Marijuana Nullification on the Rise, Despite SCOTUS ruling!

The Marijuania issue is an excellent case for why we need a new constitutional convention.

The states can legally overturn the FEDs power, it can blow the SCOTUS out of the water, too.

The ELASTIC CLAUSE of the Consitution simply grants the FED so much power that the concept of STATES rights becomes something of a joke.

I am confused now. I just read a post by you that professed nullification as a failed concept and something the states have no right doing. Have you reversed positions on that as it seems that you are advocating for nullification right here.

I just proposed the PATH for how states REWRITE the constitution.

That is NOT nullifying the FEDS laws, that is taking AWAY the FEDS right to evoke those laws.

See the difference?

Right NOW the FEDS have the legal right and the states have NO right to supercede their laws by nullifying them.

It will take a CHANGE in the CONSTITUTION that is NOT subject to review by the SCOTUS.

A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION that rewrites the consitution is is the ONLY LEGAL way to do that.

Good question though FA_Q2, and thanks for giving me the change to explain the difference.

And thanks for the explanation.

I don’t think a rewrite is necessary to bring back nullification though. You can do that with a law – one that stipulates the supremacy clause is for enumerated federal powers. Essentially, returning the clause to what it was meant to be. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely but so is a rewrite so it’s all academic anyway.
You're ridiculous. No one suggested the heavy equipment operator intentionally caused the deaths of others as you imply in your non sequitur.

you are right Wry......unfortunately you are talking with someone who is so paranoid about Pot that you will get no where....Katz would rather someone be an Alcoholic than be a Pot her....its less dangerous.....even though she can never prove it....

Ask any cop which s/he would rather detain, a drunk or someone high on MJ. Drunks fight, pot smokers ask nicely if they can get a donut then fall asleep.

when i was carrying mail we used to sit around in the morning before work drinking coffee with some Anaheim cops.....they use to tell us about the confrontations with drinkers vs. pot smokers......the stories about Pot smokers were kinda boring while the ones about the Drunks they encountered were either funny or violent.....if the pot guys were violent it was because they were either drunk or doing some other drug like speed....
The United States is already a nation of druggies with legal, prescription drugs.

Yep pcp and heroin will be great for the country

who has said to legalize those ones?...

There are a few of us. I am not sure if I would advocate those specific drugs being that heroine is the only drug that will kill you for quitting and PCP is insanely destructive BUT I advocate for the legalization of methamphetamines and cocaine as well as other ‘hard’ drugs. All the arguments for legalized POT (other than the heath aspect) work for all drugs. It is inconsistent to argue for the legalization of one over the other. Booze can easily be as destructive as many of the others as well not to mention the regulated use would be better as far as health effects go.

As a side note, heroine IS legal but very highly regulated. There are even legal non-medical uses for methamphetamines. Those drugs are somehow all right (with meth being while piloting huge death machines) when Uncle Sam needs something but suddenly not all right when it is just you wanting to take it for your own reasons. Highly suspect when the government can’t even follow its own damn rules.
Right, because alcoholism isn't addicting at all.

Not to everyone. The percentage of people who are addicted to alcohol is very small. Not everyone who has a beer or a glass of wine with dinner is an alcoholic or even gets drunk. Everyone who uses drugs, including marijuana does so with the intent of getting high (even if they lie about it).

Good thing you're here to tell us what everyone's intentions are.

If someone takes a gun, puts it to their temple and pulls the trigger you know that they inted to commit suicide. If someone takes drugs, not forced on them, or an inadvertant act, their intention is to get high. They don't intend to bake cupcakes they intend to get drugged out.

The United States is truly tuning into a diseased cess pool. It will be a mercy to the universe when it has been conquered by a better people.
Yep pcp and heroin will be great for the country

who has said to legalize those ones?...

There are a few of us. I am not sure if I would advocate those specific drugs being that heroine is the only drug that will kill you for quitting and PCP is insanely destructive BUT I advocate for the legalization of methamphetamines and cocaine as well as other ‘hard’ drugs. All the arguments for legalized POT (other than the heath aspect) work for all drugs. It is inconsistent to argue for the legalization of one over the other. Booze can easily be as destructive as many of the others as well not to mention the regulated use would be better as far as health effects go.

As a side note, heroine IS legal but very highly regulated. There are even legal non-medical uses for methamphetamines. Those drugs are somehow all right (with meth being while piloting huge death machines) when Uncle Sam needs something but suddenly not all right when it is just you wanting to take it for your own reasons. Highly suspect when the government can’t even follow its own damn rules.

You can't die from heroin withdrawal. You just wish you were dead.

