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Marion Le Pen announces retirement from politics

Once a loser, as you well understand Odium.


Once Rock Star of French Right, Marion Le Pen Announces She Is Quitting Politics - Breitbart

Damn! I and MANY others had hoped she would be the future of the Front National. I can understand her reasons for retiring just hope she reconsiders in the future.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is 27 years old, she has a small child, she can return, she has a future and people prefer her to Marine anyway.

Do you know nearly 11 million people voted for Marine, those 11 million people are not going to go away and with each subsequent terror attack that number will grow and also one third of people some 14 million people stayed at home and also a majority of the police and armed forces voted for Marine....so that when the SHTF Macron cannot count on either the police or the armed forces to support him :badgrin:

Macron got his votes from ALL other parties, he has no actual party....Marine does :badgrin:

Pay no attention to Jake and Co. they do not know anything about France, the French, French domestic politics, Europa, European domestic politics....and the FN and all European Nationalist partys are not leaving the stage anytime soon, so tough shit.

Here are some good articles, we'll begin with The New Statesmen which is a Left leaning publication, the below from 9th May:

Emmanuel Macron's policies play into the hands of Marine Le Pen

"Macron ran on an unapologetic economically and socially liberal platform, and seems to have carried with him a wave of popularity. But this idea is a fantasy.

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But the temptation to view Macron as a saviour of liberal or inclusive politics, or of the European project, must be resisted. If anything, both the results of the election and the likely realities of a Macron presidency are markers of one of the most dangerous moments in recent European history.

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François Hollande’s descent from enjoying electoral victory in 2012 to being one of the most unpopular Presidents in France’s history was marked by a series of austerity measures which stripped away workers’ rights. Among the most significant of these is literally called the "Macron Law". In government, Macron now plans to sack 120,000 civil servants and to cut public spending by €60bn. While promising more deregulation of the labour market, he will cut corporation tax from 33 per cent to 25 per cent and actively promote trade deals like TTIP and Ceta.

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Macron managed just over 23 per cent of the vote in the first round of the election, following the friendly withdrawal of veteran centrist François Bayrou and the defection of many of the Socialist Party’s leading lights whose party selected a candidate they didn’t like. An overwhelming portion of the votes which came to Macron in the second round came to him simply because he was not Le Pen, with just 16 per cent backing him because of his programme."

Emmanuel Macron's policies play into the hands of Marine Le Pen

Also read the below, containing analysis from Mainstream Academics who speciality is French politics, not the Leftist halfwits that frequent this forum who haven't a clue WTF they are even babbling about:

Marine Le Pen lost the vote but she won something better

- Snip -

"Le Pen hasn’t walked away from this election a loser. In fact, she has won a far more important battle: the normalization of her ideas.

“What used to be taboo has now become commonplace in French politics and discourse,” says Aurélien Mondon, a lecturer on French politics at Bath University. While globalists celebrate, Le Pen will be biding her time, content in the knowledge that she has already swayed the country toward her vision.

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For Macron, heading off the far right will require more than winning the election. With no existing party structure, he will need a to build a majority or strong coalition from other parties in parliament to see through his goals.

Perhaps his most fitting allies, the ruling Socialists, are projected to hemorrhage seats in June’s parliamentary election.

A divisive presidential race makes for an unpredictable playing field in parliament, one that could sideline Macron completely. Without an effective alliance, Macron risks sparking “major chaos,” as one Socialist official put it. Le Pen will be banking on it."

Here's the full article, it's quite long but well worth reading, it's very interesting.

Marine Le Pen lost the vote but she won something better

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Once Rock Star of French Right, Marion Le Pen Announces She Is Quitting Politics - Breitbart

Damn! I and MANY others had hoped she would be the future of the Front National. I can understand her reasons for retiring just hope she reconsiders in the future.

The French have far better sense than Americans do. They took the trash to the curb on Sunday. We put our trash in the Oval Office.
Care to share with the board how electing a moron who will INVITE muslim terrorist attacks is common sense? I'll wait.
Great the new racism loses a champion. Now time for NotSoBreitbart to quit the fake news business.

This is your contribution, something a Chimpanzee could do better with.

Did you dribble when you posted that, is your carer wiping your chin now? Thought so.
Once Rock Star of French Right, Marion Le Pen Announces She Is Quitting Politics - Breitbart

Damn! I and MANY others had hoped she would be the future of the Front National. I can understand her reasons for retiring just hope she reconsiders in the future.

The French have far better sense than Americans do. They took the trash to the curb on Sunday. We put our trash in the Oval Office.
Care to share with the board how electing a moron who will INVITE muslim terrorist attacks is common sense? I'll wait.

The elections are stacked, if they had a First Past The Post System, Macron barely came first in Round One.

If that was a First Past The Post System then knowing that Marine probably would have come first.

But the elections are stacked because of the 50 plus 1 idiot rule, so in Round Two everyone else who is literally crapping their underwear all go AGAINST their OWN principles and tell people to vote for Macron who 90% of them hate anyhow, because they are terrified of The International Globalists calling them all "racist"

This method cannot work forever, that they held their noses for Macron is the ultimate expression of how desperate they are becoming.
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Pay no attention to Lucy and the other fascists, who flatly do not comprehend France, the French, French domestic politics, Europa, European domestic politics. Two thirds of France voted (America does not get near that), and almost two thirds of that number spat in the faces of the fascist, populist nationalists.
Pay no attention to Lucy and the other fascists, who flatly do not comprehend France, the French, French domestic politics, Europa, European domestic politics. Two thirds of France voted (America does not get near that), and almost two thirds of that number spat in the faces of the fascist, populist nationalists.

14 million people didn't vote and it was the second lowest turnout since 1969.

"who flatly do not comprehend France, the French, French domestic politics, Europa, European domestic politics."

Stop Trolling and Utah isn't on the European Continent, you are not European, you know nothing about my Continent or our domestic politics or who votes for who and even what any of the issues are.

Go and start a thread about Putin or something.
Once Rock Star of French Right, Marion Le Pen Announces She Is Quitting Politics - Breitbart

Damn! I and MANY others had hoped she would be the future of the Front National. I can understand her reasons for retiring just hope she reconsiders in the future.

The French have far better sense than Americans do. They took the trash to the curb on Sunday. We put our trash in the Oval Office.

No, you want to bring the trash from the third world here so that we can end up like France, Sweden, Germany.
The EU kicking the can down the road… They are living on borrowed time to the extreme. LOL
The French turnout was far greater than the US. The committed voted: to destroy Le Pen and the nationalist front. You must stop trolling, Lucy. Your ignorance on these matters is obvious. You do not understand the complexity of the issues.

We want to send our far right and alt right trash to the third world.

There are ignorant people here, I'm not one of them.

Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal, ignorant Leftist American Trolls.

No as Jason said, you want the trash of the Third World imported to the First World.
The French turnout was far greater than the US. The committed voted: to destroy Le Pen and the nationalist front. You must stop trolling, Lucy. Your ignorance on these matters is obvious. You do not understand the complexity of the issues.

We want to send our far right and alt right trash to the third world.
There are ignorant people here, I'm not one of them. Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal, ignorant Leftist American Trolls. No as Jason said, you want the trash of the Third World imported to the First World.
Only a Rightist Troll a la LH would write and lie that "Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal". Your ilk got stopped on Sunday, and the reversal is going into full effect from now on.
The French turnout was far greater than the US. The committed voted: to destroy Le Pen and the nationalist front. You must stop trolling, Lucy. Your ignorance on these matters is obvious. You do not understand the complexity of the issues.

We want to send our far right and alt right trash to the third world.
There are ignorant people here, I'm not one of them. Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal, ignorant Leftist American Trolls. No as Jason said, you want the trash of the Third World imported to the First World.
Only a Rightist Troll a la LH would write and lie that "Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal". Your ilk got stopped on Sunday, and the reversal is going into full effect from now on.

Yes I'll search your posts Jake and see when you ever mentioned Marion Maréchal, you are a sad old man stuck in Utah with nothing better to do than Troll this forum on a daily basis.

From the second article I linked in my first post, only 39% support Macron, you cannot ultimately win if the people don't support you and your programme for who you are and what it is....you don't ultimately win by not being the other person.

"Macron managed just over 23 per cent of the vote in the first round of the election, following the friendly withdrawal of veteran centrist François Bayrou and the defection of many of the Socialist Party’s leading lights whose party selected a candidate they didn’t like. An overwhelming portion of the votes which came to Macron in the second round came to him simply because he was not Le Pen, with just 16 per cent backing him because of his programme."

Also 64% of the armed forces voted FN and 53% of the police voted FN, so when the SHTF as it will, they will not side with the Third Worlders of the self-hating human garbage like Macron.

The June elections in France will be a great result for French Conservatives and then Macron will be stopped dead in his tracks, he has no party, he has no structure, the only friends he has are the French Socialist Party and they're finished and anyone from the French Socialist Party switching to Macron's team, well the people are stupid but they are not that stupid.
The French turnout was far greater than the US. The committed voted: to destroy Le Pen and the nationalist front. You must stop trolling, Lucy. Your ignorance on these matters is obvious. You do not understand the complexity of the issues.

We want to send our far right and alt right trash to the third world.
There are ignorant people here, I'm not one of them. Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal, ignorant Leftist American Trolls. No as Jason said, you want the trash of the Third World imported to the First World.
Only a Rightist Troll a la LH would write and lie that "Until last night your type had never even heard of Marion Maréchal". Your ilk got stopped on Sunday, and the reversal is going into full effect from now on.

And I repeat nearly 11 million people voted for Marine, that's a lot of people and those people are not moving an inch and for every subsequent terrorist attack, add more who'll join that 11 million.

You don't know a thing about France or French domestic politics or European politics.

You haven't even heard of the Macron Law, well why would you stuck in Utah.

Macron is not liked by the French people, they just held their nose and voted for him. Macron isn't liked because of the Macron Law that he brought in, he authored it when he was Economy Minister and it shafts the French workers like they've never been shafted before, it's a complete attack on the labour market, it also makes it easier for employers to fire their workers it caused civil unrest when it was brought in.

The Macron Law when brought in was so unpopular and controversial that Hollande had to invoke Article 49 of the French Constitution, Third paragraph 49.3 which allows a bill to be forced through without a vote, because Hollande and Macron knew that they didn't have the votes in the National Assembly to get the bill passed, so they denied even a vote on it, typical Leftist contempt for Democracy.

So Macron will do worse now, the civil unrest will be worse than it was before.

I have written the above for the non-ignorant who might be interested, we know that the Trolls cannot read and read nothing, but just vomit gibberish and Funny posts, and parrot whatever they hear in the MSM and/or from Far Left blogs and non-entities on Twitter, which is all they are good for.

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