Marine court-martialed for refusing to remove Bible verse

Not unless it is that lovely Arab Spring we've been enjoying lately........
How is displaying a scriptural verse on desk not an exercise of religious freedom?
See you really do have a reading comprehension issue,
the refusal of the order is the reason for punishment, whether that should have been an order is another issue.

You really expect freedom in the military? You basically sell your whole being when you sign up, as in your a** is theirs. Rules could be for many reasons:
1)seperate church and state
2)don't ask don't tell
3) it can cause division
4)it can cause predjudiced bias or decisions including in obeying command.
5)it can cause change of devotion to the military and or motivation.
6) if taken overseas it's inconsiderate to your host nation and or community. Sometimes in violation of local law or security.
7) if done here it still is an inconsideration habit that the military wishes to break before it's a habit that travels abroad. The Military has a serious issue with behavior that gets outted in the media when they do their inconsiderate acts in foreign communities and this nature to not care about the community is learned at home with the way personel are abusive to civilian populations when they live off base or entertain off base in their communities. So what you consider nothing important is exactly how these foreign misshaps get out of hand.
I was in the military and would have "counseled" him as well if he didn't remove the overt proselytizing. Want to preach? Join the clergy.
As it was told to other in the Army, You are here to protect freedoms of the US citizen, it does not mean you get them while serving...
See you really do have a reading comprehension issue,
the refusal of the order is the reason for punishment, whether that should have been an order is another issue.

You really expect freedom in the military? You basically sell your whole being when you sign up, as in your a** is theirs. Rules could be for many reasons:
1)seperate church and state
2)don't ask don't tell
3) it can cause division
4)it can cause predjudiced bias or decisions including in obeying command.
5)it can cause change of devotion to the military and or motivation.
6) if taken overseas it's inconsiderate to your host nation and or community. Sometimes in violation of local law or security.
7) if done here it still is an inconsideration habit that the military wishes to break before it's a habit that travels abroad. The Military has a serious issue with behavior that gets outted in the media when they do their inconsiderate acts in foreign communities and this nature to not care about the community is learned at home with the way personel are abusive to civilian populations when they live off base or entertain off base in their communities. So what you consider nothing important is exactly how these foreign misshaps get out of hand.

1. Speaking according to your faith is not the same as a Church. Thus it has nothing to do with a separation of church and state. The idea behind separation of Church and State is to not allow the government to be run by a particular Church (such as the Catholics during the dark ages). Separation of Church and State was never intended to be a separation of man from his faith.

2. Don't ask Don't tell was a pro gay stance by the Clinton Administration to protect gays and lesbians in the military. It has nothing to do with one's faith and freedom of speech.

3. Talking about a variety of things such as politics can cause a division. Perhaps they should have them not even speak. A total rejection of the freedom of speech so we can all feel secure about our military. What a joke.

4. There are already prejudices and bias in the world. They need to learn to deal with them and not avoid it. So, Lets strip them of all freedoms so they will not offend each other. What a farce.

5. It has never, in our history, kept us from winning wars and deterred us from fighting for our freedoms. It is the agenda of a frenzied mind.

6. If we are going overseas to defend ourselves against a hostile nation, who cares whether they consider your faith inconsiderate. If they want our help, then they should be willing to put up with our belief system as much we will be putting up with theirs to help them. Everyone should learn more tolerance and mature in their ability to live among multiple religions and not have to be stymied by their government to their rights as Americans.

7. I think the countries that receive help from our military are in serious need of tolerance training if they oppose our troops practicing their own religious faith. Muslims in particular.
quote:"Don't ask Don't tell was a pro gay stance by the
Clinton Administration to protect gays and lesbians
in the military."

Thanks captain obvious, can I book a hotel now?
It works in the same way does it not?
In fact it would work for the civilian population as well, keep your necklaces in your shirt and opinions to yourself.
7) true but 2 wrongs don't make a right.
It might work in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, but freedom of expression is freedom of speech in this country and is a basic human right.
When God gives an order which is there to protect and they disobey and something bad occurs as an outcome it's not God's punishment it's his trying to keep them from it but "the failure to obey" causes what the one who knew already figured would occur which is why the command in the first place.
What do people do? They blame the messenger, the commander for that bad result instead of themselves=human ego.
The high ranking commander knows more, knows better thus higher ranked, and might know the outcome result of disobeying the command.
The order was disobeyed, arguing from a lesser position is like JOHNY Knoxville arguing physics with
Dr. Stephen Hawkin.

When the world especially the church rebuilds what it tore down, the Temple, and gives us equal rights to our central source and freedom of religion then you can talk about basic human rights and freedoms. ;- l
Civil rights in the armed forces--yeah, I can see how some rights could create division.
When God gives an order which is there to protect and they disobey and something bad occurs as an outcome it's not God's punishment it's his trying to keep them from it but "the failure to obey" causes what the one who knew already figured would occur which is why the command in the first place.
What do people do? They blame the messenger, the commander for that bad result instead of themselves=human ego.
The high ranking commander knows more, knows better thus higher ranked, and might know the outcome result of disobeying the command.
The order was disobeyed, arguing from a lesser position is like JOHNY Knoxville arguing physics with
Dr. Stephen Hawkin.

When the world especially the church rebuilds what it tore down, the Temple, and gives us equal rights to our central source and freedom of religion then you can talk about basic human rights and freedoms. ;- l

I can talk about basic human rights and freedoms all I want because I was born in a country where, through the grace of God, a constitution was established giving men who are citizens of this great country the right to free speech and the freedom of religion. A constitutional right is a law which should not be infringed upon by the highest in our government.

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

To me this includes any of our citizens who volunteer to be in the military. This new rule in the military is against the free exercise of religion and is an abridgment of the freedom of speech.

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