Marine jailed after attacking Pentagon in viral video over Afghanistan withdrawal

DMZs Are Dead-Marine Zones

I wish one of my Marine colonels had spoken up about the sitting-duck strategy we were forced to follow in Vietnam. A lot of fine Americans would have survived, especially those who followed us when, if fought right, the war would have been won during my tour.
If, if, if... It should be pretty obvious nothing was learned in Vietnam. The lessons didn't make it past George H.W. Bush. Politicians and most civilians have a memory about as thick as a fingernail, or we would not try to convert the world to a better place that the inhabitants don't want.
DMZs Are Dead-Marine Zones

I wish one of my Marine colonels had spoken up about the sitting-duck strategy we were forced to follow in Vietnam. A lot of fine Americans would have survived, especially those who followed us when, if fought right, the war would have been won during my tour.
Sorry you had to go. Thanks for your effort. I missed it by a few months at high school graduation, with a lottery number of 42, when Nixon stopped the drafting. Thanks for getting your ass back here in one piece.

Marine officer who blasted leaders over Afghanistan withdrawal now in the brig​

“All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud.”
28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jeff Schogol

While Lt. Col. Scheller has earned widespread praise on social media, he has also made several statements that have prompted concern about his well-being. On Aug. 29, he made a YouTube video from inside what he described as “an abandoned school bus in Eastern North Carolina,” in which he vowed to resign his commission and proclaimed, “Follow me and we will bring the whole f—king system down.”
Following that video, the Marine Corps announced in a statement that it had taken steps to “ensure the safety and well-being of Lt. Col. Scheller and his family,” but did not provide further information.
Scheller ended his most recent post by indicating that he expected to be sent to pretrial confinement.
“What happens when all you do is speak truth and no one wants to hear it. But they can probably stop listening because… I’m crazy… right?” Scheller wrote. “Col Emmel please have the MPs waiting for me at 0800 on Monday. I’m ready for jail.”

I am incredulous. Lt. Col. Vindman did much worse and was promoted just before he retired. Jailing Lt. Col. Scheller for dissent? Did he violate code of conduct (I don’t know for certain) but put in the brig? For dissenting opinion? It seems to be heading that way for everyone who questions the incompetence of Bai Dung.
BTW, normally military officers are restricted to quarters while awaiting an Article 32 hearing. Why is Lt. Col. Scheller being held in the 'Brig'?
Even Beau Bergdahl the deserter was confined to quarters.
Meanwhile we hear and see Generals McKenzie, Miley, and Sec Def. Austin dance around the incompetence Bai Dung and their responsibilities in the Afghan debacle causing the lives of American soldiers.

No longer the home of the brave and the land of the free.

Meanwhile during the Senate Dog and Pony Show, General Milley was not able to justify his reveals to Woodward and Costa. You have to wonder if Milley will become the first five star general of the 21 Century?
Gen. Milley violated the USMJ...

While Lt. Col. Scheller will no doubt be crucified by the Marine Corps for his actions.
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Meanwhile during the Senate Dog and Pony Show, General Milley was not able to justify his reveals to Woodward and Costa.
Gen. Milley violated the USMJ...

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?
The Marine Corps did the same thing to him that he would have done to any Marine in his command if they had made a video directed at him. He violated the UCMJ

Everyone in the military knows they are not to give their political opinions to the media and are to leave the messaging up to the chain of command.
We most certainly did have valid reasons for being in Afghanistan and what we did there was right. Your judgement sucks.

There is zero evidence of that.
The Taliban have never been involved in any illegal or terrorist act against the US, and it was illegal for the US to attack them.
If the US suspected there was any illegal collusion between terrorist and the Taliban, the US would be required to present such evidence to the UN.
Unilateral attack on the Taliban by the US was in violation of US law.
Or maybe you are just too hardheaded to listen and haven't bothered to follow current events for the last 20 years and missed the whole 9/11/War on terror thing.

The whole war on terror thing was totally and completely illegal.
Haven't you noticed the investigations proving Saddam had no WMD or terrorist ties after all?
Which means the Pentagon and Bush lied.
Ther is no reasonable explanation for staying in Afghanistan for 20 years. Zip Zero Nada
Actually yes there was...the MINERALS. We should have mined them all before we left....and preventing the talibans takeover would have slowed terror attacks here. Now we are fucked. Funny thing is that our idiot libs and communists who go GREEN are to stupid to realize what these minerals will do to their electric vehicles without them among other things.
Vindman stayed within his chain of command. Reported what he considered to be troublesome behaviour by his superior trough proper channels.

Remind me again what you said about him?

Vindman said lots of bad things about Trump, but I believe he said then AFTER retiring, so then was not illegal?

Everyone in the military knows they are not to give their political opinions to the media and are to leave the messaging up to the chain of command.
No the military are just supposed to let our corrupt illegal Biden administration get them killed off instead right...
We had a valid reason to go in and destroy terrorist. We did not have a valid reason to stay for 20 years

There were no known terrorists in Afghanistan.
For example, the 9/11 hijackers were never there.

We claimed Osama bin Laden was involved, but never gave any proof, so the Taliban legally could do nothing about our illegal rants and demands.
To hand bin Laden over to the US would have been a violation of the 4th and 5th amendments, (not that the US Bill of Rights has jurisdiction, just the abstraction).
There were no known terrorists in Afghanistan.
For example, the 9/11 hijackers were never there.

We claimed Osama bin Laden was involved, but never gave any proof, so the Taliban legally could do nothing about our illegal rants and demands.
To hand bin Laden over to the US would have been a violation of the 4th and 5th amendments, (not that the US Bill of Rights has jurisdiction, just the abstraction).

And here is another moron explained in this OP:

Wasn't their Country. And we were doing the same.

The Taliban as Pashtun and it is their country.
We lied about the Taliban and were illegal attacking them.
We did not even ever bother to attack Tora Bora.
This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

Gorbachev was the best leader the Russians ever had, and Reagan destroyed him, giving Russia over to Putin, who may be one of the worst leaders the Russians ever had?

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