March For Marriage Draws Tens, But Promises Ultimate Victory Over Obergefell

You are amusing yourself then and denying a basic fact of life. It's how mankind came into being, survived and grew as a species. Fun stuff once you rip the political filters off.

No, not all married couples bear offspring, but it usually is what happens. People always knew this, now they don't. That's why I say government needs to just step out at this point. There's nothing to stop a guy and thee women or men from marrying, but more importantly why should single people subsidize married people anymore? Another reason is that far more are single these days, something like half, when it used to be quite rare.
I'm going to try just one more time to cut through the bullshit that you keep tossing at the wall in the hope that something sticks. None of this has a fucking thing to do with "how we came into existence" We are talking about FACT that gay couples have children in their care and it does not matter how they got there. Given that FACT answer this:

Do you advocate denying the financial benefits, legal protections and social status that goes with having married parents to the children of gays. ?? If so why??

And don't even bother to try to make it about single people not having benefits, That is a separate topic and your using as a logical fallacy- an appeal to pity-trying to get people to accept a conclusion by making them feel sorry for someone.-the single person in this case. Single people may have some legitimate gripes, but the reality is that all married people have benefits, singles do not.

Given that reality, answer the question!
Having to call me names indicates to me that you're becoming unhinged. I know that you said that no one should get benefits I asked, " Given the fact -the reality - that married couples do in fact get benefits and that is not likely to change, do you advocate the removal of benefits from same sex couples (Overturn Obergefell) and penalize the children while hetro couples retain the marriage benefits?? Be honest . You are just being a coward for not answering that. You have repeated said things that clearly indicate that you don't see the same value in families that don't have children the way that most people do, so I suspect that I know the answer.
You insulted me numerous times and now you want to pretend you're on the high road? No, I don't have to call you names. I want to. You earned it.

I don't give a fuck about Obergefell, rainbow flags or anything else you want to spin off on. I said what I believe and why and do not need some dishonest asshole's permission.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
I'm going to try just one more time to cut through the bullshit that you keep tossing at the wall in the hope that something sticks. None of this has a fucking thing to do with "how we came into existence" We are talking about FACT that gay couples have children in their care and it does not matter how they got there. Given that FACT answer this:

Do you advocate denying the financial benefits, legal protections and social status that goes with having married parents to the children of gays. ?? If so why??

And don't even bother to try to make it about single people not having benefits, That is a separate topic and your using as a logical fallacy- an appeal to pity-trying to get people to accept a conclusion by making them feel sorry for someone.-the single person in this case. Single people may have some legitimate gripes, but the reality is that all married people have benefits, singles do not.

Given that reality, answer the question!
Having to call me names indicates to me that you're becoming unhinged. I know that you said that no one should get benefits I asked, " Given the fact -the reality - that married couples do in fact get benefits and that is not likely to change, do you advocate the removal of benefits from same sex couples (Overturn Obergefell) and penalize the children while hetro couples retain the marriage benefits?? Be honest . You are just being a coward for not answering that. You have repeated said things that clearly indicate that you don't see the same value in families that don't have children the way that most people do, so I suspect that I know the answer.
You insulted me numerous times and now you want to pretend you're on the high road? No, I don't have to call you names. I want to. You earned it.

I don't give a fuck about Obergefell, rainbow flags or anything else you want to spin off on. I said what I believe and why and do not need some dishonest asshole's permission.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
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Having to call me names indicates to me that you're becoming unhinged. I know that you said that no one should get benefits I asked, " Given the fact -the reality - that married couples do in fact get benefits and that is not likely to change, do you advocate the removal of benefits from same sex couples (Overturn Obergefell) and penalize the children while hetro couples retain the marriage benefits?? Be honest . You are just being a coward for not answering that. You have repeated said things that clearly indicate that you don't see the same value in families that don't have children the way that most people do, so I suspect that I know the answer.
You insulted me numerous times and now you want to pretend you're on the high road? No, I don't have to call you names. I want to. You earned it.

I don't give a fuck about Obergefell, rainbow flags or anything else you want to spin off on. I said what I believe and why and do not need some dishonest asshole's permission.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Having to call me names indicates to me that you're becoming unhinged. I know that you said that no one should get benefits I asked, " Given the fact -the reality - that married couples do in fact get benefits and that is not likely to change, do you advocate the removal of benefits from same sex couples (Overturn Obergefell) and penalize the children while hetro couples retain the marriage benefits?? Be honest . You are just being a coward for not answering that. You have repeated said things that clearly indicate that you don't see the same value in families that don't have children the way that most people do, so I suspect that I know the answer.
You insulted me numerous times and now you want to pretend you're on the high road? No, I don't have to call you names. I want to. You earned it.

