Zone1 Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

The most unfortunate verse in the Bible may be from the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans, 1:17 "The Just shall live by faith."

This has been interpreted to mean that correct belief is more important than moral behavior. This in turn has led to religious persecution and religious wars.
Correct behavior includes moral behavior and everything else that is part of the Gospel truth. It has not lead to persecution and wars. That's like saying a bullet from a gun can fire itself without assistance from a human being.
Looks like a pharisee convention.
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
Jokes on them! If they don’t come back, they’re eternally damned.
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
You're most mistaken, dear. The majority of Christians, protestants, independents, or Catholics, who read the scriptures are likely to realize God is who he is, and he chooses who enters his Kingdom from this earth. He got rather testy with Moses, who begged to know his name and God told him "I am who I am!" that's how God is. He chooses. Most of us haven't any idea of what's coming in the next day with regards to God's will. The Hundredth Psalm explains our differences rather well. And it's all good for believers dedicated to his service, and not that of themselves. It's not our job to decide what God is going to do and who he chooses to execute his will and purpose. Believe, be sincere, and trust not in leaders, but trust in God alone, for he is true, good, and loves you.
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
As I understand it there is only one unforgivable sin. I also understand it is not my job to judge others (as far as if they are going to Hell or not) as it is above my pay grade.

As I understand it there is only one unforgivable sin. I also understand it is not my job to judge others (as far as if they are going to Hell or not) as it is above my pay grade.

There‘s always the option for repentance, making the only real unforgivable sin, suicide, since there’s no such opportunity.
There‘s always the option for repentance, making the only real unforgivable sin, suicide, since there’s no such opportunity.
There is some disagreement on that point.

Many Christians wonder if a friend or loved one commits suicide, are they still saved. It is a sad reality that some Christians have and will commit suicide. Another heart-breaking tragedy is the false teaching that committing suicide automatically sends you to hell. Because of this, many believe that a Christian who commits suicide will not be saved. The truth is, this teaching is not supported in the Bible. Suicide is never God’s Will and is always a tragedy, but it is not the unpardonable sin.


According to Scripture, suicide is not what determines whether a person goes to heaven. If an unsaved person commits suicide, he or she hasn’t done anything to accelerate their journey to hell. The unsaved person who committed suicide will be in hell not for the act itself but for rejecting salvation through Christ. The reality is we don’t know what was happening in a person’s heart the moment he or she died. There are some who accept Christ just moments before death. There are also some who may have a last-second change of heart and cry out for God’s mercy. These judgments are not for us to make. Yes, we can make a judgment that suicide is the wrong way to deal with one’s problems, but we should leave eternal judgment up to God.
There is some disagreement on that point.

Many Christians wonder if a friend or loved one commits suicide, are they still saved. It is a sad reality that some Christians have and will commit suicide. Another heart-breaking tragedy is the false teaching that committing suicide automatically sends you to hell. Because of this, many believe that a Christian who commits suicide will not be saved. The truth is, this teaching is not supported in the Bible. Suicide is never God’s Will and is always a tragedy, but it is not the unpardonable sin.


According to Scripture, suicide is not what determines whether a person goes to heaven. If an unsaved person commits suicide, he or she hasn’t done anything to accelerate their journey to hell. The unsaved person who committed suicide will be in hell not for the act itself but for rejecting salvation through Christ. The reality is we don’t know what was happening in a person’s heart the moment he or she died. There are some who accept Christ just moments before death. There are also some who may have a last-second change of heart and cry out for God’s mercy. These judgments are not for us to make. Yes, we can make a judgment that suicide is the wrong way to deal with one’s problems, but we should leave eternal judgment up to God.
What you posted says that repentance is required. While that may happen from time to time, it would seem to be unlikely.
What you posted says that repentance is required. While that may happen from time to time, it would seem to be unlikely.
I believe the section you mention is here ….

The reality is we don’t know what was happening in a person’s heart the moment he or she died. There are some who accept Christ just moments before death. There are also some who may have a last-second change of heart and cry out for God’s mercy. These judgments are not for us to make. Yes, we can make a judgment that suicide is the wrong way to deal with one’s problems, but we should leave eternal judgment up to God.

A Christian committing suicide is evidence that anyone can struggle with despair. While suicide is not the unforgivable sin, it is still a serious sin against God. God says, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), and suicide is murdering oneself. As Christians, we are called to live our lives for God and the decision of when to die is God’s alone.
…emphasis addded


Obviously it might be a good thing to ask for God’s forgiveness If you commit suicide and are still alive enough to still do it, but I do not see it as a requirement.
Catholicism= 2 Thess 2:3 The son of peredition( destruction) = The great apostasy. They came out with many false teachings from the councils they held centuries ago. They translated errors in to fit false council teachings. carried over into every protestant religion on earth. At the council of Nicea in 325ce no trinity was being taught or served, at the council of Constantinople in 381ce a trinity started being taught and served. It does not exist. They do not have the real Jesus.
Surada disagrees with a lot of truth.
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
Anyone who is a Christian and thinks only their way is the way to heaven is delusional and brainwashed.

Neither are right.

Maybe there is a god. How else can you explain the universe. But my dad believes God created humans and POOFED them into existence. No he didn't.
There is some disagreement on that point.

Many Christians wonder if a friend or loved one commits suicide, are they still saved. It is a sad reality that some Christians have and will commit suicide. Another heart-breaking tragedy is the false teaching that committing suicide automatically sends you to hell. Because of this, many believe that a Christian who commits suicide will not be saved. The truth is, this teaching is not supported in the Bible. Suicide is never God’s Will and is always a tragedy, but it is not the unpardonable sin.

