Marine jailed after attacking Pentagon in viral video over Afghanistan withdrawal

He could have resigned or retired - if the Corps accepted his request

As it stands now they want to make an example of him by locking him on the brig

Thats absolute lunacy by the chain of command
No more so than bitching like a private.
As soon as he posted the video he knew couldnt retire

That was an extreme act of bravery

But confining him to the brig is going too far
He was ordered to stay off social media with his complaints while he was still Active Duty. Totally legal order.
That's an unlawful order. A service member can't be ordered not to voice an option while off duty and out of uniform.
He'll not retire now.....only at 17 years. He sunk his own career and now wants to play poor victim.
I don't know his record. It might matter. His conduct is a real military aberration. People at his level in the Marines usually have their sh#t wired. Policy he doesn't like? An action ordered above his level he didn't like? No. They play by and enforce the rules. One more dead person that he knew personally? Maybe. Still, turning to YouTube to air your outrage is beyond the pale. He snapped. I don't know the man, but I know the breed. His JAG Off ought to be pushing a psysh eval if MACOM isn't already. True, his career is over, but they may want this to go away and an article 32 and courts martial a BCD is not the way it may happen. Just sayin.........
That isn't a political thing as much as a military thing. If you want to go that far outside the chain of command with your grievances, you need to go ahead, resign and seek your fortunes in the civilian economy. Middle manager LTCs don't set policy, they administer and operate to accomplish goals of policy set above their pay grade. He wouldn't put up with one of his Lance Corporals, going to YouTube with their complaint and neither will the people above him in the chain. Marine Corps is not known as a democratically ruled organization. None of the branches are, really.
No. You are not living in China. Don't get hysterical. In China, he would have been disappeared and shot. They are just seeing whether to move him out or if they can let him finish his 20 in some diminished capacity. These people do not have a sense of humor, they are aware of. This was not the way for him to go about it.
Castaway Cassandras

So you support the conviction of Col. Billy Mitchell at his court-martial in 1925. Douglas MacArthur, one of the jurors who voted not guilty, said that a senior officer should not be silenced for disagreeing with his superiors in rank.
You want to give him a cookie for disobeying a lawful order, don't you?
If you want to put it that way

A cookie with a file in it to free him from prison where he doesent belong
I don't know his record. It might matter. His conduct is a real military aberration. People at his level in the Marines usually have their sh#t wired. Policy he doesn't like? An action ordered above his level he didn't like? No. They play by and enforce the rules. One more dead person that he knew personally? Maybe. Still, turning to YouTube to air your outrage is beyond the pale. He snapped. I don't know the man, but I know the breed. His JAG Off ought to be pushing a psysh eval if MACOM isn't already. True, his career is over, but they may want this to go away and an article 32 and courts martial a BCD is not the way it may happen. Just sayin.........
DMZs Are Dead-Marine Zones

I wish one of my Marine colonels had spoken up about the sitting-duck strategy we were forced to follow in Vietnam. A lot of fine Americans would have survived, especially those who followed us when, if fought right, the war would have been won during my tour.
Castaway Cassandras

So you support the conviction of Col. Billy Mitchell at his court-martial in 1925. Douglas MacArthur, one of the jurors who voted not guilty, said that a senior officer should not be silenced for disagreeing with his superiors in rank.
Not saying anything about any of the cases you wrote of. I had no hidden meaning, nor any inferred interpretation of law and customs at earlier times.

Marine officer who blasted leaders over Afghanistan withdrawal now in the brig​

“All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud.”
28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jeff Schogol

While Lt. Col. Scheller has earned widespread praise on social media, he has also made several statements that have prompted concern about his well-being. On Aug. 29, he made a YouTube video from inside what he described as “an abandoned school bus in Eastern North Carolina,” in which he vowed to resign his commission and proclaimed, “Follow me and we will bring the whole f—king system down.”
Following that video, the Marine Corps announced in a statement that it had taken steps to “ensure the safety and well-being of Lt. Col. Scheller and his family,” but did not provide further information.
Scheller ended his most recent post by indicating that he expected to be sent to pretrial confinement.
“What happens when all you do is speak truth and no one wants to hear it. But they can probably stop listening because… I’m crazy… right?” Scheller wrote. “Col Emmel please have the MPs waiting for me at 0800 on Monday. I’m ready for jail.”

I am incredulous. Lt. Col. Vindman did much worse and was promoted just before he retired. Jailing Lt. Col. Scheller for dissent? Did he violate code of conduct (I don’t know for certain) but put in the brig? For dissenting opinion? It seems to be heading that way for everyone who questions the incompetence of Bai Dung.
BTW, normally military officers are restricted to quarters while awaiting an Article 32 hearing. Why is Lt. Col. Scheller being held in the 'Brig'?
Even Beau Bergdahl the deserter was confined to quarters.
Meanwhile we hear and see Generals McKenzie, Miley, and Sec Def. Austin dance around the incompetence Bai Dung and their responsibilities in the Afghan debacle causing the lives of American soldiers.
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