Marco Rubio Is No Stooge


Sep 23, 2010
Why any American, or legal immigrant, would vote for the people responsible for the immigration bill is beyond me. Sending those people back to Congress guarantees that sooner or later they will succeed in permanently tearing down the borders. Specifically, Senator Marco Rubio should not be reelected in 2016 let alone considered a candidate for the Republican party’s nomination:

Top 5 shockers inside immigration bill

1) Loopholes mean amnesty before border security

There are significant unreported loopholes and exceptions in the immigration-reform bill that could allow illegal immigrants to achieve permanent status before the border security portions of the legislation are executed.

One of the key selling points repeatedly cited by the bill’s “Gang of Eight” sponsors has been that illegal aliens will not be eligible for permanency until after the border-security provisions of the legislation are implemented.

I originally thought Rubio was nothing more than a stooge for the Gang of Eight. I was sure the experienced liars like Senators Schumer and McCain blew smoke up Rubio’s ass so he would front for their legislative agenda. I now realize that Rubio is so deceitful he had to take the lead willingly.

If you don’t know what the liars are up to please read the sickening details in each of following:

1) Loopholes mean amnesty before border security

2) Immigration bill shackles border agents

3. Illegals can obtain public benefits

4) Young illegals to receive white-glove, expedited treatment

5) Immigration bill quietly opens U.S. to Afghans

Unreported loopholes, exceptions leave gaps in answer to flood of illegals
Published: 10 hours ago

Top 5 shockers inside immigration bill
Rubio has a drinking problem....he can never get elected
Rubio is dog crap wrapped in filth.

To sarahgop: Don’t beat around the bush. What do you really think?

Rubio has a drinking problem....

To rightwinger: I heard it’s really bad?

[ame=]Airplane! drinking problem - YouTube[/ame]​

Its worse than that

No republican today can get elected this go around.

not even with all the cheating the party does
Why any American, or legal immigrant, would vote for the people responsible for the immigration bill is beyond me. Sending those people back to Congress guarantees that sooner or later they will succeed in permanently tearing down the borders. Specifically, Senator Marco Rubio should not be reelected in 2016 let alone considered a candidate for the Republican party’s nomination:

Top 5 shockers inside immigration bill

1) Loopholes mean amnesty before border security

There are significant unreported loopholes and exceptions in the immigration-reform bill that could allow illegal immigrants to achieve permanent status before the border security portions of the legislation are executed.

One of the key selling points repeatedly cited by the bill’s “Gang of Eight” sponsors has been that illegal aliens will not be eligible for permanency until after the border-security provisions of the legislation are implemented.

I originally thought Rubio was nothing more than a stooge for the Gang of Eight. I was sure the experienced liars like Senators Schumer and McCain blew smoke up Rubio’s ass so he would front for their legislative agenda. I now realize that Rubio is so deceitful he had to take the lead willingly.

If you don’t know what the liars are up to please read the sickening details in each of following:

1) Loopholes mean amnesty before border security

2) Immigration bill shackles border agents

3. Illegals can obtain public benefits

4) Young illegals to receive white-glove, expedited treatment

5) Immigration bill quietly opens U.S. to Afghans

Unreported loopholes, exceptions leave gaps in answer to flood of illegals
Published: 10 hours ago

Top 5 shockers inside immigration bill

One big reason a reader wouldn't give this post any credibility? World Nut Daily. Sheesh, come on.
No republican today can get elected this go around.

not even with all the cheating the party does

It will be fun to watch the rw's twist and shout as the Clown Car loads up. Just as we saw with Christie, they'll all be madly in love with each one and then discard them as they prove they're not electable.
No republican today can get elected this go around.

not even with all the cheating the party does

It will be fun to watch the rw's twist and shout as the Clown Car loads up. Just as we saw with Christie, they'll all be madly in love with each one and then discard them as they prove they're not electable.

In terms of gaining the White House, it is becoming close to impossible for Republicans to win. Electoral votes are heavily in the blue collumn leaving Republicans with the task of taking almost every swing state
The responses from the usual suspects tell me that I hit Libs where they live. Here’s more.

