Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

That's literally the point. I see problems and I don't want to be a part of them. If someone with 83 posts can see this I would think (perhaps even hope) those with thousands of posts could see it.
That's your problem, you claim to think yet show no evidence of doing so, except to parrot the teachings of your elitist masters.

You guys just blindly knee jerk support anything the GOP tells you huh? Before this you didn’t think Biden was selling our reserves to China but now you’re just going to pretend you did all along lol.
Your issue is your inability to deal with anyone that differs from you.
No, it isn't. This is your made up nonsensical opinion, and nothing more. Is there going to be a point, any point you're going to make here, or are you going to continue libeling people you don't know? If it's the latter, not interested.
Those are not her duties under the Constitution. What you refer to are not her duties.
Every vice president takes the Oath of Office, swearing to uphold the Constitution.
Clearly she has not done this, and you make excuses for every evil done by your fellow Leftists,
and they are unending, repugnant, destructive, malicious.
No, it isn't. This is your made up nonsensical opinion, and nothing more. Is there going to be a point, any point you're going to make here, or are you going to continue libeling people you don't know? If it's the latter, not interested.
Disagreeing with your OPINION is nonsensical action and you have no proof otherwise.

Of course, you are not interested, when your OPINION is shown to be just that, an OPINION and you get heated when anyone dares to disagree and provide evidence of your opinion with their opinions. Typical of you liberals.
Of course, you are not interested, when your OPINION is shown to be just that, an OPINION and you get heated when anyone dares to disagree and provide evidence of your opinion with their opinions.
Claptrap. Your sentence makes NO SENSE. You write like an idiot. Go away. Not interested.
No lies, sorry I keep advancing and moving forward while you tRumptard bitches do nothing but piss and moan because your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King got smoked November 3rd 2020!
Wow, and just think, now the country is being run by a bunch of @$_&##;@$@@#&+))_#@... Figure it out if you're smart enough.

And look at your language used, I bet your mom and dad would be proud (no wait very saddened), if they could just see what kind of retard they raised up in you.
No. but when Trump WAS president, he sold China oil, from our strategic oil reserves.

The only thing Biden can do, within his power, release more oil, and it worked.
Would you have wanted him to force oil companies to drill more?
Force gas station retailers to lower prices?

Republicans claim to love "free market" capitalism, until it results in something they don't like.
He (Trump) was also drill baby drilling... When you have an abundance then you can sell it, and you can furnish it to the world, but when you are Biden and crew therefore attacking oil, and promising to end oil to little kid's??? ROTFLMBO, then you had best sit on what you got until you see if your dickweed plans are going to work.

How simple does this bull crap have to be ??? ROTFLMBO 😂

Wait let me get out the crayon's..
Of course not. But I am angry at them for voting in someone who has caused so much damage to our country and then have the nerve to us “threats to democracy.”

BIDEN should be impeached. He is intentionally trying to weaken this country.
Don't be mad at Americans, because they didn't vote him in remember. Well that's the rumor, so keep it on the down low until November..... ROTFLMBO 😂

Hopefully we'll see what the truth is more sooner than later.
He (Trump) was also drill baby drilling... When you have an abundance then you can sell it,
And sell it for a loss?
Like Trump.
and you can furnish it to the world, but when you are Biden and crew therefore attacking oil,
Sure Biden "attacked" them.

"In the United States, 90% of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved."
and promising to end oil to little kid's???
AND you believed him?
Bet you think there are 57 US states too.
ROTFLMBO, then you had best sit on what you got until you see if your dickweed plans are going to work.

How simple does this bull crap have to be ??? ROTFLMBO 😂

Wait let me get out the crayon's..
And sell it for a loss?
Like Trump.

Sure Biden "attacked" them.

"In the United States, 90% of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved."

AND you believed him?
Bet you think there are 57 US states too.

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As usual you are a complete retarded idiot AND a liar
As usual you are a complete retarded idiot AND a liar
You're FOS, as usual.

In an April 2 phone call, Trump told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that unless the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) started cutting oil production, he would be powerless to stop lawmakers from passing legislation to withdraw U.S. troops from the kingdom.

Trump delivered the message to the crown prince 10 days before the announcement of production cuts. The kingdom’s de facto leader was so taken aback by the threat that he ordered his aides out of the room so he could continue the discussion in private.
Great American

Q NUTS stick together.

“The government totally wants to provide surveillance on every part of your life,” the congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene said to camera. “They want to know when you’re eating. They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat, which is grown in a peach tree dish.

“So you’ll probably get a little zap inside your body,” she said, adopting a mock spasm of pain, “and that’s saying, ‘No no! Don’t eat a real cheeseburger, you need to eat the fake, the fake burger, the fake meat from Bill Gates.”

She is delusional, just like you.

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