Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!
This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?
Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.
But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.
Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.
But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]
All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me; and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.
Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics
(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )