Marie Yovanovitch: Exactly why Would Trump fire her?

Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
According to her she did nothing wrong-think about that-I didn do nuffin. It is Trump's choice for any reason. And I don't trust these long time gummint workers-they have buddies and favors to call in.

No one argues that a President doesn't have the authority to recall any ambassador.

What is being pointed out is that this had nothing to do with any assessment by the State Department- but instead was the result of a smear campaign by Trump's private attorney, Sean Hannity and a corrupt Ukrainian official.

What is really scary about this is how gullible Trump appears to be. He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine, he ignores an entire department dedicated to diplomacy- and instead goes with what Giuliani and Hannity tell him.

And that is dangerous.
/——-/ “He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine,”
You understand there is good experience and bad experience? .

Tell me how Giuliani has 'good experience' in Ukraine?
Tell me about how Sean Hannity has 'good experience in Ukraine'?

versus Bill Taylor, Ambassador Yovanovitch, Colonel Vindman?
Vindman is a Ukraine first guy-Hannity has nothing to do with this,and Taylor has only opinion and the witch never heard the call. Great reasons for impeachment there!
Trump's live tweet during her performance this morning shows the problem with liberalism.

Yovanovitch was talking about Trump, trashing her President. So President Trump tweets back immediately in response.

Libs have expected for decades to be able to use every name of Ugliness against Conservatives and Conservatives aren't supposed to do anything in return.

Trump has changed this format completely, and libs really hate it.

Liberals have always been able to get away with it before. Mitt or Jeb! would be hiding under their desk begging for forgiveness within 5 minutes. That is the way it has been for years. Trump fights back.

I wonder how many ambassadors Obama fired when he took office?
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

He has a right to fire her for any reason or no reason at all.

Of course he has the right to, but it is highly suspicious that he did for no real reason, AND then throw on top of that other people corroborating that she was fired because she would not go along with Trump's illegal corruption and the evidence is clear.

In Trump's administration if you side with the law and the constitution you are fired.
You are grotesquely uninformed.

I am pointing out that it is so far all of you Trump Tweenkies have done is try to smear Yovanovitich with lies and innuendo. Not a single one of you has provided any evidence she did anything wrong.

And you just continue to prove that.

What else they got?

Did you see the Republicans after the hearing today? All came out blasting and angry ...... You can see from their faces Panicking and scared. They know Trump is in big trouble.

LOL, man do you have it backwards. Schiff is acting like a dictator, he wouldn't even let the Rep woman ask any questions. You really need to take of your partisan glasses dude.

You were not paying attention. Schiff blocked her because it’s not her time and Jordan trying to inject his time.

But she was allowed to speak later.

Schiff did a very good job in controlling the hearing. He didn’t let these dudes take over.

You lie.

Instead of just saying.... you lie. Why not just prove it?
What else they got?

Did you see the Republicans after the hearing today? All came out blasting and angry ...... You can see from their faces Panicking and scared. They know Trump is in big trouble.

You have to simply be trolling

Truth hurts.

Who's truth? Yours?

You are and will always be in the defensive mode as we move along....... there’s no way you can hurt me.

LOL, hurt you? Who wants to do that, son you're entertainment, nothing more. Oh yes, you'll never get me on the defensive.

You asked me.... who’s truth?
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

He has a right to fire her for any reason or no reason at all.

Of course he has the right to, but it is highly suspicious that he did for no real reason, AND then throw on top of that other people corroborating that she was fired because she would not go along with Trump's illegal corruption and the evidence is clear.

In Trump's administration if you side with the law and the constitution you are fired.

She was asked directly if she had any knowledge of Trump criminal activity, and she said no. If she was aware of an illegal corruption by Trump, I wonder why she said she wasn't aware of any?
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
According to her she did nothing wrong-think about that-I didn do nuffin. It is Trump's choice for any reason. And I don't trust these long time gummint workers-they have buddies and favors to call in.

No one argues that a President doesn't have the authority to recall any ambassador.

What is being pointed out is that this had nothing to do with any assessment by the State Department- but instead was the result of a smear campaign by Trump's private attorney, Sean Hannity and a corrupt Ukrainian official.

What is really scary about this is how gullible Trump appears to be. He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine, he ignores an entire department dedicated to diplomacy- and instead goes with what Giuliani and Hannity tell him.

And that is dangerous.
/——-/ “He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine,”
You understand there is good experience and bad experience? .

Tell me how Giuliani has 'good experience' in Ukraine?
Tell me about how Sean Hannity has 'good experience in Ukraine'?

versus Bill Taylor, Ambassador Yovanovitch, Colonel Vindman?
Vindman is a Ukraine first guy-Hannity has nothing to do with this,and Taylor has only opinion and the witch never heard the call. Great reasons for impeachment there!
SO your excuse is that they are all lying???


Add to that Sondland (a Trump guy) admitting to a quid pro quo, and the highly suspicious timeline of the aid being withheld for 7 months, only to release it when the scandal broke.

On every political message board in America there is always some pussy ass loser, hard core conservative that tries to claim to be and "independent" or "third party" when they really are just a partisan hack. You would be that pathetic loser, congrats...
I would too-she even looks fake.

I think Yavanovitch looks hot.




Intelligent women are so sexy and the less war paint they wear the better.
According to her she did nothing wrong-think about that-I didn do nuffin. It is Trump's choice for any reason. And I don't trust these long time gummint workers-they have buddies and favors to call in.

No one argues that a President doesn't have the authority to recall any ambassador.

What is being pointed out is that this had nothing to do with any assessment by the State Department- but instead was the result of a smear campaign by Trump's private attorney, Sean Hannity and a corrupt Ukrainian official.

