Marchimedes salutes The Flag on the coming Lord's Day, The Fourth of July. (And maybe some politics.)

Reuters, not Fox so don't bother.

Monday Iran attacked a US base in Iran and injured US personnel. SlowJoeBiden and Willie Brown's Gal did what about it now? I'm quite sure a strongly worded letter is in the making. These fu(ks in power now can't even hit back with one of the left's militarily dominating "proportional responses?" How the fu(k is this not war? Gosh, I wonder why military recruitment is down. You buddy gets a little blown up so go ahead and send the Ayatollah an angry meme. I've a few gems but I don't dare post them up here, they in The Mighty horse Thread somewhere. You know, that place you are afeared of.



"There's no guarrentee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech..." - Tim Walz. Well, Tim, you genius constitutional scholar...

scotus 1.1.png



For those of you in Rio Linda what Raskin is saying is that if Trump wins Congress should just say... "Nah." See most recent image!


You may or may not have heard that Govenor Tim Walz of Minnasota put Tampon dispensers in high school boy's bathrooms. I'm sixty(60) now but way back I was a teen age boy. We're fu(kin monsters. How is there not a tic tok thead somewhere of Minnasota teen age boys reeking havok with tampons from their bathrooms?

From The Pedestal of Impeccableness, Top Ten things teenage boys could do with free tampons...

Sawbuck. Nose plugs.
Nein. Ear plugs.
Ate. Stocking stuffers.
Lucky 7. Way cool "I'm with her" virtue signaling earrings.
Sex. Leaky dike repair (I could have fun with the spelling of 'dike.')
Fin. Actual tampons for trans women who stuff frozen tomato juice bolts up their own azz to simulate menstruation.
IV. Black market tampons.
Craps. Short sell Tampax, flood the market then clean up.
The Deuce. Parting gifts for a Lakhota party.

And the number one thing teen age boys could do with free tampons...

1. Tiny mops for liberal tears


And the reviews are in.

"Fu(k, with this guy again? - Coyote, admin of USMB.
"I wish I was him." - People that wish they were Marchimedes Daily.
"He's such a nice boy." - Marchimedes' Dear Mother.
"TL/DC." - Coiner of "Brevity is wit."
"That's exactly the kinda $h!t I want to make illegal." - Tim Walz.
"Somebody had to say it." - Captain Obvious.
"Eh." - Non-plussed Examiner.
"I don't see how that helps me find my pants." - Some liberal guy looking for his pants.
"You're wearing them." - Bob, Founder of "finding pants for liberals."
Who wants my conservative azz teaching your children my ideology?

I wouldn't presume such.

How many of you liberal fu(ks want to teach my children your ideology?

Most of you.

It's my child.

Lemme be careful. This is a tender subject, Thank The Lord my children are adults now.

If anybody did anything to my children without my permission I will hunt you down and kill you.

I'm Dad, you are not.

Me times a gazillion. Know what's behind Dad? Mom. Good for you LGBcntrlaltdlt. You don't have children, you've never woke up in the middle of night, you didn't set it up so you have a bunch of sterilized bottles for your baby, I've had four(4) babies. You fu(kin azzholes. And now a fu(k like Tim Walz tells me anything about babies. Just fu(k me I'm upstairs now.
The fu(k then. I understand that this is a left wing site. I'm not sure which of my threads I'm in. Don't much care. I keep the pressure on. Nice, isn't it, liberals. No matter what happens teacher is here. I'll find you. I love this $h!t.
Recently Trump came out with no taxes on tips. I heard it reported that at least CBS had a cow an went about how is he gonna pay for this? The horror. Then Willie Brown's Gal came out with, so far, her one and only policy statement and that is no taxes on tips. The joy! For what it's worth this is the first I've seen Trump go outright vote buying and no. This is America, if you make money you pay federal income taxes according to the federal income tax scale. There's folks that wait at high end place that make WAY more cheddar than I. Why do they get a pass? I would like to now state that I have never built a deck, installed some crown molding, fixed a vehicle or troubled shot a recalcitrant GFCI on the weekend for cash so I could use the extra income to buy food for my adorable, hungry children. Never happened and the IRS can't prove it.

