Maricopa Drops Sunday Numbers — Claim Only 54% for Kari Lake FROM ELECTION DAY And Independents Went to Hobbs

No Cheating.

You just have Lake claiming, earlier in the week, that those uncounted votes are 'her people'.

No proof of that, huh Kari.
Looks like you were wrong again.

It was all a set-up from the lake camp.
Fuckking (R) cheaters and liars.
Kari Lake is a fucking clown.

She started whining about "crooked" elections before the voting even started.

Just watch her screaming and moaning after she loses. It'll be funnier than Saturday Night Live. Get the popcorn ready .
Kari Lake is a fucking clown.

She started whining about "crooked" elections before the voting even started.

Just watch her screaming and moaning after she loses. It'll be funnier than Saturday Night Live. Get the popcorn ready .

Typical MAGA Republican

Elections are fair if I win, they are fake if I lose
Here they are cheating in plain sight again & nothing will be done.
Maybe Kari Lake can turn to the state authority on elections to get some answers here.
Oh wait, it's her opponent Hobbs & she refused to step away from that responsibility despite the clear & fundamental conflict of interests.
They have obviously had plenty of time to make the calculations necessary to steal the governors seat in AZ now.
They may continue to slow walk the results for the optics but this race is over if this fraud is allowed to stand.

You have to be incredibly gullible &/or stupid not to recognize the obvious treasonous theft that has taken the place of legit elections & that is continuing across the country.
I think they have decided to just go for it all & say the Dems kept control of the House too.
Why not cheat when 2020 already proved they can do it blatantly with no repercussions?

Welcome to post-republic America & the reset to save us all...
Thank God for the 2A

Maricopa County released 97,000 ballots tonight.

Kari Lake won ONLY 54.6% of the votes! From election day!

County officials insist Independents are going for Katie Hobbs and Democrats.

It absolutely shocking that ANYONE would vote for a lying POS like Kari Lake. Why would you vote for someone so dishonest and creepy??

Herschel walker is another one. No wonder the USA has such shitty and incompetent governance.
It absolutely shocking that ANYONE would vote for a lying POS like Kari Lake. Why would you vote for someone so dishonest and creepy??

Herschel walker is another one. No wonder the USA has such shitty and incompetent governance.

Says the gal who voted for a Homosexual Prime Minister who ille3gally shut down personal money accounts of innocent people.
She was convicted of racism? By who?

By two different Courts. You really should look her up. She is a disgusting piece of shit who hates Mexicans.
That's not even the worst of it. Fecking Nancy Pelosi is giggling about "God's will" concerning the remaining votes for House candidates. That bitch KNOWS the fix is in. She isn't going to be giving up the gavel. Inflation at a 40 year high, shortages across the country, including fuel that drives the nation, crime running rampant, and we're supposed to believe Americans voted to send a message about abortion rights. WHEN the House staying blue is announced, I'm officially done taking part in elections. The ballot box will have proven to have fallen. It will be time to prepare for the cartridge box instead.

This post didn't age well. Neither did the behavior of the Republicans when they took control of the House and couldn't decide who to elect as Speaker.
Kari Lake is a fucking clown.

She started whining about "crooked" elections before the voting even started.

Just watch her screaming and moaning after she loses. It'll be funnier than Saturday Night Live. Get the popcorn ready .

She learned from Trump. That guys has been sniveling about stolen elections since at least 2012.

Winners win. Losers give sniveling excuses why they lost.
She learned from Trump. That guys has been sniveling about stolen elections since at least 2012.

Winners win. Losers give sniveling excuses why they lost.
Interesting that these whining clowns never mention "election fraud" when they win. Lol.
Interesting that these whining clowns never mention "election fraud" when they win. Lol.

Nope. It comes from a long simmer sense of resentment and flagrant entitlement. They don't really care if they won or not when they lose. They feel entitled to power they haven't earned and the people haven't granted them.

Most 'stolen election' accusation are three things: 1) A balm to the ego. 2) An abidcation of personal responsibility 3) A confession of what they'd do given the chance.
Nope. It comes from a long simmer sense of resentment and flagrant entitlement. They don't really care if they won or not when they lose. They feel entitled to power they haven't earned and the people haven't granted them.

Most 'stolen election' accusation are three things: 1) A balm to the ego. 2) An abidcation of personal responsibility 3) A confession of what they'd do given the chance.

You should talk to the shrilary about her constant whining.
You should talk to the shrilary about her constant whining.

Hillary had your number. What did she call you again....Deplorables?

Its a good description of the resentful delusions of entitlement that inflict your ilk....where they demand power they didn't earn. And then threaten violence if you don't give it to them.

Deplorables indeed.
  1. Democrats invent NEW form of voting where you now have WEEKS to vote and MANY PLACES in order to record them! By mail, at the polling station, at any unsupervised drop off box in the city, soon by the internet!
  2. And suddenly we have republicans killing it on election day winning the election by night's end by hundreds of thousands of votes!
  3. Then losing because for weeks after the election, democrats just keep finding more and more and still more missing ballots!
  4. And SHAZAMM! Suddenly, every democrat and independent no longer chooses to vote on ELECTION DAY!
  5. Ain't that just freeking amazing. :smoke:
  1. Democrats invent NEW form of voting where you now have WEEKS to vote and MANY PLACES in order to record them! By mail, at the polling station, at any unsupervised drop off box in the city, soon by the internet!
  2. And suddenly we have republicans killing it on election day winning the election by night's end by hundreds of thousands of votes!
  3. Then losing because for weeks after the election, democrats just keep finding more and more and still more missing ballots!
  4. And SHAZAMM! Suddenly, every democrat and independent no longer chooses to vote on ELECTION DAY!
  5. Ain't that just freeking amazing. :smoke:
Biden was winning from the day after the election. Hobbs, by 9 am the day after the election. Not 'weeks' later. The next day. They held their leads.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Your claim that 'every democrat and independent no longer chooses to vote on Election day' is meaningless gibberish. Election day tends to skew republican......but they aren't the only people voting. Huge numbers of democrats and independent also vote then.

Mail in voting tends to skew democrat...but they aren't the only people voting either. Huge numbers of republicans and independents also via via mail.

Again, you're not well informed.
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Hillary had your number. What did she call you again....Deplorables?

Its a good description of the resentful delusions of entitlement that inflict your ilk....where they demand power they didn't earn. And then threaten violence if you don't give it to them.

Deplorables indeed.

Describes the shrilary to a T. She felt entitled to be potus purely because she was the most well traveled SOS.

Problem is she did it on OUR dime.

Not hers. So she was whining she didn't win yet she had ZERO qualifications.

And you twats fawned all over her.

Because you're stupid.
Nope. It comes from a long simmer sense of resentment and flagrant entitlement. They don't really care if they won or not when they lose. They feel entitled to power they haven't earned and the people haven't granted them.

Most 'stolen election' accusation are three things: 1) A balm to the ego. 2) An abidcation of personal responsibility 3) A confession of what they'd do given the chance.
Stolen election claims just comes down to an unwillingness to admit the voters didn‘t want you
Rather than adjust your message or revise your strategy, you just claim everyone loves you and the other side cheated
Democrats invent NEW form of voting where you now have WEEKS to vote and MANY PLACES in order to record them! By mail, at the polling station, at any unsupervised drop off box in the city, soon by the internet!

Very true…..Democrats have multiple opportunities to vote and it is safe and convenient.

For some reason, Republicans restrict themselves to one day or nothing

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