Dr. Paugh over at Canada Free Press opens today’s piece with this:

“You can’t have open borders as long as you have a welfare state.” – Milton Friedman

Of course Friedman is correct as far as the welfare state goes. The problem is that Friedman implies open-borders would be acceptable if the welfare state is dismantled. Irrespective of the political system the borders should be secured once and for all so the country can get back to sensible, controlled, immigration.

Dr. Paugh goes right to the heart of the true issue in this excerpt:

A few self-described Democrats stated that it is un-American to have borders, everyone should be allowed to come and go as they please because we live in a global community, with global citizens, and global commerce.

The Scam of Amnesty, a Political Hot Potato
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Scam of Amnesty, a Political Hot Potato

America’s sovereignty has always been amnesty’s target. No other country is being pressured from within to abolish its borders. And you can be damn sure nobody is going to force China or Russia or Muslim countries into opening their borders to mass migrations. Can you visualize Muslims allowing millions of Christians and Jews into their countries!

Amnesty is nothing more than a way for global government traitors to betray this country legally. Pass another amnesty bill and you can kiss America goodbye forever. The worst of it is that most Americans have not identified the traitors in government and, more importantly, in the media. Most Americans stop at the pros and cons of amnesty without examining the treason or the traitors.
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No republican today can get elected this go around.

not even with all the cheating the party does

It will be fun to watch the rw's twist and shout as the Clown Car loads up. Just as we saw with Christie, they'll all be madly in love with each one and then discard them as they prove they're not electable.

In terms of gaining the White House, it is becoming close to impossible for Republicans to win. Electoral votes are heavily in the blue collumn leaving Republicans with the task of taking almost every swing state

And rightly so.

As Sarah pointed out, he's a pottier. All they want to do is take basic rights away from Americans. That is all they talk about.

- except when they're lying about the president.
It will be fun to watch the rw's twist and shout as the Clown Car loads up. Just as we saw with Christie, they'll all be madly in love with each one and then discard them as they prove they're not electable.

In terms of gaining the White House, it is becoming close to impossible for Republicans to win. Electoral votes are heavily in the blue collumn leaving Republicans with the task of taking almost every swing state

And rightly so.

As Sarah pointed out, he's a pottier. All they want to do is take basic rights away from Americans. That is all they talk about.

- except when they're lying about the president.

The Cons really made a mistake giving their power to Teapartiers. Even really strong Conservatives gave it up to get control of congress and now people lump them all together as one big anti American and pro Corporation group of idiots.
Sotomayor was asked at a talk at Yale Law School later in the day about her use of the term “undocumented immigrants” rather than the traditional illegal alien. Sotomayor characterized the issue as a regulatory problem and said labeling immigrants criminals seemed insulting to her.

Sotomayor: Labeling Illegal Immigrants Criminals Is Insulting
February 4, 2014 5:53 AM

Sotomayor: Labeling Illegal Immigrants Criminals Is Insulting « CBS DC

I find it insulting that a Supreme Court judge is insulted! If Sotomayor is right, I’d sure like to see a whole lot of illegal aliens deported for breaking a regulation!
Republicans handed Barack Taqiyya the presidency two times by running losers. Now, they’re extending their generosity to both houses of Congress. Working with Senator Schumer on amnesty for illegals is more of a loser than John McCain and Mitt Romneycare.

Here’s the best part! Senator Schumer will not defend this country’s sovereignty, indeed, he is committed to the opposite, but he’ll scream the loudest if the US military is not sent to fight for Israel’s sovereignty.

The Republican Party is pushing immigration reform, and the GOP's new apparent political adviser, Chuck Schumer, gleefully approves. Next, the Democrat senator will be advising the party on gun control, government spending, abortion and homosexual marriage.

February 4, 2014
GOP Amnesty: The Final Last Straw
By J.T. Hatter

Articles: GOP Amnesty: The Final Last Straw
the right cant cheat enough to win anymore

they are a dying party

I've read that the only reason the R has the house is gerrymandering and voter suppression. That means they could steal the WH.

That's certainly what they're trying to do.

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