Marine Sgt in Tijuana "Jail"

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
The Hoosier Heartland
Sgt Tahmooressi (active reserve) is in the Tijuana jail since the end of March, when he entered by accident He left the parking lot where he'd parked it while walking in to Tj and made a left assuming that would head him back to the San Diego.

On being stopped he asked to be allowed to reenter to the US, and volunteered he had guns in his truck.

He was taken into custody and he's been there ever since.

There's a petition to the White House at

Signatures are needed to get the administration to consider a response, hopefully some government action, perhaps by John Kerry S-State.
I found the link stopped working (says "404 Page not found") so if you want to sign the petition just do a Google search for:
White House Petition for Sgt Tahmooressi

I encourage anyone who supports veterans and believes justice is important sign the petition.

And for what it's worth here's the url address again:

As of now he needs 31,769 signatures to reach the 100,000 threshold for an answer from the White House.
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We've been over this. I admire sarge and I understand his mistake, but he doesn't have much hope in this case. It's not like the U.S. is going to come to his side.
He's the ONLY person Obama won't allow to cross the border.


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