Marijuana in America


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Only 3 states have made it fully illegal, and those states are Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho.

Some only allow CBD oil, but they are few, I think around 7. The rest of the country allows either medical marijuana or recreational use.

The genie is out of the bottle, and it won't go back in, no matter what Christian conservative Republican tries to outlaw it. Eventually we will have a younger Democratic President who will legalize it and we can stop playing games and treat it like alcohol.

Only 3 states have made it fully illegal, and those states are Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho.

Some only allow CBD oil, but they are few, I think around 7. The rest of the country allows either medical marijuana or recreational use.

The genie is out of the bottle, and it won't go back in, no matter what Christian conservative Republican tries to outlaw it. Eventually we will have a younger Democratic President who will legalize it and we can stop playing games and treat it like alcohol.

other than their constant lying and funding democrat policy this is the only real subject I have a problem with republicans,,,
I don't like the idea of a powerful drug being accepted as just fine and dandy. But there is too much momentum for it to be legalized and it does have good pain killing properties. Certainly better than Opioids in that regard.
a powerful drug???

alcohol is far worse in every aspect,

I speak from personal experience,,
Only 3 states have made it fully illegal, and those states are Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho.

Some only allow CBD oil, but they are few, I think around 7. The rest of the country allows either medical marijuana or recreational use.

The genie is out of the bottle, and it won't go back in, no matter what Christian conservative Republican tries to outlaw it. Eventually we will have a younger Democratic President who will legalize it and we can stop playing games and treat it like alcohol.

I'll bong to that.
Only 3 states have made it fully illegal, and those states are Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho.

Some only allow CBD oil, but they are few, I think around 7. The rest of the country allows either medical marijuana or recreational use.

The genie is out of the bottle, and it won't go back in, no matter what Christian conservative Republican tries to outlaw it. Eventually we will have a younger Democratic President who will legalize it and we can stop playing games and treat it like alcohol.

yeah cooking your brain cells with dope everyday will make it all might even forget for a while that poor old Joe is ssupposed to be in charge of the nation
Only 3 states have made it fully illegal, and those states are Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho.

Some only allow CBD oil, but they are few, I think around 7. The rest of the country allows either medical marijuana or recreational use.

The genie is out of the bottle, and it won't go back in, no matter what Christian conservative Republican tries to outlaw it. Eventually we will have a younger Democratic President who will legalize it and we can stop playing games and treat it like alcohol.

Marijuana, and its role in our culture, reminds me of the use of drugs as they were featured in the plots of Brave New World and THX-1138, as a means of keeping an oppressed people happy and compliant.

Government has not yet gone nearly as far as mandating it, or even very much encouraging it, but there's an obvious motive, here, for a corrupt government to wish for it to be more widely used.

Perhaps the mRNA-based fake-vaccines were a test run for efforts yet to come, to encourage, and perhaps even eventually mandate, the use of mind-numbing, complacency-inducing drugs, such as Marijuana.
The sooner the better! Legalize it and make money off it. Stupidest effin thing this country ever did is banning it and booze.

California tried that. Marijuana is now legally sold here, heavily taxed and regulated.

And the black market for illegal marijuana is thriving as never before. With the use of this drug being more socially and legally acceptable, here, there is more demand for it, but the legal markets are so burdened with taxes and regulations that they cannot compete with the illegal black market. I doubt if the state is collecting nearly enough in taxes from the legal market to cover the increased law-enforcement costs of going after the illegal market.
Marijuana, and its role in our culture, reminds me of the use of drugs as they were featured in the plots of Brave New World and THX-1138, as a means of keeping an oppressed people happy and compliant.

Government has not yet gone nearly as far as mandating it, or even very much encouraging it, but there's an obvious motive, here, for a corrupt government to wish for it to be more widely used.

Perhaps the mRNA-based fake-vaccines were a test run for efforts yet to come, to encourage, and perhaps even eventually mandate, the use of mind-numbing, complacency-inducing drugs, such as Marijuana.
alcohol is far worse than weed will ever be at controlling us,,
Marijuana, and its role in our culture, reminds me of the use of drugs as they were featured in the plots of Brave New World and THX-1138, as a means of keeping an oppressed people happy and compliant.

Government has not yet gone nearly as far as mandating it, or even very much encouraging it, but there's an obvious motive, here, for a corrupt government to wish for it to be more widely used.

Perhaps the mRNA-based fake-vaccines were a test run for efforts yet to come, to encourage, and perhaps even eventually mandate, the use of mind-numbing, complacency-inducing drugs, such as Marijuana.
You sound like you are past the complacency and just plain nutz.
Just to say, I have no objection to anyone choosing to inbibe whatever recreational substances they desire. Also, I fully support decriminalization of said substances fully and unreservedly.

My question however, is this. What is it in our nature that causes us, as humans, to so relentlessly and passionately seek to numb ourselves with these substances?

Myself, I find life and the stimulations of this world wholly fulfilling and adequate for an entire lifetime.
Only 3 states have made it fully illegal, and those states are Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho.

Some only allow CBD oil, but they are few, I think around 7. The rest of the country allows either medical marijuana or recreational use.

The genie is out of the bottle, and it won't go back in, no matter what Christian conservative Republican tries to outlaw it. Eventually we will have a younger Democratic President who will legalize it and we can stop playing games and treat it like alcohol.

Incarceration is such an act of violence. You're literally stripping a person of almost all of their rights, their choices, their liberty. The only justification for such to punish for a commiserate harm.

There is no such harm on that scale with weed use. Nothing even remotely close to it.

Worse, its wildly inconsistent with reason and our own laws. We've established the standards of acceptable harm in drugs with alcohol. We recognize it causes harm and we recognize that it is a level of harm that is reasonable in our society.

By any consistent standards of logic, once you've established that standard, anything LESS harmful, LESS dangerous would also be legal. If going 65 MPH is legal, then surely going 64 is.

In what world is weed more dangerous or causes more harm than alcohol?

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