Marine Asks Betty White To Marine Corps Ball

Andy Warhol was right. "In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes". Internet savvy Marines seem to have have an inside shot at their 15 minutes these days. I wonder how good they are at their jobs.

Why don't you follow them around for a week in Afghanistan and see just how good they are at their jobs.

Follow them around? I wonder if they are as good at their jobs as they are at posting internet dating services?
I saw the Dress Blues and the medals. The Marines opened up their history in an internet dating agenda so let's see some MOS data. My guess is that the pogie bait Marines in question are in supply or reservists.
I think Betty White is an awesome lady, and the gent who asked her, obviously thinks she is too!
I see nothing wrong with him asking her. I doubt he lost a bet, he shows he has respect for those that are deserving of it :)
Andy Warhol was right. "In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes". Internet savvy Marines seem to have have an inside shot at their 15 minutes these days. I wonder how good they are at their jobs.

You sound jealous.:eusa_whistle:
If I were promised a yes and got one date off you tube, I ask Halle Berry.


Hey JLO, they got it wrong!
I think it's sad that some marines are making a mockery of the Marine Corps Ball. It's more about the celeb than the Marine Corps it appears. Shame on the few attention whores that are ruining it.

Or maybe, after having served in the hellhole that is the 'sandbox'-they are just trying to have some fun.

Riiiight. They are discrediting the MCB.
If that old broad had as many dicks sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her; she'd look like a porcupine.
Betty White would be a scream to hang out with for the evening, though, IMO.
Sadly, Betty declined.

“I am deeply flattered and truly appreciate the invitation, as everyone knows I love a man in uniform… but unfortunately I cannot accept, as I will be taping an episode of ‘Hot In Cleveland,” White said in a statement to Access Hollywood.

She signed her statement, “Love, Betty White.”
Sadly, Betty declined.

“I am deeply flattered and truly appreciate the invitation, as everyone knows I love a man in uniform… but unfortunately I cannot accept, as I will be taping an episode of ‘Hot In Cleveland,” White said in a statement to Access Hollywood.

She signed her statement, “Love, Betty White.”

Alot of these actresses have their schedules jam packed months in advance, I heard thats why Mila Kunis isn't going also, might have better luck with a porn star but the Corps would probably look down on that.
Sadly, Betty declined.

“I am deeply flattered and truly appreciate the invitation, as everyone knows I love a man in uniform… but unfortunately I cannot accept, as I will be taping an episode of ‘Hot In Cleveland,” White said in a statement to Access Hollywood.

She signed her statement, “Love, Betty White.”

Alot of these actresses have their schedules jam packed months in advance, I heard thats why Mila Kunis isn't going also, might have better luck with a porn star but the Corps would probably look down on that.
I hadn't heard that Mila had to turn it down.

But this is funny:

Linda Hamilton Begs Betty White's Marine for... | Gather

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