I don't give a fuck about Obergefell, rainbow flags or anything else you want to spin off on. I said what I believe and why and do not need some dishonest asshole's permission.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
You insulted me numerous times and now you want to pretend you're on the high road? No, I don't have to call you names. I want to. You earned it.

I don't give a fuck about Obergefell, rainbow flags or anything else you want to spin off on. I said what I believe and why and do not need some dishonest asshole's permission.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
Oh yes you did misrepresent me. And yourself. You said you were done.

I said what I meant to say and didn't let you drag me into your sewer. Sorry. You presented no argument against government getting out of marriage if we draw up contracts instead. Gay marriage did change what it was, you can't dance around it.
Children that are adopted or conceived by artificial means do have value which is why they should not be parented by perverts.
Again, that's not a choice, and why does government get to decide what a person does over such a small meaningless transaction?

If people want to boycott they can, get government out of it.

And again with the baseless accusations.

Gee, I kind of want the government making sure businesses don't cheat me. So do you, actually, you just don't mind if they cheat "those people'.

When Mr. and Mrs. Wifebeater put up a sign that said, "Wedding Cakes for Sale", they made a promise to provide wedding cakes to anyone who could afford one.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
Oh yes you did misrepresent me. And yourself. You said you were done.

I said what I meant to say and didn't let you drag me into your sewer. Sorry. You presented no argument against government getting out of marriage if we draw up contracts instead. Gay marriage did change what it was, you can't dance around it.
Just more bullshit! You're the one who has dragged this entire thread into the sewer with your crap about abolishing marriage and the unfairness of marriage benefits to singles. These are just logical fallacies, a red herring and an appeal to pity intended to derail the discussion about the legalizing of same sex marriage and the effects on children and families. As I said , I know, and have documented exactly what you are. A dishonest bigot and coward.
Children that are adopted or conceived by artificial means do have value which is why they should not be parented by perverts.

So you don't think that perverts aren't having children by natural means? Should we take away the children of anyone who commits adultery, hires a prostitute or is into any kind of kinky sex? I'm just wondering how far you are willing to take this whole thing.

You're correct about that, and as authoritarians, they certainly are ready to punish if they possibly can.

I think attitudes about this will continue to change, I'm pro-gay marriage, but the authoritarians continue to go too far.

So are you going to be just as cool if you go into a store and the owners says, "We don't serve beaners here! I can't wait for Trump to send you back where you came from?"

Just curious, Mac.
Children that are adopted or conceived by artificial means do have value which is why they should not be parented by perverts.
Then why don't you petition your lawmaker, or start a movement to remove those million plus kids from the gay parents who care for them- many of which are biological, ban all adoption by gays, and provide harsh penalties for any gay person who has a child by any means. Now THAT would be truly perverted.
The only way attitudes will change 100% is basically the elimination of the current large Religions as we see them now. I know that some people see this as a feature, not a bug in the whole LGBT advocacy process.

While does have a certain appeal, a world without religion would truly be a better one, the reality is, the Churches that used to support racism 50 years ago in 50 years will all be pretending they had nothing to do with homophobia.

I remember when my dad opted for cremation, the Catholic Priest wouldn't come to the grave. Today those pedophile cocksuckers all turn a blind eye to cremation because everyone does it now. Just like the Churches all turn a blind eye to couples that live together before marriage, which would have been truly scandalous 50 years ago

The reality is, when homophobia becomes truly unacceptable, it will be just one more thing the churches will pretend they had nothing to do with. The sad thing is, we'll let them get away with it.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
Oh yes you did misrepresent me. And yourself. You said you were done.

I said what I meant to say and didn't let you drag me into your sewer. Sorry. You presented no argument against government getting out of marriage if we draw up contracts instead. Gay marriage did change what it was, you can't dance around it.
Just more bullshit! You're the one who has dragged this entire thread into the sewer with your crap about abolishing marriage and the unfairness of marriage benefits to singles. These are just logical fallacies, a red herring and an appeal to pity intended to derail the discussion about the legalizing of same sex marriage and the effects on children and families. As I said , I know, and have documented exactly what you are. A dishonest bigot and coward.
You're back again? Like a dog returning to his vomit. The thread is about the march for marriage so marriage is the topic, unless it's dishonest like most homophile messages. The high court created the law out of political ideology so since political correctness is the determining factor all it takes to create another one is noise, accusations, insults, lies, smears and similar tactics.