Now, some wonder why would Willie Brown's Gal go outta her way to make a policy statement that so obviously and provably rips Trump's former policy statement. Off. The answer is simple...

liberals are azzholes.


A lovely image of performative art at the Olympics opening ceremony...

last supper 1.2.png

A bru-ha-ha ensues, accusations are cast and in the end the folks that put that one together swears to The God they don't believe in that that is not an odd recreation of Da Vinci's 'Last Supper' painting.

last supper 1.3.png

I say that particular bunch of liberals could have done a more betterer job of recreating 'The Last Supper' but then it's a bunch of liberals and they fu(k everything they touch. Up.

The first image is intentionally offensive towards Christians. Newsflash, snowflakes, I'm a Christion and that weak azz $h1t mkes me giggle my mutha fu(kin azz. Off. I'm no Muslim that sees an image of Mohammed sos I have to go don a bomb vest and blow up Jewish children. I'll do the next best thing... type stuff. The offending heathens swear on The God they don't believe in that that first images is in no way a recreation of Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper.' They said that.

See my signature? I drew that. One night I been smoking weed and feeling artistic but all I had at hand was a construction pencil, copy paper and a copy of Dan Brown's 'The DaVinci Code.' So I drew my sig, original is about 2" x 6" and it took me two(2) hours to copy. All I'm saying is that I am a bit of an artist. Chicks sometimes dig that. Sorry. What was my point? Sumpin Da Vinci. There it is, I adore Da Vinci. Copy a Master and maybe you get a bit into his/her/zer soul. No maybe about it. The bastardization of 'The last Supper' offends me as an artist. Sumpin a liberal would say. The Olympics depiction of 'The Last Supper' was meant to offend Christians on a global scale. And how much cash did you heathens spend on that? Then, when questioned ya'll say, "that was not out intent."

You stupid fu(ks were caught lying, again.

I really don't care about the lies, the insults, 99 outta a hundred a liberal shall vote to restrict rights. The liberal shall vote that the public does not get to outright say "maybe we should reject that Mother Government should not be that much boss."


Eh, I've got more but I'm going on.



That was reported by The NYT way back when. I remember that. I shall now search for that at The NYT site. I'm betting I can no longer find that...

Can't find that. I didn't look very hard as I'm quite sure that $h!t has been scrubbed. We ALL remember that. Remember when you lefties didn't like Willie Brown's Gal? That's some first class evil scumbag crap right there. THAT speaks to Willie Brown's Gal's true character.


Hunter Biden all of a sudden has pleaded/plead(?) guilty to his tax charge. My bad, I should have predicted this one but I've never given a thought to this charge against Hunter. Of course he plead guilty. For this to go to court would unravel the Biden family access selling. Ni zhidao wode yisa ma?


The liberals are complaining that Trump says he'll lower the cost of stuff like food but doesn't say how he'll do such. Oil is a globally speculated upon commodity. Trump has splained all the usual crap, "Drill, baby, drill." Get the pipelines back up, get America back on the road to being a net energy exporter, make the other energy exporting nations suffer like they should... It takes gas to deliver gas. If Trump gets elected I say the very next day the price of a barrel of oil is gonna go down. Almost immediately the price of stuff in America starts going down. That's how. Do the math! My bad, math is racist.


An old one but back in the day the left told us that getting the Yellow Menace Satan Bug vaccine (it was never a real vaccine, it was a pre-therapeutic at best) would keep friggin everybody from transmitting or contracting the Yellow Menace Satan bug yet the left ALSO demanded mandatory jabs. If one is "vaccinated" and can't get or give the Yellow Menace Satan Bug what the fu(k did ya'll care if a bunch of anti-vaxxers caught the Yellow Menace Satan Bug? Ah, that's right, ya'll liberals are thy brother's keepers and as such ya'll have the moral high ground and deserve the right to tell every body how to go about their bidness. Ya'll get to lie for our own good. Thank you.


