lived 150 years ago you'd be trying tot ell me how blacks trying to escape slavery had drapetomania.
It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.

Nah, I doubt it. Sane people know the difference between this and Charlottesville.
Come to think of it.....they're planning another Charlottesville this weekend.
Maybe they can use a Semi to drive thru the Antifa assholes this time.

But whites aren't racists at all.
Everybody already knows that. People who think that white people are racists have been lied to their entire lives.

Nah. not really.
You're stupid. Poverty and crime are connected
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.
and or total lack of good parenting
there are always some bad apples falling from the tree--but that is rare

here's a personel story:
I was riding my bike home and some kids were in a school bus crying/yelling..I turned around and asked the kids what's up
their driver was ''lost'' and for the safety of the kids they were locked in the bus until a new bus driver could arrive
it wasn't hot and the windows were open
I immediately started talking to the kids about kid stuff to calm them
some black mom went to the door and started SCREAMING--F%$K loud and many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally out of control......going crazy right in front of her kid and the others--causing them to be uncomfortable
meaning of this story:
how do you think her kid will grow up?? yes--very poor social/etc skills...the mother is teaching her kid lose control/etc

More dumb shit. Whites do the same thing.
big difference:blacks graduate at much lower levels---
so the white parenting must be better

Graduation rates are no indicator of parenting.
parents are very, very important for how the child will do in school!!!!!!!!!
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

'''the first five years of life that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.'''
How to Raise a Smart Baby

'''Even though Bella is so young, a powerful brain development is occurring as a direct result of this close contact with her mom'''
10 Activities to help your baby's brain development

from birth, if the parents don't :
feed them right, keep them warm, love them, get them to bed at a decent hour, etc the child's brain want develop as well
these affect learning ability greatly

if they parent reads to them,
'''But the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, without careful planning and instruction. Children need regular and active interactions with print. Specific abilities required for reading and writing come from immediate experiences with oral and written language. Experiences in these early years begin to define the assumptions and expectations about becoming literate and give children the motivation to work toward learning to read and write. From these experiences children learn that reading and writing are valuable tools that will help them do many things in life'''
Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals

'''Another major benefit in having this knowledge is promoting parent communication with their infant in order to stimulate the growth of connections in the infant's brain between storage cells that actually increase the infant's brain capacity.'''
Social and Emotional Development

Individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving are critical to future development
Better Brains for Babies | Learning and Development: 0 - 12 Months

The Incredible Benefits Of Simply Holding Your Baby Close | HuffPost

the parents are also critical to how well the child will do socially
But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.

Before I keep reading let me address your first comment. I asked my buddy why his criminal friends don't come out and steal here. He said they are afraid of DWB. That unfortunately is why cops pull over black people for DWB. It's too bad for you good ones but that unfortunately is why they racially profile. And it's why we worry too many blacks are moving out here. Soon their criminals in the city won't be afraid to come out here once they don't stick out like a sore thumb and next thing will suddenly start to go missing.

There is lots of stuff to steal out here but blacks are too afraid they'll get caught out here. That's why they don't come here. This is coming straight from the black horses mouth. My buddy has to go pick them up to bring them out here. They are too afraid to drive. Plus they probably don't have registration and insurance and outstanding warrants. LOL.

Not in the daylight. No cops aren't puling blacks over for DWN because they are criminals. And I did use DWN because that's how the cops see us. Any of us.You understand that you are white talking to a black man don't you? Why you continuously think you can tell me things about blacks shows the major reason why we can't get beyond this impasse as people.

You are comfortable telling white people about white people.

I am comfortable with telling whites that what they think of us is wrong. I am comfortable to speak to whites about US history relative to race. You see Correll we have to lean how to live in this system. That means we must learn and adapt to the white mans ways. This is what you call assimilation. You do not have to assimilate into our culture yet you make things up about it even as you have little to no interaction with us. So If you are butthurt because of things said, well too bad.

I've corrected you as to what you think of WHITES that is wrong, and you dismiss me, so that's still you being a hypocrite.

"White man ways"? Like WHAT?

What have we asked of you that is sooooo difficult?
“Too bad for you good ones...”.

How fucking shamelessly Archie Bunker racist can you fucking get? It’s like some anachronistic racist cartoon.

Is that all you have to contribute troll?

Agreed. That was weak. Calling something racist with out addressing the point? Nothing but troll.

Especially in the context of the Race Card.

What is the race card Correll?

It is absurd that you pretend not to know.

"The phrase is commonly used to allege that someone has deliberately and falsely accused another person of being a racist in order to gain some sort of advantage"

Massively used by lefties like you to advance their political agenda by marginalize people and ideas that they cannot refute honestly.

THis is for you pretending to not know that.


No that's not playing the race card. That's how you want to define the race card. Playing the race card as defined by you racists is when you use race to gain an advantage. Such as what whites have done since at least 1776. You play it with your claim of anti white discrimination that you cannot prove.


Your denial of the meaning of the term is obviously because you don't like being called on your bullshit.

Consider your comment dismissed.

THe meaning of the term Race Card will remain the same.