THEREFORE I reached my conclusion that the government should abandon their involvement legal definitions of what goes on between people. If it's not our business what people do and we fund government why is it the government's business? That's logical, obviously unfamiliar turf for you. Everything you say is emotional, you can't handle facts. Your dick runs your life. It why you think the way you do.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
Oh yes you did misrepresent me. And yourself. You said you were done.

I said what I meant to say and didn't let you drag me into your sewer. Sorry. You presented no argument against government getting out of marriage if we draw up contracts instead. Gay marriage did change what it was, you can't dance around it.
Just more bullshit! You're the one who has dragged this entire thread into the sewer with your crap about abolishing marriage and the unfairness of marriage benefits to singles. These are just logical fallacies, a red herring and an appeal to pity intended to derail the discussion about the legalizing of same sex marriage and the effects on children and families. As I said , I know, and have documented exactly what you are. A dishonest bigot and coward.
You're back again? Like a dog returning to his vomit. The thread is about the march for marriage so marriage is the topic, unless it's dishonest like most homophile messages. The high court created the law out of political ideology so since political correctness is the determining factor all it takes to create another one is noise, accusations, insults, lies, smears and similar tactics.

THEREFORE I reached my conclusion that the government should abandon their involvement legal definitions of what goes on between people. If it's not our business what people do and we fund government why is it the government's business? That's logical, obviously unfamiliar turf for you. Everything you say is emotional, you can't handle facts. Your dick runs your life. It why you think the way you do.
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
Oh yes you did misrepresent me. And yourself. You said you were done.

I said what I meant to say and didn't let you drag me into your sewer. Sorry. You presented no argument against government getting out of marriage if we draw up contracts instead. Gay marriage did change what it was, you can't dance around it.
Just more bullshit! You're the one who has dragged this entire thread into the sewer with your crap about abolishing marriage and the unfairness of marriage benefits to singles. These are just logical fallacies, a red herring and an appeal to pity intended to derail the discussion about the legalizing of same sex marriage and the effects on children and families. As I said , I know, and have documented exactly what you are. A dishonest bigot and coward.
You're back again? Like a dog returning to his vomit. The thread is about the march for marriage so marriage is the topic, unless it's dishonest like most homophile messages. The high court created the law out of political ideology so since political correctness is the determining factor all it takes to create another one is noise, accusations, insults, lies, smears and similar tactics.

THEREFORE I reached my conclusion that the government should abandon their involvement legal definitions of what goes on between people. If it's not our business what people do and we fund government why is it the government's business? That's logical, obviously unfamiliar turf for you. Everything you say is emotional, you can't handle facts. Your dick runs your life. It why you think the way you do.
See above. All emotion, all the time.
Again, that's not a choice, and why does government get to decide what a person does over such a small meaningless transaction?

If people want to boycott they can, get government out of it.

And again with the baseless accusations.

Gee, I kind of want the government making sure businesses don't cheat me. So do you, actually, you just don't mind if they cheat "those people'.

When Mr. and Mrs. Wifebeater put up a sign that said, "Wedding Cakes for Sale", they made a promise to provide wedding cakes to anyone who could afford one.

Who's being cheated? They are being told that the business doesn't work that event.

They made no such promise, and you continue to lie.
The only way attitudes will change 100% is basically the elimination of the current large Religions as we see them now. I know that some people see this as a feature, not a bug in the whole LGBT advocacy process.

While does have a certain appeal, a world without religion would truly be a better one, the reality is, the Churches that used to support racism 50 years ago in 50 years will all be pretending they had nothing to do with homophobia.

I remember when my dad opted for cremation, the Catholic Priest wouldn't come to the grave. Today those pedophile cocksuckers all turn a blind eye to cremation because everyone does it now. Just like the Churches all turn a blind eye to couples that live together before marriage, which would have been truly scandalous 50 years ago

The reality is, when homophobia becomes truly unacceptable, it will be just one more thing the churches will pretend they had nothing to do with. The sad thing is, we'll let them get away with it.

No Church Dogma (at least mainstream) supports racism. All of them say homosexual acts are sinful. Big difference.