An American citizen was found dead among six(6) in Gaza. Executed. Bullets to the skulls. They were hostages. How is this not war? Get busy, SlowJoeBiden! Go sink the entire Iranian Navy! Give the order, a few Sailors push some few buttons and it's done. America sees our one dead citizen and raises you your entire Navy at the bottom of the ocean. Your bet.


Roberrt Reich's letter to Elon Musk in full...

From #4...

"Musk’s free-speech rights under the First Amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest."

Yes. it does. Please to allow me, Marchimedes to illustrate...

"I, Marchimedes, advise all Americans to eat a bowl of salt for breakfast. It's good for you. Then, if you really want to be a stud, a GD sexual Tyrannosaurus, smoke a pack of Camel filter less. That'll make your Johson salute."

The fu(k you gonna do about that, Reich?


Musk’s free-speech rights under the First Amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest.

Yes, it does.

Now, for some truly nasty next level $h!t ya'll gonna have to go to that place you are afeared of...

teacher 3.5.png

What, no takers?



This is always funny...


There's a video of some so-called journalist asking Willie Brown's Gal that there are some 170 million Americans just fine with their health insurance and what does she make of that and she goes full blown word salad.

She did not answer the mutha fu(kin question. Ya'll have seen it, don't bother me with your weak. We all know she wants Mother government Medicare for all. Fu(k you people happy with what you gots now. The definition of fascism is Mother government control of the means of production. Just ask Mussolini, the coiner of the term. Eh.


Today I, Marchimedes, as an Honorably discharged Mighty US of A Army Veteran, I'm Sixty(60) years old, went to my, so far 5th VA clinic to sign up for care. We have to do this, actually move our care from the last clinic to the next, I know this cause my last clinic called me on the friggin phone and told me that if I don't get busy I'll have to start a process all over again. It's all very complicated. I, being me, drove to the clinic a couple miles away, stood in no line, said my thing, got a form which I had to write down my name, SSN, contact info and that was all. I was informed I'd probably get a call tomorrow as the woman that usually handles all that was off today.

The VA is Boss! They are on me like the skin on a fat snake. When I show up and as I'm a Type II adult onset, hereditary Diabetes patient who is 6' tall and weighs 170 lbs. soaking wet and has the pulse/blood pressure a twenty year old would die for my fat nurse (whom I call the sugar Nazi) screams at me "why don't you have Kale and Water for breakfast instead of half a banana and a sip of grapefruit juice."

What's my point? I bet Willie Brown's Gals hates my wicked excellent health care situation. I can't prove this. I say she would like VA Veterans like myself in the bucket of Medicare for all. She just won't say it.

Willie Brown's Gal desires fascism. Mother government control of the means of production. I'm sorry, is this too much for this short attention span website? Benito Mussolini's Manifesto...

Go ahead, fu(ktards, read every last word! Ring a bell? Benito coined the team "Fascism." That word is derived from an Italian word for a type of axe/hatchet. Ya'll done reading that? Fascism is Mother government control of the means of production. Communism is Mother government ownership of the means of production. Capitalism, and I'm going with my own definition here is Mother government regulation/facilitation of the means of the means of production. So when SlowJoeBiden/Willie Brown's Gal tell The American Auto manufactioners they have to produce EV's which of those definitions does that meet? I expect zero reply, liberal.

Sorry, I've went WAY beyond this sites low attention span.


I shouldn't so I won't.

"And it is absolutely well know that these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be President again..."

cbs putin 1.1.png

Many are saying that Willie Brown's Gal won the debate. How does one win a debate when almost everything Willie Brown's Gal said was a lie? Don't get me wrong, Trump did not win, as I said before about Trump after the debate with SlowJoeBiden, he can't debate...