What is really scary about this is how gullible Trump appears to be. He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine, he ignores an entire department dedicated to diplomacy- and instead goes with what Giuliani and Hannity tell him.

And that is dangerous.
Riiiiight....Because Sean Hannity has so many irons in the fire in Ukraine.

Seriously, you liberoid clods really need to think through the jabbering points that you get in your daily e-mail blasts.

Since Trump gets his 'facts' about Ukraine from Hannity- if Hannity has any facts regarding Yovanovitch- I think he should share him.

So far all of you Trump Tweenkies have done is try to smear Yovanovitich with lies and innuendo. Not a single one of you has provided any evidence she did anything wrong.
Or that she failed to act professionally.
I forgot-Trump HAS to prove his innocence, right? Did it ever occur to you that the president has access to info you don't and she doesn't? He may be very transparent, but not totally-national security concerns and all. That's what makes this whole thing dangerous-the presidency may forever be compromised for private conversations.

Trump does not have to prove his innocence- I just wonder why Trump refuses to prove his innocence-you said it- he does not have to

If Trump has access to information- he can declassify anything he wants- just as he declassified his secret call to the President of Ukraine where he asked a foreign government to investigate a political rival-no, investigate corruption

And please- Trump 'transparent'? Seriously did you type that with a straight face.-you said it-he declassified hi call

This is the man who for years demanded Obama release his own college records, while sending his own attorney to Trump's schools threatening them with lawsuits if they released his school records-proof?

This is the only President since Ford to refuse to release his tax records- even after he promised he would do so-he still has time

This is the President who was fighting to keep the whistleblower report from getting released- and only released his version of the telephone conversation after he knew that the whistle blower report was going to come out-proof?

This is the President who has ordered all of these witnesses not to testify. And orders everyone else not to testify-I would give those jackals in the house anything either

Trump is as transparent as lead.
-your opinion only
Most of the refutes come from YOUR words. Your hate is taking over your reasoning-better have that checked.
You are grotesquely uninformed.

I am pointing out that it is so far all of you Trump Tweenkies have done is try to smear Yovanovitich with lies and innuendo. Not a single one of you has provided any evidence she did anything wrong.

And you just continue to prove that.

What else they got?

Did you see the Republicans after the hearing today? All came out blasting and angry ...... You can see from their faces Panicking and scared. They know Trump is in big trouble.

LOL, man do you have it backwards. Schiff is acting like a dictator, he wouldn't even let the Rep woman ask any questions. You really need to take of your partisan glasses dude.

You were not paying attention. Schiff blocked her because it’s not her time and Jordan trying to inject his time.

But she was allowed to speak later.

Schiff did a very good job in controlling the hearing. He didn’t let these dudes take over.

Schiff did a good job being a tyrant in this sham. You do know he had to approve the questions right?

That’s the way to control a bunch of hyenas. He can’t allow these people to just run him over.
According to her she did nothing wrong-think about that-I didn do nuffin. It is Trump's choice for any reason. And I don't trust these long time gummint workers-they have buddies and favors to call in.

No one argues that a President doesn't have the authority to recall any ambassador.

What is being pointed out is that this had nothing to do with any assessment by the State Department- but instead was the result of a smear campaign by Trump's private attorney, Sean Hannity and a corrupt Ukrainian official.

What is really scary about this is how gullible Trump appears to be. He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine, he ignores an entire department dedicated to diplomacy- and instead goes with what Giuliani and Hannity tell him.

And that is dangerous.
/——-/ “He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine,”
You understand there is good experience and bad experience? .

Tell me how Giuliani has 'good experience' in Ukraine?
Tell me about how Sean Hannity has 'good experience in Ukraine'?

versus Bill Taylor, Ambassador Yovanovitch, Colonel Vindman?
Vindman is a Ukraine first guy-Hannity has nothing to do with this,and Taylor has only opinion and the witch never heard the call. Great reasons for impeachment there!
SO your excuse is that they are all lying???


Add to that Sondland (a Trump guy) admitting to a quid pro quo, and the highly suspicious timeline of the aid being withheld for 7 months, only to release it when the scandal broke.

On every political message board in America there is always pussy ass loser, hard core conservative that tries to claim to be and "independent" or "third party" when they really are just a partisan hack. You would be that pathetic loser, congrats...

No, many, including today's witness, have been asked directly if they have knowledge of criminal activity or to specify the illegal act or impeachable offense. Yet, they answer no, or remain silent. I believe today's witness. She had no knowledge of criminal activity.
Another day, another Democrat star witness with no firsthand knowledge and all hearsay.

This is nothing more than a freak show from the Demonrats.:cuckoo:

Their TDS is not normal. What a stupid spectacle this is, and what a waste of taxpayers money!

On the plus side
The Trump Train keeps on rolling

Record employment
Record Financial Markets
Record Judicial appointments
Ending, endless wars while destroying ISIS capability to effectively wage war.
Improved Trade Agreements.

On the negative side -
A Trump employee feels that she was wrongfully terminated.
Being a spectacular and astute business man I am thinking it is not the first HR problem that he has had.

All is well.

What do you expect? Every one should be watching the impeachment? But TV ratings are high.

BUT...... Trade agreements still in limbo limbo rock.
ISIS ..... endrogan is threatening to release captive ISIS. Assad thank Trump.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

Did you have the same questions when

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008
18 U.S. Code § 1512.
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding
"I felt that he had threatened me, your honor"
"What did he do?"
"He tweeted very mean things"
"case dismissed!"
In my opinion.....President Trump should have fired ALL of the Ambassadors appointed by Hussein the Traitor..

So there.

He has not even replaced ambassadors for major countries that are critical let alone fired all. Some of his appointees or new left the administration.
Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

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