On the other hand, you can die from alcohol withdrawal.
Not to everyone. The percentage of people who are addicted to alcohol is very small. Not everyone who has a beer or a glass of wine with dinner is an alcoholic or even gets drunk. Everyone who uses drugs, including marijuana does so with the intent of getting high (even if they lie about it).

Good thing you're here to tell us what everyone's intentions are.

If someone takes a gun, puts it to their temple and pulls the trigger you know that they inted to commit suicide. If someone takes drugs, not forced on them, or an inadvertant act, their intention is to get high. They don't intend to bake cupcakes they intend to get drugged out.

The United States is truly tuning into a diseased cess pool. It will be a mercy to the universe when it has been conquered by a better people.

"Baking cupcakes" and "getting drugged out" are not mutually exclusive.
you are right Wry......unfortunately you are talking with someone who is so paranoid about Pot that you will get no where....Katz would rather someone be an Alcoholic than be a Pot her....its less dangerous.....even though she can never prove it....

Ask any cop which s/he would rather detain, a drunk or someone high on MJ. Drunks fight, pot smokers ask nicely if they can get a donut then fall asleep.

when i was carrying mail we used to sit around in the morning before work drinking coffee with some Anaheim cops.....they use to tell us about the confrontations with drinkers vs. pot smokers......the stories about Pot smokers were kinda boring while the ones about the Drunks they encountered were either funny or violent.....if the pot guys were violent it was because they were either drunk or doing some other drug like speed....

Back in the day MJ was being laced with PCP and Seconal (Reds) with Beer . The combination of the drugs created a synergistic effect which was too often violent. Making an arrest was an adventure which usually required at least two officers. They felt no pain and seemed to have lots of stamina.
Tobacco use raises blood pressure and creates a false "fight or flee" physiological response, which releases chemicals in the blood that reduce the users INR causing faster clotting. This causes plaque to build up in the arterial system and eventually a complete stoppage of cognitive ability - death.

The cost to treat tobacco caused illness is in the billions each year. The cost to enforce MJ laws is enormous and tobacco is highly addictive, MJ is habitual, no evidence exits proving it is addictive.

When was the last time someone got into a fight because they smoked a cigarette? The crane operator in Philadelphia murdered six people while he was high on pot.

Crane operator allegedly high while working on Philadelphia demolition site turns himself in to authorities - NY Daily News
When did anyone argue that people should be allowed to smoke grass while operating dangerous machinery like a crane?
You be jacking with the strawman dude.
Yep pcp and heroin will be great for the country

who has said to legalize those ones?...

There are a few of us. I am not sure if I would advocate those specific drugs being that heroine is the only drug that will kill you for quitting and PCP is insanely destructive BUT I advocate for the legalization of methamphetamines and cocaine as well as other ‘hard’ drugs. All the arguments for legalized POT (other than the heath aspect) work for all drugs. It is inconsistent to argue for the legalization of one over the other. Booze can easily be as destructive as many of the others as well not to mention the regulated use would be better as far as health effects go.

As a side note, heroine IS legal but very highly regulated. There are even legal non-medical uses for methamphetamines. Those drugs are somehow all right (with meth being while piloting huge death machines) when Uncle Sam needs something but suddenly not all right when it is just you wanting to take it for your own reasons. Highly suspect when the government can’t even follow its own damn rules.
our drug laws are hypercritical .....some Judge will sit in his Office deciding how many years to give some kid for having 2 OZ's of Pot on him while he Smokes a Cigarette and has a couple shots of Whiskey.....two things harder on your body than Pot....and one he is probably addicted too....
Not to everyone. The percentage of people who are addicted to alcohol is very small. Not everyone who has a beer or a glass of wine with dinner is an alcoholic or even gets drunk. Everyone who uses drugs, including marijuana does so with the intent of getting high (even if they lie about it).

Good thing you're here to tell us what everyone's intentions are.

If someone takes a gun, puts it to their temple and pulls the trigger you know that they inted to commit suicide. If someone takes drugs, not forced on them, or an inadvertant act, their intention is to get high. They don't intend to bake cupcakes they intend to get drugged out.

The United States is truly tuning into a diseased cess pool. It will be a mercy to the universe when it has been conquered by a better people.

i notice how you did not comment on what i said about people drinking to get a buzz Katz.....doesn't fit into your very limited view does it?....
who has said to legalize those ones?...

There are a few of us. I am not sure if I would advocate those specific drugs being that heroine is the only drug that will kill you for quitting and PCP is insanely destructive BUT I advocate for the legalization of methamphetamines and cocaine as well as other ‘hard’ drugs. All the arguments for legalized POT (other than the heath aspect) work for all drugs. It is inconsistent to argue for the legalization of one over the other. Booze can easily be as destructive as many of the others as well not to mention the regulated use would be better as far as health effects go.