I am terribly disappointed with Trump. He had an easy Baker's Dozen opportunities to go hard wonk. But no... "I'm the greatest President, Veterans love me, I made the greatest deals, Veterans love me, I could be on one of my beautiful properties..." Dumb fu(k should have prepared and brought numbers to the debate. This debate could/should have been a one to one numbers game. I guess I know Trump's numbers more betterer than he does cause if had been me at that podium... "Taxes." "Immigration." "Inflation." "Tariffs." "NATO dues." "Energy/price of gas." "Price of groceries..." Don't get me wrong he gets the job done more betterer than anyone cents Ronaldus Reaganus but his arrogant boob nature precludes him from correctly describing his accomplishments. I entirely understand why so many Republicans hate him. This is not in our conservative nature. Yet he got most things as I, a fiscal conservative wants done. With Trump we are not electing Jesus here, folks.


Now, I could go fetch a youtube of the debate, also post the transcript and go line by line and take apart Willie Brown's Gal's lies, do the usual, youtube of her saying sumpin a while back, the same of her saying the opposite lately and lather, rinse, repeat. But folks like those of us at this site know all that crap. Before I get started in on liberals I will say one thing. Willie Brown's Gal splains away her total 180's (or did she?) by saying "my values haven't changed." So before if her values lead her to have the policy that anyone that wants to come into this nation can, then later she says she wants to secure the border what the fu(k kind of "values" allows her to say such a thing? Which "value" goes both ways? Other than that I did in my last rant in this thread point out one of her lies that I've yet to see anyone else point out. Nuff said.

Most conservatives like me that follow politics can quote Chapter and Verse the lies/flip flops/waffling/evolvement of any liberal politician. All liberals that follow politics have zero answer when conservatives like me do such. Ya'll liberals don't fu(kin care. "The ends justifies the means."

That means that any lie, equivocation, deflection, distraction, obfuscation, tall tale is justified on your march towards socialism/communism/Marxism/Stalinism/Maoism/tyrannical plutocratic oligarchy (that last, I say is most descriptive for what America's lefties want) and retards like me should shut the fu(k up as I'm too stupid to understand that what ya'll want for me is on my best interest. "Please, Sir, may I have some more?" Thing is I ain't no fu(kin retard and it ain't in my own best interest. I can't prove Jack $h!t but here's what I think a certain mob of liberals cling to... ya'll think that as you've supported the march towards the plutocratic oligarchy that you shall be rewarded with choice Mutha government positions, fine luxury Dachas in New Stalingrad, (formerly Washington D.C.) and get to hold sway over the likes of me. But all of you are deceived. Ya'll gonna be waiting in line for bread before ya'll return to your one light bulb apartments. Like me.

Yea, Al Davis is not so apt to this rant and long ago but a certain future member of the plutocratic oligarchy gave it up quite recently...

An excerpt...

“What most people don’t give the Democrats enough credit for, but we give the Republicans credit for, it’s, like, ‘No, sometimes it’s just about f***ing winning, and it doesn’t matter how we look at this moment. It’s about f***ing winning,’” Tarantino said on Maher’s Club Random podcast. “It’s about f***ing winning! It’s a mad f***ing dash, and she is running, and she’s not stopping to stumble.”

I tried to find a video of just that and failed but that should do. I speak retarded liberal, please to allow me to translate...

<Whatever you have to say to win.>

"The ends justify the means."

Also he said that the Republicans do such. I've an image for that...

gearbols 1.1.png

I can go on but it has to end somewhere.
Hang on...

That was April 26, 2022. I joined March 28, 2022. Took me less than a month to make staff sick of me. Badge of Honor! Who is this member that knows what staff thinks? Why was staff sick of me after such a short time? I remember buku stuff so all of a sudden this rant appears. Why am I not banned?

What should the highest federal income tax rate be and at what income level should it start at?

I been asking that question for over two(2) decades at interweb political debate forums and the only answer I've ever got is 'more."

I lied, the other time I was answered that question was...

The question remains. Feel free to answer it, liberals. It's your kryptonite. I'm Marchimedes, my #1 political issue is taxes. After that I've a list ya'll are afeared to view. But this is my thread so taxes it is. For now. Question remains. Maybe, sort of, kind of I'm approaching trolling at this site. If trolling is my kicking you drive-by liberals teeth in on stuff I ask you won't/can't answer. What the fu(k, you puzzies? Some how I have a thread in 'politics' and ya'll take that? I'm sorry, that approaches micro-aggression. I promise you that in the future I won't macro-aggress.

