Marine jailed after attacking Pentagon in viral video over Afghanistan withdrawal

He failed to obey a direct order.

He's in the military.

Why is this even a discussion?
So did General Milley? When can we expect to see him in the brig?

It would seem that relieving a Lt. Colonel of his command was sufficient punishment.
Putting this man behind bars is just overkill and shows what draconian pricks the Biden regime
My God what is going on?...I feel like I'm living in may be time to find a new nation to live in...too many roll over cowards live here....the USA will be communist in ten years if this continues.....
That isn't a political thing as much as a military thing. If you want to go that far outside the chain of command with your grievances, you need to go ahead, resign and seek your fortunes in the civilian economy. Middle manager LTCs don't set policy, they administer and operate to accomplish goals of policy set above their pay grade. He wouldn't put up with one of his Lance Corporals, going to YouTube with their complaint and neither will the people above him in the chain. Marine Corps is not known as a democratically ruled organization. None of the branches are, really.
No. You are not living in China. Don't get hysterical. In China, he would have been disappeared and shot. They are just seeing whether to move him out or if they can let him finish his 20 in some diminished capacity. These people do not have a sense of humor, they are aware of. This was not the way for him to go about it.
That isn't a political thing as much as a military thing. If you want to go that far outside the chain of command with your grievances, you need to go ahead, resign and seek your fortunes in the civilian economy. Middle manager LTCs don't set policy, they administer and operate to accomplish goals of policy set above their pay grade. He wouldn't put up with one of his Lance Corporals, going to YouTube with their complaint and neither will the people above him in the chain. Marine Corps is not known as a democratically ruled organization. None of the branches are, really.
No. You are not living in China. Don't get hysterical. In China, he would have been disappeared and shot. They are just seeing whether to move him out or if they can let him finish his 20 in some diminished capacity. These people do not have a sense of humor, they are aware of. This was not the way for him to go about it.
He did why is he in prison?....
He did why is he in prison?....

Because he's not this guy...

He did why is he in prison?....
He did? I missed that. You can still be tried for Conduct Unbecoming for actions taken in relation to your service, even if you retire. Not sure it would be worth the trouble, but I was never a MACOM level Commander. Takes a flag to do it. I pointed out, they don't have much of a sense of humor. Maybe they do, but a shitty vindictive one and to make sure no other Officers of his level, pull that YouTube crap. I don't know.
Because he's not this guy...

Basically this prick eavesdropped on the president and gave aid and comfort to our enemies.
Nothing in the phone call was illegal....pretty much in the performance of his duties as POTUS.
But the Democraps twisted into an impeachment.
The man should have been locked up for 20 years.
He did? I missed that. You can still be tried for Conduct Unbecoming for actions taken in relation to your service, even if you retire. Not sure it would be worth the trouble, but I was never a MACOM level Commander. Takes a flag to do it. I pointed out, they don't have much of a sense of humor. Maybe they do, but a shitty vindictive one and to make sure no other Officers of his level, pull that YouTube crap. I don't know.
In his last youtube video he told the nation that he had resigned....if this were Milley you would be screaming like a banshee.....
They're pressing charges. And he was relieved of his command. He's still Active-Duty.
Thanks for that clarification. That sounds more normal.
Sez you. What makes you think you know-or should know- the reasoning behind everything this Nation does? I'm not saying you're wrong because the Nation frequently makes stupid decisions. Especially these days. But how do you think the leadership can explain everything truthfully to every Tom Dick or Harry without putting National security at risk? How does it explain things to you without also informing our enemies?
Ther is no reasonable explanation for staying in Afghanistan for 20 years. Zip Zero Nada
I bet you violated direct orders also and got off scot free. This fellow wasn't charged by the Biden regime you are lying, he was ordered to stop posting inflammatory rhetoric on social media and refused to obey a direct command from his commander, not Biden you lying sack of shit. You claim to be a veteran yet you show total ignorance about the whole incident, I doubt you are a veteran.
Biben has gone too far

They should have allowed him to resign his commission and leave the service
I bet you violated direct orders also and got off scot free. This fellow wasn't charged by the Biden regime you are lying, he was ordered to stop posting inflammatory rhetoric on social media and refused to obey a direct command from his commander, not Biden you lying sack of shit. You claim to be a veteran yet you show total ignorance about the whole incident, I doubt you are a veteran.
But, Milley can commit treason and he gets praised. Double standard much?
What exactly did he do to disobey orders?? From what I read he merely stated his opinion of the actions taken.

Of course military runs differently than civilian.
Apparently criticizing the cluster fuck that the Biden Afghanistan withdrawal was, was forbidden!

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