March for Our Lives: Crowd tops DrumpF inauguration BS! Seems over 800,000 SHOWED for less GUNS!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017

March for Our Lives crowd tops Trump inauguration, according to organizer estimates
Officials associated with the march say about 800,000 people attended.
March for Our Lives crowd tops Trump inauguration, according to organizer estimates


btw: Seems the Great Douche was playing GOLF AGAIN today.
Was too much a coward to speak to the crowds in D.C. as always.
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege of carrying a loaded pistol all day.
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Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege of carrying a loaded pistol all day.
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege of carrying a loaded pistol all day.

I saw MANY!

Fear the PINK!

I'd say it Trumps Dotards inaug by minimally 700%

Has he lost his mind yet on the Twit Machine or did smart people take his phone away?
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege of carrying a loaded pistol all day.

Exactly. So a bunch of people walked around holding signs and maybe wearing pink pussy hats on their heads.

And? Did they do any good? So far this week in Chicago alone, 6 people shot and killed, 23 people shot and wounded, and 8 total homicides. Multiply that times Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Ferguson, Detroit, etc. And the weekend has only started.

Maybe those marchers need some bigger signs. Or maybe they need to walk faster. Whatever the fuck.
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege to carry a loaded pistol all day.

It's not a unique privilege to carry a loaded pistol all day. But it should be more so than it is today. Crackpots should be stripped of many of their rights like driving, flying, guns, explosives, chemicals, etc.... They should be tracked with GPS so a computer can alert security when a wacko is approaching.
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege of carrying a loaded pistol all day.
It's not a unique privilege of carrying a loaded pistol all day. But it should be more so than it is today. Crackpots should be stripped of many of their rights like driving, flying, guns, explosives, chemicals, etc....

This is not the 17th, 18th, or 19th century requiring all to have guns. Back than I would have one at least out and about.
We have more services and fewer dangers in our lives from the 20th century forward.
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege to carry a loaded pistol all day.

It's not a unique privilege to carry a loaded pistol all day. But it should be more so than it is today. Crackpots should be stripped of many of their rights like driving, flying, guns, explosives, chemicals, etc....

Of course it's a unique privilege. How many of those sheep marching in those "I'm skeered of guns" marches today have been trained, vetted, background-checked, and permitted to carry a firearm?

Probably not a single one of them.
Good for them. Did they wear pink pussy hats on their heads while they were walking around in circles, carrying their little cardboard signs?

How droll. I had the unique privilege to carry a loaded pistol all day.

It's not a unique privilege to carry a loaded pistol all day. But it should be more so than it is today. Crackpots should be stripped of many of their rights like driving, flying, guns, explosives, chemicals, etc....

Of course it's a unique privilege. How many of those sheep marching in those "I'm skeered of guns" marches today have been trained, vetted, background-checked, and permitted to carry a firearm?

Probably not a single one of them.
No training, vetting, background check or permits required to carry a gun here in St. Louis, MO. Yet we have the highest murder rate in the country!

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