I thought it over.

I heard a thing that says some pro-trans folks say that they would, without the parents permission, transport children across state lines to give minors irreversible gender surgery. Say what now? My children are adults now so I don't have a dog in this fight. But! If anyone did anything to my tiny babies other than give a Tylenol or a band-aid for a the bleeding knee I would hunt you down, drag you to a swamp, make you die as painfully and slowly as possible, chop you into tiny pieces, feed you to a gator, shoot the gator dead, feed the gator to a dog then collect the dog $h!t then forcibly feed said $h!t to AOC, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell... you get the idea then when I'm convicted for such I shall skip and grin to prison.

Welcome to Dad World.


Also if it comes to a world where the Harris/Walz agenda comes true and so-called misinformation and hate speech becomes a crime I shall rush to break that law first.

Somebody has to be the first throw the tea into the harbor.
And yet another one. Do you need some kind of closure? Explanation? Ok. 2 years ago I was kinda koo koo. Still am I guess. I don't remember why I said what I said. Probably due to the koo koo phase. It comes and goes. So...what is your problem to bump old threads and bring me in to it?

For the record...yes, I know most of the staff and can pretty much guess which cats are herded the most difficult to do. It isn't rocket science. But then again, I maybe should have kept my mouth shut. That, too, is difficult in my koo koo moments.

I readily admit I am having a difficult time, which is why I am not as prolific poster as I used to be.
And yet another one.

Another one, what?

Do you need some kind of closure?




I just said no.

2 years ago I was kinda koo koo.

Look who you are talking to.

Still am I guess.

See above.

I don't remember why I said what I said.

I don't remember if I'm wearing pants until I look down...

Probably due to the koo koo phase. It comes and goes.

Kinda like my deal with pants.

So...what is your problem to bump old threads and bring me in to it?

I just remembered that when I was first here someone told me staff hated me already so I went and found that post.

For the record...yes, I know most of the staff and can pretty much guess which cats are herded the most difficult to do.

There's a list I bet I'm on.

It isn't rocket science. But then again, I maybe should have kept my mouth shut. That, too, is difficult in my koo koo moments.

I readily admit I am having a difficult time, which is why I am not as prolific poster as I used to be.

Lady, Gracie (please be a girl) if I had known my bringing that post up would have bothered you in the slightest I would not have done so.

My apologies.

teacher 21.3.png

read no further.

If you drink and are having these difficulties try not drinking.

If you don't drink and are having these difficulties... try drinking.

If you live where you can legally by weed, maybe try that. But be prepared for the munchies.

If you are like me maybe examine if the drinking and not wearing pants are related.



seek out a total stranger on the interweb that can make you laugh.
I shouldn't but I just watched a youtube of Oprah and Willie Brown's Gal. I don't why I do this to myself. But I did so now you liberals have to suffer for it. Oprah asked her about fixin the border...

"I was AG of California... sumpin word salad sumpin Trump and I blame him for torpedoing the so-called bi-partisan immigration reform bill that would have cured all our ills."

That bill would have codified 5,000 illegal, unvetted aliens/day entry into America forever and ever, Amen.

Say what now? 5,001? Fu(k no, shut that $h!t down, this is unreasonable. Next day lather, rinse repeat. That's how you run a nation.

She did not answer the question.

Unvetted you say...? An oldie but a goodie...

biden 1.5.png

border 1.2.png

Shirley me posting them images, yet again are grounds for a nice banning. Ain't that correct Coyote? You should put one of your high paid, crack liberal moderators on this! Still, that's like the twentieth time I've posted that and it always makes me giggle my mutha fu(kin azz off. Every time I show them to a human in real life they laugh...

It's Friday and therefor I've been drinkin and have again interrupted myself. I've only myself to blame but I'm back on the horse. Some few times now when Willie Brown's Gal is asked about what she'll do about inflation...

"I'm a middle class gal, we had nice lawns sumpin word salad sumpin Trump..."

She did not answer the question.