And you will continue to be called on it, as you do it, over and over again, race baiter.
I am not lying to myself. I stated that blacks admit to the fact there is crime. Again, you do realize that you are talking to a black man don't you?

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Detroits problems are a direct result of racism. And again, Detroit is not the only city in America and when we talk about crime we are talking about crime totals in America not just murder. SO you nee dot understand something, I grew up in a bac community in a town of 50,000 We had far less crime than the white community. In my whole life there, I saw one shooting and it was because some white dude ran up on blacks talking racial shit in 1970. Butt here are still several unsolved white murders in this town and there are blacks who were killed in strange circumstances and it is known that the crime was committed by whites. Overall the crime rate in the white community in this town is maybe 5-10 times higher than that of the black community. There are places in this town blacks do not go. Because their lives may end. So when you talk realize that Detroit is not the only place on earth. I've been there an felt safe. I had a friend who went there to visit his daughter who fell asleep I the hood in a brand new car, woke up in the morning and drove off without harm.

There are over 700,000 blacks who live in Detroit. Last year there were 305 murders. That's less than 1/10 of one percent of the population. Now that doesn't mean nothing should be done, but what is does mean is whites such as you are overblowing the issue in order to claim supremacy. It is because of this belief than in a small town such as this one blacks are harassed and stopped at 7 times the rate of whites for supposed marijuana checks even though the rate of mj use is exactly the same. So somehow this bullshit belief you carry must be eliminated and therefore that is what I am doing.
Yu don't.
black murder at a much, MUCH higher rate than whites--this CAN"T be denied/twisted/turned/etc
they are arrested at twice the rate of whites for crime
Table 43
But their poverty rate is five times the size so actually they're quite civilized... Under the circumstances. Dingbat.

Are you trying to say poor people are inherently criminal, or that black people are inherently poor? Shame on you either way, generalizing lefty hypocrite.
You're stupid. Poverty and crime are connected
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.

This is well know, but politically incorrect to say.

LIberals don't WANT to solve any problems, so they will attack anyone saying this as racist and/or anti-woman.

Conservative politicians let it ride, mostly, because they are afraid of being called racist.

And the problems caused by it, continue to fester and kill people, mostly black people.
Are you trying to say poor people are inherently criminal, or that black people are inherently poor? Shame on you either way, generalizing lefty hypocrite.
You're stupid. Poverty and crime are connected
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.

The primary cause of poverty in the black community is none of that because blacks live at a 24 percent poverty level meaning that 76 percent of all blacks are not poor. But still the rate of poverty is 3 times higher than that of whites and having babies out of wedlock is not the reason. What whites tend to do is exaggerate he problems in black communities and minimize those in their own. So I am going to return to the section I was in because these conversations are always the same.
Doesn't matter white or black poor people having kids is why they remain poor. Then their kids usually repeat the mistake

There are kids born poor that don't end up that way. The more correct thing to say is some poor who have kids stay poor. Not everyone who is poor is poor because they made a mistake Ben Carson.

Generally speaking, the single greatest determinant of poverty is single motherhood.
It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.

Nah, I doubt it. Sane people know the difference between this and Charlottesville.

So what are the odds that the moron with the Nazi flag at Charlottesville was in fact a leftist plant? 1000 to 1 in favor?

Here is some light reading for you, Comrade.

There were some real nazis at Charlottesville. A lot more not nazis, but some real ones.
It's not just one black guy. This is very common among blacks. White people are not racist and would never commit such crimes, so blacks do it and try to pin it on white people.

I'm black and I know it's not very common. You are a racist. And you are white but you are telling me that whites aren't racist. Funny how that happens.
You claim that it's not very common only because you are trying to cover up the racism blacks have for white people.

White people don't go around spraypainting "DIE CRACKERS" on buildings to try and make blacks look more racist because we don't need to. whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.

I love the way you just threw the lib media under the bus.

And the best part? None of them would care.

Because they know that you don't mean it.

YOu just had to say shit to avoid the truth.

They do it too, so it's all good.
There is no "lib" media son. The media reflects the non partisan agendas of the oligarchs who own the media. That agenda is to divide and conquer. Left wing media and Rw media come from the same owners and they use it well. See how divided this nation is?

Anyone who has ever watched msm knows that you are lying.

YOU know you are lying. You just won't admit it.
Are you trying to say poor people are inherently criminal, or that black people are inherently poor? Shame on you either way, generalizing lefty hypocrite.
You're stupid. Poverty and crime are connected
Drugs and crime are connected.
The primary cause of poverty in the black community is something they have complete control over.
Having children out of wedlock.

The primary cause of poverty in the black community is none of that because blacks live at a 24 percent poverty level meaning that 76 percent of all blacks are not poor. But still the rate of poverty is 3 times higher than that of whites and having babies out of wedlock is not the reason. What whites tend to do is exaggerate he problems in black communities and minimize those in their own. So I am going to return to the section I was in because these conversations are always the same.
Doesn't matter white or black poor people having kids is why they remain poor. Then their kids usually repeat the mistake

It’s not nearly that simple, of course.

I understood that he was making a very broad statement.
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