As a side note, heroine IS legal but very highly regulated. There are even legal non-medical uses for methamphetamines. Those drugs are somehow all right (with meth being while piloting huge death machines) when Uncle Sam needs something but suddenly not all right when it is just you wanting to take it for your own reasons. Highly suspect when the government can’t even follow its own damn rules.

You can't die from heroin withdrawal. You just wish you were dead.

On the other hand, you can die from alcohol withdrawal.
When trying to back up my claim, I discovered that you are indeed correct. Seems I was mistaken about opiate addiction and the dangers of withdrawal as well as alcohol withdrawal.

Thanks for the correction.
who has said to legalize those ones?...

There are a few of us. I am not sure if I would advocate those specific drugs being that heroine is the only drug that will kill you for quitting and PCP is insanely destructive BUT I advocate for the legalization of methamphetamines and cocaine as well as other ‘hard’ drugs. All the arguments for legalized POT (other than the heath aspect) work for all drugs. It is inconsistent to argue for the legalization of one over the other. Booze can easily be as destructive as many of the others as well not to mention the regulated use would be better as far as health effects go.

As a side note, heroine IS legal but very highly regulated. There are even legal non-medical uses for methamphetamines. Those drugs are somehow all right (with meth being while piloting huge death machines) when Uncle Sam needs something but suddenly not all right when it is just you wanting to take it for your own reasons. Highly suspect when the government can’t even follow its own damn rules.
our drug laws are hypercritical .....some Judge will sit in his Office deciding how many years to give some kid for having 2 OZ's of Pot on him while he Smokes a Cigarette and has a couple shots of Whiskey.....two things harder on your body than Pot....and one he is probably addicted too....

Personally, I find the calls for legalization hypocritical as well. ALL drugs should be legal. You have a right over you own damn body. The government seems to think that prison is a good answer to addiction even though it WORSENS the problem and is a victimless crime. Such laws are not only asinine, they are completely counter to freedom.
Federal government used the "Commerce Clause" to strike down state nullification of federal marijuana laws. The case was called Gonzales vs Raich (2005)

At the time, 10 states had already nullified them, since the ruling, instead of states repealing their nullification laws, 4 more states have also joined in.

This proves to you that the Federal Government is POWERLESS when operating outside its delegated authority. They can't do shit. What cant he feds do when both Blue and Red states don't give shit?

Nullify everything that both parties can agree on, fast. Enjoy while the SCOTUS kicks screams and flails like a helpless child.

The Reagan War on Drugs represented such a massive concentration of federal power. It formed a massive bureaucracy with a huge budget (but Republican Media never reported it, so the Right has no idea how it concentrates power and money in Washington). Remember when Bush sent the Feds in to California to overturn the will of California voters - to shut down state approved medical marijuana facilities. The Republicans are always using Big Brother to trump state power and the will of the people. The Reagan War on Drugs has been a spectacular waste of money. It was basically used to increase federal surveillance powers and budgets . . . and had the effect of destroying privacy and civil rights. [Don't try to explain this to Republican voters because their news sources are so tightly controlled that they know nothing about how the War on Drugs only served to increase the power and budget of the federal government.]

Whenever Big Government declares war on something: "War on Poverty", "War on Drugs", "War on Terrorism" . . . Americans should grab their wallets and run.

We know the democrats trust big brother, but it's part of the Republican brand to limit federal power - yet, somehow, in my lifetime, Republicans have grown government far more than the Left. LBJ could only dream of the executive power Bush created for himself using the "War on Terrorism" and the Patriot Act. His own Attorney General, Ashcroft, refused to re-certify the illegal wiretapping program until it was legally passed (and Constitutionally sanctioned) by Congress. Point is, you can trace a line from Iran-Contra through the presidency of Bush 43 to see the American Constitution being shredded.

Our problem is that too many of our fellow citizens are being fooled by a very transparent political movement. God help us, because it's getting worse.
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Not to everyone. The percentage of people who are addicted to alcohol is very small. Not everyone who has a beer or a glass of wine with dinner is an alcoholic or even gets drunk. Everyone who uses drugs, including marijuana does so with the intent of getting high (even if they lie about it).

Good thing you're here to tell us what everyone's intentions are.

If someone takes a gun, puts it to their temple and pulls the trigger you know that they inted to commit suicide. If someone takes drugs, not forced on them, or an inadvertant act, their intention is to get high. They don't intend to bake cupcakes they intend to get drugged out.

The United States is truly tuning into a diseased cess pool. It will be a mercy to the universe when it has been conquered by a better people.

When somebody takes a drink of alcohol, their intention is to get drunk.

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