And your bigotry and general awfulness continues to shine through with each post.
Who's being cheated? They are being told that the business doesn't work that event.

They made no such promise, and you continue to lie.

Well, in the case of the Klein's, Mrs. Klein SPECIFICALLY offered to work that event.

Until her husband got involved, anyway.

The Women Who Challenged Sweet Cakes on the Cost of Their Battle

Aaron and Melissa Klein’s discrimination was particularly shocking to us because Rachel had previously worked with Melissa to arrange a wedding cake for her mother’s wedding. Melissa knew then that the bride’s daughter was in a same-sex relationship; in fact, when we got engaged a year later, it was Rachel’s mom who said, “I know just where we have to get the cake!” Plus our caterer and venue — both of whom welcomed our same-sex wedding — also recommended Sweet Cakes, so it seemed like a perfect match.

After enthusiastically discussing the cake with Melissa at a local wedding expo in January 2013, Rachel scheduled a cake-tasting appointment. When the day came, she and her mom went to Sweet Cakes by Melissa, excited to share the joy of planning another wedding cake together. But much to their surprise and Rachel’s humiliation, they were met at the bakery not by Melissa but by her husband, Aaron, who announced they would not serve us because we were a same-sex couple.
You did not say what you believe regarding the children of gays and marital benefits for the parents, given that fact and reality that hetero couples will continue to get those benefits, despite your inane blathering about doing away with marriage all together. You really are a coward! Now go clean yourself up and wipe the spit off your chin.
I said no marriage bennies, period. Draw up your own contract. I'm not sure how that's overly complicated for you. Wipe the cum off of your chin.
We're done here Sparky. This has gone far enough and you had-again-wasted to much of my time. It is clear what you are and that you are too much of a coward to admit it. You don't value or respect same sex couples and their families . You don't give a crap about the children of gay people and do not place the same value on there lives because they may not have been brought into the world in the "usual way" ( By the was many were in fact conceived "normally")

At the same time, you ignore the fact that many hetro couples either do not have kids or "acquire them" by means other than husband and wife in the missionary position. Then , you hide behind this horseshit about abolishing marriage and the benefits that go with it for everyone , to avoid the real and present issue of same sex marriage in the context of what we have to work with now. You have admitted that you motive in abolishing government recognition and the benefits of marriage is to not allow gays to have those benefits. You have stupidly stated that you think that everyone else who has those benefits will just go along with that. Then when called on that you start to blather about the unmarried .This can't get anymore stupid So just fuck off!!
Nope, I won't. You consistently misrepresent my views. I said very plainly it's time all marriages go to private contracts and your corrupt mind can only see gay.

You offered no argument against it and keep taking side roads instead. That means you have no legitimate argument why the government shouldn't just step out of it. That way you can marry anyone, everyone you want. Just draw up the contract.
Bullshit ! I did not misrepresent you in the least bit. I have you pegged exactly. You are a shameless bigot, liar and coward who won't clearly state what you believe about gays and same sex parents. This crap about abolishing marriage is just a smoke screen avoid dealing with the real topic of this thread which is same sex marriage.
Oh yes you did misrepresent me. And yourself. You said you were done.

I said what I meant to say and didn't let you drag me into your sewer. Sorry. You presented no argument against government getting out of marriage if we draw up contracts instead. Gay marriage did change what it was, you can't dance around it.

Marriage is now simply a financial arrangement between adults. Windsor made it so. It should be treated the same as any other contract. With the same kind of exclusions.

No Church Dogma (at least mainstream) supports racism. All of them say homosexual acts are sinful. Big difference.

YOu know, the reason why there are NOrthern and Southern Baptist conventions is because they had a disagreement about slavery.

None of them say that TODAY. 100 years ago was a different story.

And your bigotry and general awfulness continues to shine through with each post.

Yes, I know, it's awful when someone points out your fairy tales about a magic man in the sky hating all the people you hate doesn't actually exist.
Again, that's not a choice, and why does government get to decide what a person does over such a small meaningless transaction?

If people want to boycott they can, get government out of it.

And again with the baseless accusations.

Gee, I kind of want the government making sure businesses don't cheat me. So do you, actually, you just don't mind if they cheat "those people'.

When Mr. and Mrs. Wifebeater put up a sign that said, "Wedding Cakes for Sale", they made a promise to provide wedding cakes to anyone who could afford one.

Being cheated implies paying for something and not receiving what you paid for.

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