March 2013.Great Economic News.So Why Hasn't Obama Boasted Like He Used To?

Feb 1, 2013

Now as we all remember, back in mid-2009 and right thru 2010, pretty much any time we got encouraging news from either the stock market or a monthly jobs report, Obama would go on live TV and let us know that we have "Glimmers Of Hope",aka, The stimulus is working.
Ok, so we have just had a great late February going into March. And yet, no peep from Obama or Biden. Would any of you like to take a guess why our President is very hesitant to fill us in on the DOW hitting record highs along with a decent jobs report? {maybe it has something to do with an "False Prediction" for early March?:eusa_think::afro::uhoh3:
and remember way back when (maybe summer/fall of 2009) when Obama couldn't wait to tell America how he brought the 9.5% unemployment down to 9.3? it was like we were finally in the early stages of the Obama/Biden Recovery! and now it went down to 7.7 and not one peep from "The One".
Why should he say anything? You wingnuts have been predicting the market is going to crash since November. In spite of everything that the GOP is trying, the economy is coming back.
Honestly I think Obama as well as many others are aware that the FED's have distorted the markets and we will soon be involved in another crash. UE is way up, the numbers go down because of counting people dropping out of the work force but we are well above 10% on UE, and yet the markets just keep going up, the rich get far more rich under Obamanomics. The second, I mean the actual moment the FED stops dumping 40 billion on the markets it will fold.

What we are seeing is fake, it's a market propped up by money being printed then handed to the rich.
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Obama doesn't want to rub you right wing pieces of trash's faces in shit, but he should :up:
and where is Maxinne Waters to celebrate the 14,400 DOW and 260/230K jobs created? or is she still hiding in a closet?
I did make a post before the sequesta took affect, and I did make mention of what would happen if the DOW shot up after March 1 or 2? {even though the Fed is helping, its making the Democrats look like pawns. I don't recall any Democrat denouncing Obama over the Sequester Debacle, why didn't they go on television and tell Americans that the US economy is not going to crash in March?

Now as we all remember, back in mid-2009 and right thru 2010, pretty much any time we got encouraging news from either the stock market or a monthly jobs report, Obama would go on live TV and let us know that we have "Glimmers Of Hope",aka, The stimulus is working.
Ok, so we have just had a great late February going into March. And yet, no peep from Obama or Biden. Would any of you like to take a guess why our President is very hesitant to fill us in on the DOW hitting record highs along with a decent jobs report? {maybe it has something to do with an "False Prediction" for early March?:eusa_think::afro::uhoh3:

Just you wing-nuts wait till the 2014 elections ... Obama will let you all in on the good news just in time!
2014, bad time for mid-terms when all of America finds out that their towns have a shortage of doctors and prices keep skyrocketing.
Obama doesn't want to rub you right wing pieces of trash's faces in shit, but he should :up:

Rub their faces in the shitty economy? Yeah, Obama wants to avoid talking about the economy at all costs.

You mean the economy Obama saved from the brink of complete collapse caused by W and the right wing fascists, and turned it into 36 months straight of positive job growth?

Obama should drop trow and rub his buttcheeks all over the right wingers.
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Honestly I think Obama as well as many others are aware that the FED's have distorted the markets and we will soon be involved in another crash. UE is way up, the numbers go down because of counting people dropping out of the work force but we are well above 10% on UE, and yet the markets just keep going up, the rich get far more rich under Obamanomics. The second, I mean the actual moment the FED stops dumping 40 billion on the markets it will fold.

What we are seeing is fake, it's a market propped up by money being printed then handed to the rich.

How is money printed and used to buy Treasuries and MBS, "handed to the rich"?
And Barry sure has been avoiding the Press over the last two weeks, despite all of the positive economic news. Now doesn't anyone find that rather odd? No "The Stimulus Is Working" speeches, where is Joe Biden? isn't he going to predict that we are going to create 300,000 jobs a month? Oh, shoot,yah, The Sequester. Yip, well someone at the top is has been made a fool of again.
Wasn't Sequestration going to cause the loss of what was it again Maxine 70 million jobs?....
One day the radical left hates Wall Street and wants to occupy it and destroy capitalism and the next day the freaking hypocrites are bragging about the stock market. Consumer spending went up because the price of everything especially energy went up.

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