I should go dark now. I get it, liberals, she can't/won't answer these questions less she expose her Marxist tendencies to the undecides/centrists//moderates/independents/fence sitters. The left want's Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Maoism/insert your favorite authoritarian thug's name here, the left desires how the likes of me lives/speaks/spends my own cash/types. If the left had their way I would not only not be allowed to post this I would be jailed/sent to reedumacation camp/never allowed to vote again. Some few of you want me dead.

On the other hand, I, as a Yankee, Libertarian, taxpaying, Veteran, Father W.A.S.P. say all you fu(ks get to openly have your say.

Oh my, that's all incongruent.

I wonder what The Mighty US of A Constitution says?
And now for hurricane news:

There is a hurricane.

That is all.


I shouldn't have but I just watched a youtube of Willie Brown's gal gettin interviewed by PMSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle.


"Under a Harris administration at what income level should someone expect their taxes to go up...?

Gosh, that sounds like sumpin I just asked in this thread...

What should the highest federal income tax rate be and at what income level should it start at?

Matter of fact I been asking that question to you geniuses for years. Only answer I've ever got was "more." Ruhle could have been more explicit/exacting with her phrasing but then she's no Marchimedes. Eh, here we go...

Whole thing...



"When it relates to anybody making less than $400k/year, your taxes will not go up."

Well, Willie Brown's Gal, the Trump federal income tax cuts expire next year. Unless you take The White House AND keep the Senate AND take the House you probably won't stop/don't want that to happen. Has a liberal ever lowered taxes? I'm asking. Under the Trump federal income tax cuts everybody that paid federal income taxes got a tax cut. When the Trump tax cuts expire next year everybody that pays federal income taxes shall have their federal income taxes go up.

You fu(ks do understand that, correct? So, Willie Brown's Gal has to keep the Senate, take the House and a new federal income tax bill must be passed and signed by her that keeps the tax rate for those that make under $400k and raises the federal income tax rate for those that make over that. Sure. When Willie Brown' Gal said...

"When it relates to anybody making less than $400k/year, your taxes will not go up."

did she mean she understands she needs the exact scenario I described? Is that her plan? Seems to me that's the only way she's gonna get what she described. Why didn't she say that? I could go on but I'm gettin bored here.


I'm tired, so tired typing all this. She says that there shall be a tax credit for young couples the first year after their baby is born. That ain't exactly most Americans but I'm fine with that one.

Having babies is good for America. (So lettuce get them there abortion rights back!) Sorry.

Still, House, Senate, sign zee papers.

Trump, on the other hand simply says he'll keep his tax cuts and expand them if he can.


I know, I went on but that's about as short as I could've kept that one.
See youtube in the post above and accompanying rant to set the tone of not answering the friggin question.


2:41 - 3:00...

Haircut - "VP Harris, you and President Trump were elected four(4) years ago..."

Say what now? Eh, we know what he meant. Still, way to professional this, haircut.

"and your opponent on the stage here tonight often asks his supporters are you better off than you were four(4) years ago. When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four(4) years ago?"

Way to turn it around, haircut.

Willie Brown's Gal - "So, I was raised as a middle class kid..."

and she goes on about credits for this and credits for that and her love for small bidnesses and puppies. Why, ya'll can now buy a crib and a car seat.

For Trump, on the other hand, the plan is simple. Extend his tax cuts for all that actually pay federal income taxes and the corporate tax rate. He's also said he wants to bring them same taxes down again. Now is when one of you liberal tries me on my provable belief that lowering taxes ALWAYS spurs the American economy for all. And PLEASE try me on that 'fair share' bull$h!t. Look at me keeping this short.


From the beginning question to when Tampon Tim starts in...

"Bla, bla, bla look, I grew up in small rural Nebraska..."

Ah, I see now, they've agreed upon a theme when not answering questions...



It hasn't been asked this way, far as I know, baby killers...

A gal is pregnant, no rape, no incest, Mom is 18 or over, baby is fine, Mom is fine, so far it's smooth sailing. Should this woman be allowed to abort her baby up to the medically estimated date of birth?

Go ahead and say yes, you fu(kin monsters. We all know the answer.

That is all.

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