Marco Rubio A+

50 posts of deflection from gun nuts.
Is that because the mass slaughter of kids is acceptable ?

"Is that because the mass slaughter of kids is acceptable ?"

Who in this thread has said they think mass slaughter of kids is acceptable? As Marion say what about the mass slaughter of British kids at the Ariana Grande concert your type ignored that because it was one of your Pet Muslims.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole. why is it many of those refugees in Europe want to come here?

You got a quick count of how many NRA supporters were shooters in the past?

Congress must uphold the Constitution and its amendments which protect gun rights pussboy.

Anything else you're confused about just ask ole save, he'll help morons like you.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole. why is it many of those refugees in Europe want to come here?

You got a quick count of how many NRA supporters were shooters in the past?

Congress must uphold the Constitution and its amendments which protect gun rights pussboy.

Anything else you're confused about just ask ole save, he'll help morons like you.

Obviously its important that little kids get slaughtered every week so that you can continue with your penis extensions.

You got anything in a less obvious debate fail?
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole. why is it many of those refugees in Europe want to come here?

You got a quick count of how many NRA supporters were shooters in the past?

Congress must uphold the Constitution and its amendments which protect gun rights pussboy.

Anything else you're confused about just ask ole save, he'll help morons like you.

Obviously its important that little kids get slaughtered every week so that you can continue with your penis extensions.

You got anything in a less obvious debate fail?

He has Penis Envy or whatever :smoke:
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.

That's really cute you think a Welsh muslim human condom, who is all about snobby hatred of Americans, like the rest of your pedophile-enabling Coward Continent, thinks any American on this board doesn't hate you and cares what you think about anything. You Zeropeans are America's most backstabbing enemy and as far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done. Haven't you noticed you have never gotten positive feedback from Americans on anything you post? We universally don't like you, we will NEVER listen to your hypocritical bullshit and you are living proof that America should have nothing to do with your selfish, parasitic, phony, two-faced, shallow continent of parasitic muslim bitches. We don't listen to a continent which has zero personal honor and integrity.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.

That's really cute you think a Welsh muslim human condom, who is all about snobby hatred of Americans, like the rest of your pedophile-enabling Coward Continent, thinks any American on this board doesn't hate you and cares what you think about anything. You Zeropeans are America's most backstabbing enemy and as far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done. Haven't you noticed you have never gotten positive feedback from Americans on anything you post? We universally don't like you, we will NEVER listen to your hypocritical bullshit and you are living proof that America should have nothing to do with your selfish, parasitic, phony, two-faced, shallow continent of parasitic muslim bitches. We don't listen to a continent which has zero personal honor and integrity.

We have rules on punctuation.

Learn them.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.

That's really cute you think a Welsh muslim human condom, who is all about snobby hatred of Americans, like the rest of your pedophile-enabling Coward Continent, thinks any American on this board doesn't hate you and cares what you think about anything. You Zeropeans are America's most backstabbing enemy and as far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done. Haven't you noticed you have never gotten positive feedback from Americans on anything you post? We universally don't like you, we will NEVER listen to your hypocritical bullshit and you are living proof that America should have nothing to do with your selfish, parasitic, phony, two-faced, shallow continent of parasitic muslim bitches. We don't listen to a continent which has zero personal honor and integrity.

We have rules on punctuation.

Learn them.

My punctuation is perfectly fine, dummy. You're the one confused by your own language. I noticed you don't have the balls to post a single example of me making these egregious punctuation errors, fool.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.

That's really cute you think a Welsh muslim human condom, who is all about snobby hatred of Americans, like the rest of your pedophile-enabling Coward Continent, thinks any American on this board doesn't hate you and cares what you think about anything. You Zeropeans are America's most backstabbing enemy and as far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done. Haven't you noticed you have never gotten positive feedback from Americans on anything you post? We universally don't like you, we will NEVER listen to your hypocritical bullshit and you are living proof that America should have nothing to do with your selfish, parasitic, phony, two-faced, shallow continent of parasitic muslim bitches. We don't listen to a continent which has zero personal honor and integrity.

"killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done"

Will there are other Europeans at this forum who do not share Tommy's fanatical Pro-Islamist views, including me and Tilly and Dalia and she is French and your comment about killing Europeans is the first thing that Islam has ever done, WTF did the innocents killed twice in Paris attacks and the innocents killed in Nice have to do with anything? Nothing. What would you think if ANY of us commented:

"killing Americans is the first good thing Islam has done"

Your vile comments are as equal to ANY vile comment that Tommy has posted at this forum, seems like you and Tommy should get a room as you are both disgusting POS and are as hate consumed and as ignorant as each other.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.

That's really cute you think a Welsh muslim human condom, who is all about snobby hatred of Americans, like the rest of your pedophile-enabling Coward Continent, thinks any American on this board doesn't hate you and cares what you think about anything. You Zeropeans are America's most backstabbing enemy and as far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done. Haven't you noticed you have never gotten positive feedback from Americans on anything you post? We universally don't like you, we will NEVER listen to your hypocritical bullshit and you are living proof that America should have nothing to do with your selfish, parasitic, phony, two-faced, shallow continent of parasitic muslim bitches. We don't listen to a continent which has zero personal honor and integrity.

"killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done."

What about these innocents Will, they all were murdered by a Muslim with a suicide bomb at that Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Britain. Do you think THEY deserved to die, are you HAPPY that these Europeans were killed by Islam? Are you masturbating your two inch dick looking at their pictures? Tommy of course being a Pro-Islamist Propagandist and Leftist Maniac does not give a CRAP about the below innocents either all he cares about is that the Muslims have their buttocks licked on a daily basis.

You are a sick puppy Will just like Tommy is, as I say you need to get a room.


The youngest victim Saffie Roussos aged eight years in age, are you celebrating her death Will?


Remembering the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.

Getting all money out of politics would be a worthier goal. Public financed elections with stiff mandatory prison sentences for politicians who take bribes.
It would change he landscape completely. And that is a non partisan issue that everyone can agree on.
Marco Rubio, an NRA Stooge, Needs to STFU About Parkland

Taken over $3m from the enabling NRA.

Thats why nothing will get done.

The gun control people need to raise some funds and buy their own politicians.

Democracy for sale in a third world shithole.
Is Tommy pissing his pants because the majority of the funding going to the NRA is coming from the citizens of the United States?

This funding is pocket change compared to the money being extracted from the same citizens paychecks by the Unions, against their will, and funding Politicians who vote against their beliefs.

The difference...?

The money we give to the NRA is voluntary.

Want us disarmed?

The Government is going to have to go door to door... Violating the Constitutional rights of "EVERY' American and they will have to forcefully take every firearm in this nation.

And where will they start?

In the Cities, where most of the crime occurs?

Or are you goose-stepping Nazi's going after those who may not shoot when their front doors are smashed in and their families are violated?

You morons are asking for a full on Civil War.

Do you have a problem with American citizens ensuring that our rights and our privacy are not violated?
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What’s indeed reprehensible about most on the right is their refusal to even discuss measures that have nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

The GOP has been intellectually crippled by a slippery slope fallacy.
You are so full of Shit.

Measures my ass.

Shall we actually address the problem rather than restricting what I may legally own.
What’s indeed reprehensible about most on the right is their refusal to even discuss measures that have nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

The GOP has been intellectually crippled by a slippery slope fallacy.
You are so full of Shit.

Measures my ass.

Shall we actually address the problem rather than restricting what I may legally own.
He is totally correct. Why cant you discuss it like an adult ?
What’s indeed reprehensible about most on the right is their refusal to even discuss measures that have nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

The GOP has been intellectually crippled by a slippery slope fallacy.
You are so full of Shit.

Measures my ass.

Shall we actually address the problem rather than restricting what I may legally own.
He is totally correct. Why cant you discuss it like an adult ?
Fuck off Nazi.

We've had this conversation, repeatedly.

We have incrementally given everything the gun grabbers have demanded and these shootings continue.

Yes Thomas, let's have an adult conversation.

I don't think this is going to happen when the likes of you continue to insult us and refuse to address the issues causing this dilemma.

This leaves you with going door to door and violating everyones right in this Country.

But I'm sure many of you have no problem with this concept.

The conversation has been over for some time.
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