Suicide means to kill the own person. But no one should kill anyone - also not the own person.


According to Scripture, suicide is not what determines whether a person goes to heaven. If an unsaved person commits suicide, he or she hasn’t done anything to accelerate their journey to hell. The unsaved person who committed suicide will be in hell not for the act itself but for rejecting salvation through Christ. The reality is we don’t know what was happening in a person’s heart the moment he or she died. There are some who accept Christ just moments before death. There are also some who may have a last-second change of heart and cry out for God’s mercy. These judgments are not for us to make. Yes, we can make a judgment that suicide is the wrong way to deal with one’s problems, but we should leave eternal judgment up to God.

No one - absolutelly no one - knows who will come to heaven or will go to hell. God's decision! Nevertheless exists a behavior which brings someone more into the danger to go to hell. There are some clear warnings. Someone who likes to do suicide has to fight for the own life - that's a duty of love. It is not the will of god that anyone has to do suicide (a very rare exception might confirm this rule) - and in very very very most cases it is also not the real sane own will of a person to do suicide. Sure everyone will lose the fight to live here on Earth finally in the end. But to live for love hopefully never ends. Everyone has the right to be loved from the own person. Love is a living might - and not a dead thing.

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Suicide means to kill the own person. But no one should kill anyone - also not the own person.

No one - absolutelly no one - knows who will come to heaven or will come to hell. God's decision! Nevertheless exists a behavior which brings someone more into the danger to go to hell. There are some clear warnings. Someone who likes to do suicide has to fight for the own life - that's a duty of love. It is not the will of god that anyone has to do suicide (a very rare exception might confirm this rule) - and in very very very most cases it is also not the real sane own will of a person to do suicide. Sure everyone will lose the fight to live here on Earth finally in the end. But to live for love hopefully never ends. Everyone has the right to be loved from the own person. Love is a living might - and not a dead thing.

In Biblical times knowledge of medicine was lacking. Today we can keep people alive much longer but often the quality of life is missing.

Would God hold it against a person who committed suicide in such circumstances? A person perhaps in constant pain or pain that could only be alleviated for several hours at a time.

I remember a cancer patient who could only get relief from pain every so many hours but would end up screaming from pain in between. Modern medicine was able to keep her alive and suffering.
Anyone who is a Christian and thinks only their way is the way to heaven is delusional and brainwashed.

Not I, not you - god is "the way, the truth and the life" and no one comes to the Father [=god] except through his son [=god]. Ask the Holy Spirit [=god]. This has absolutelly nothing to do with delusion and brainwash. It has to do with belief and trust in god.
In Biblical times


knowledge of medicine was lacking.

Compared with me I guess you lack a lot of knowledge in medicine.

Today we can keep people alive much longer but often the quality of life is missing.

What a nonsense. An uncle of mine was 93 years old when he got cancer and had to die. He hated it very much that he had to suffer and to die because of this damned cancer. He was not ready to die. His time - his natural lifespan - was still not over. A perverted automatism like "old people like to die because they miss quality of life" is bloody bullshit.

Would God hold it against a person who committed suicide in such circumstances?

I don't have any idea what you like to say with such a sentence.

A person perhaps in constant pain or pain that could only be alleviated for several hours at a time.

Today exists extremely good therapies in case of pain.

I remember a cancer patient who could only get relief from pain every so many hours but would end up screaming from pain in between. Modern medicine was able to keep her alive and suffering.

I remember a 30 years old married friend who had two little children. This was decades ago. He had had bad luck and got an extremely seldom brain tumor which caused from time to time terrible cramping seizures. Because of this he lost nearly all friends. It was the sadest undignified funeral I ever saw in my life. We had spoken also about suicide and about different methods how to do so. So I never asked how he did die.

And let me say to you: I do not believe your cancer patient story "to keep her alive and suffering". Sounds very bullshity.
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Christians talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to this subject.

On the one hand they acknowledge that only God can judge and only he makes this decision.

At the same time, they have absolute convictions about which groups of people are going where.

Here’s a thought: any Christian who’s convinced certain people aren’t saved has probably missed the entire point and probably isn’t saved themselves.
Christians talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to this subject.

On the one hand they acknowledge that only God can judge and only he makes this decision.

At the same time, they have absolute convictions about which groups of people are going where.

Here’s a thought: any Christian who’s convinced certain people aren’t saved has probably missed the entire point and probably isn’t saved themselves.

What's your religion?

Compared with me I guess you lack a lot of knowledge in medicine.

What a nonsense. An uncle of mine was 93 years old when he got cancer and had to die. He hated it very much that he had to suffer and to die because of this damned cancer. He was not ready to die. His time - his natural lifespan - was still not over. A perverted automatism like "old people like to die because they miss quality of life" is bloody bullshit.

I don't have any idea what you like to say with such a sentence.

Today exists extremely good therapies in case of pain.

I remember a 30 years old married friend who had two little children. This was decades ago. He had had bad luck and got an extremely seldom brain tumor which caused from time to time terrible cramping seizures. Because of this he lost nearly all friends. It was the sadest undignified funeral I ever saw in my life. We had spoken also about suicide and about different methods how to do so. So I never asked how he did die.

And let me say to you: I do not believe your cancer patient story "to keep her alive and suffering". Sounds very bullshity.
I will stick to my opinions about suicide.

In passing, I was visiting my uncle and aunt who were on vacation in the home with the female cancer patient I mentioned and I heard her screaming until time came for her pain medication. My uncle said it wasn’t match of a vacation in that home. That was 25 years ago and things are worse today.

You have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine but the Bible says there is only ONE unforgivable sin.

Matthew 12:31-32
“Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.

Source: 8 Bible verses about Unforgivable Sin
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